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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 670x600, 670px-Mosquito_2007-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1007509 No.1007509 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, if evolution is true, why do mosquito bites itch?

Having a bug that makes you itch when it bites you is a disadvantage. I want to kill every mosquito I see and prevent it from gathering food (sucking my blood). However, if mosquito bites gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only wouldn't I want to kill them, I would WANT mosquitoes to live, which would increase their likelihood of survival.

It makes no sense.

>> No.1007517

I don't think having a slight itch for a day is an evolutionary disadvantage.

>> No.1007520
File: 54 KB, 300x321, looks like a troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was actually a pretty good troll.
You put some thought into it.


>> No.1007524

Actually you can't feel when a mosquito is biting you, only afterwards it get itchy.
Also, they don't use your blood as food, learn2biology

>> No.1007530

/sci/, if evolution is true, why do people die when shot?

Having a gun that makes you die when it shoots you is a disadvantage. I want to kill every gunman I see and prevent them from shooting (splattering my brains). However, if gun shot wounds gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only wouldn't I want to kill them, I would WANT guns to be free, which would increase their likelihood of survival.

It makes no sense.

>> No.1007536

Because evolution doesn't work that way.

Itching worked, and that's enough for them. You don't feel when they bite, so what happens afterward is of no importance to their survival.

>> No.1007537

Mosquitoes have much shorter lifespans and far more offspring. We can't win an evolutionary arms race against them, and since an itchy spot won't kill you or make you unable to breed it will never happen anyway.

>> No.1007538

The evolution of your body works FOR YOU, not for the bugs advantage.

>> No.1007539

its a reaction of the human body to the bite, not an effect of the bite per se. therefore you have proven the theory of evolution.

>> No.1007544

/sci/, if evolution is true, why do people die?

Death is a disadvantage. I want to kill every death I see and prevent myself from dying (sucking my blood). However, if death bites gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only wouldn't I want to kill them, I would WANT death to live, which would increase death's likelihood of survival

It makes no sense.

>> No.1007559

/sci/, if evolution is true, why do I enjoy tabletop gaming?

Having a game that makes you never get laid when you enjoy playing it is a disadvantage. I want to play with every DnDer I see and prevent him from leaving (removing my fun). However, if punching geeks gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only wouldn't I want to play with them, I would WANT geeks to be punched, which would increase my likelihood of getting laid.

It makes no sense.

>> No.1007560

feeding the troll here...but i can't resist.

death is a very good evolutionary device if you will, as it allows for resources to be preserved and not overused, as is happening on our planet with the human species, a consequence of our advances in medicine.

>> No.1007566


No you misunderstood me. If the bugs saliva felt unimaginably good when mixed with my blood, NOBODY would want to mosquitoes. A mutation like that would undoubtedly increase their chance of not being killed (by humans) so evolution should have made that happen.

>> No.1007569

So wait, why did our body evolve to make mosquito bites itch?

Why not just ignore them?

>> No.1007570

/sci/, if evolution is true, why has anyone been so far as decided?

Having a person that makes you look when it beens you is a disadvantage. I want to beens every so far as I see and prevent it from being so far (as decided). However, if a person beens gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only would I want o be more like, I would WANT persons to be so far as decided, which would increase their likelihood of survival.

It makes no sense

>> No.1007576
File: 11 KB, 300x223, omgihaetu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1007579

/sci/, if evolution is true, why do vaginas smell so bad?

Having a crotch that makes you reek when it approaches you is a disadvantage. I want to kill every vagina I see and prevent it from gathering food (sucking my cock). However, if vagina bites gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only wouldn't I want to kill them, I would WANT vaginas to live, which would increase their likelihood of survival.

It makes no sense.

>> No.1007580

cause of malaria...

>> No.1007592

/sci/, if evolution is true, why does getting mauled by a grizzly bear hurt?

Having a bear that makes you hurt when it bites you is a disadvantage. I want to kill every bear I see and prevent it from gathering food (sucking my blood). However, if bear bites gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only wouldn't I want to kill them, I would WANT bears to live, which would increase their likelihood of survival.

It makes no sense.

>> No.1007594

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 1 times now.

>> No.1007595

>doesn't understand how evolution works

>> No.1007601
File: 24 KB, 589x513, 1259540040493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1007606

>NOBODY would want to mosquitoes.
>NOBODY would want to mosquitoes.
how does i mosquitoes?

>> No.1007619

Fucking evolution how does that work?

>> No.1007620


You accidentally a mosquito?!

>> No.1007635

Thanks for your request.
It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
This thread has been requested 2 times now.


>> No.1007650
File: 24 KB, 300x300, WTF R U DOIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No.

>> No.1007686
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Eeveryone chill the fuck out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason mosquito bite itch is because when they take the blood of their victim, they don't want the the victim to bleed to death(meaning less food) so they create a bump that stop the bleed. This also cause an itch. If you ever got bite by a black fly you'll know the difference, you bleed from black flies but you don't from mosquito.

>> No.1007704 [DELETED] 

Autism rates have increased because instead of spending time with their children and letting them play outside and socialize with other children, parents plop their kids down of a TV or let the play video games.

>> No.1007708

Lesson of the thread:

Evolution is false. Because nobody wants to mosquitoes.

>> No.1007732

OP is an idiot.

>Implying mosquitos only sting humans

>Implying most other animals can squish the fuckers

>Implying thats easy top accomplish

>fails at evolution

fuck off.

>> No.1007744


Because while you're distracted with the itch, the mosquito is getting away scot free.

>> No.1007754

Also mosquitoes breed at a very young age (a few days) and produce a great number of offspring, long term survival isn't very important

>> No.1007765

You're a moron evolution does not work that way. Evolution does not always help the animal. An example would be the peacocks. Peacocks have been growing extreamly large feathers that prevent them from flying(easier for predators to kill them), cause back problems and less eggs are layed because the female only pick the male with the longest and largest feathers.

>> No.1007771



>> No.1007784
File: 45 KB, 377x603, Troll-Spray-atsof-545146_377_603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Having a bug that makes you itch when it bites you is an advantage (to you, not to misquito). However, if mosquito bites gave me a little mini-orgasm, not only wouldn't you want to kill them, you would WANT mosquitoes to live, which would increase their likelihood of survival (a disadvantage to you, and advantage to the mistquito).

Evolution works fine, human evolution gave you the advantage, hence you feel the itch.


>> No.1007842

>post "troll spray" image
>be the only person in the thread to actually be trolled

>> No.1007859



>> No.1007880

It's your body's immune system responding to the mosquito bite with histamine.