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10061017 No.10061017 [Reply] [Original]

do you think STEM graduates are typically more right leaning or left leaning?

>> No.10061030

Left. Except for engineers; blue collar workers tend to lean right.

>> No.10061039

Everyone in my grad program is left leanings sans myself and another white dude. It's in South Florida though so demographics aren't on our side to begin with.

It's funny, the one engineer that I'm friends with is a Bern victim.

>> No.10061061

A decent mix, with right-wingers not being as vocal about their views - at least from my personal experience anyway. I don't really care, find it easier to play along with whatever blue team vs red team retards I find myself surrounded by.

>> No.10061078

>Everyone in my grad program is left leaning

what field?

>> No.10061116

sci + tech: left
eng: right/libertarian
Math: 'tism

>> No.10061126


>> No.10061133
File: 123 KB, 509x499, 1504966411664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers are men and exposed to the real world so tend to be moderately right leaning.

Mathematicians enjoy pondering abstract semantic constructs in the general sense rather than imposing any real world constraints on their systems so literally all of them are radical marxists.

Scientists hang out with the "scientists" and rely on gibs to survive so they tend to be bernouts.

Codemonkeys are the general genetic refuse of society so they can have any political views, but usually it's either extreme SJW shit (w*men, darkies and beta manlets who think it will get them laid) or cringy nu-/pol/shit (lanky school shooter types).

>> No.10061137

no wonder

>> No.10061149

All sensible people are left-wing

>> No.10061153


>> No.10061154

left when they join college, right when they start working

>> No.10061157


I'm not left leaning because I'm too autistic and tend to overanalyze everything.

this simultaneously fucks my social life and preserves me from manipulation.


>> No.10061171

I'm an engineer, and having been exposed to the real world, I don't conform to your gay ass, stupid left-right dichotomy. Solve political problems by thinking about each problem as though it is independent of the people who support the respective sides, because it is. Stop supporting things because your team supports it. Down with the political party system, up with creating floating micro-countries to house 100 000 people each and test experimental new governmental systems.

>> No.10061174

Right when they start working what? You didn't finish your sentence.

>> No.10061177

that bird has a very large cranium; jays and crows are very smart

phenotype? PHENOTYPE!!

>> No.10061182

Looks a bit like a kookaburra, not sure if it is though. Kookaburras are the Australian birds that laugh at you if you get bitten by a snake.

>> No.10061190
File: 3.11 MB, 3072x2048, Newly_hatched_chicks_of_Australian_Laughing_Kookaburra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10061206

>muh false left right dichotomy
You are right, politics are far more complex than just a 1 dimensional axis. But in practice "right" just means everyone who isn't a marxist/bleeding heart faggot of some sort.
>here's my own special snowflake utopian system
nobody gives a fuck, >>>/r/eddit

>> No.10061207

im going to study math next year, are math students mostly right or left leaning? I live in the netherlands by the way, could also be important

>> No.10061214

Blow it out your ass cancer-posters

>> No.10061221


“Right vs. Left” is simply Whites vs. the Judeo-left/coalition of the ascendant.

>> No.10061233
File: 34 KB, 418x495, aae3cb8411a123d44da5d2b2fe9a729c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly false if this site is anything to go by

Science & math are almost 80% left, but when you break it down by profession it gets ridiculous where 98% of astrophysicists are democrats
IT is 75% left.
Engineering is 70% left
On the flip side, the fossil fuels industry, predictably, is almost 90% right wing

Their methodology is a bit questionable to me tho since it relies entirely on people who donated to political campaigns, and I doubt a significant sample of people in many of those fields did that.

>> No.10061266

Found the dumbass CS major.. how is experimenting with governmental systems at all anything to do with special snow-flake utopias. It's literally experimental and and iterative, the very essense of realistic and doable. And no, in practice 'right' means the thing that yields the BEST results you fucking wank, not anything that doesn't destroy your society.
You must be from America, I'd trust an American to have the mentality of: "my country is still vaguely operational, therefore we are making the right decisions".

>> No.10061270

I made my comment based on my personal experience back in uni and stereotypes on the internet.

I'm an engineer myself and I don't think I've ever met an engineer who was a leftist. Most of my peers are guys with above average incomes and families so they tend to be pretty conservative economically. Depending on location that may or may not extend to other typically "right wing" views even though the "right" is a really just a coalition of convenience.

>> No.10061271

This guy got it right. Grew up in a left household but recently started to realize how identifying with a party is a just playing the game and it blinds you with various biases. I agree with the left on some things and the right on others. Left is filled with a bunch of pussys and the right uncompassionate status quo people. I honestly hate politics. I'm majoring in engineering

>> No.10061272

How would you fucking do it? Who would pay for it? What the fuck makes you think any lessons found by approximating a society in a scaled down labrat version will extend to organic nations?

Your belief that there is a general "best system" is retarded. There are only decisions and policies that work towards achieving your core goals, whatever those might be.

>> No.10061273

No he's not. He has adopted a brainlet non-position to keep a smug sense of superiority without admitting ignorance.

>> No.10061278


Engineers are white collar workers. They don't really do any physical labor.

>> No.10061285

>Math (especially Jewish mathematicians), Physics, Computer Science and Engineering ---> Right
>Life sciences, Psychology, Social scienses --> Left

Chemistry, as in everything else, is in the centre.

>> No.10061287

>identifying with a party is a just playing the game
When you really grow up you'll realise that adult life is just a game

>> No.10061290

>Solve political problems by thinking about each problem as though it is independent of the people who support the respective sides, because it is.
Yes, but that puts you solidly in the right wing by modern identity politics where "sides of the aisle" stupidly insist you must support their flavour in every issue and if you are "against them" on any issue you are "the enemy".

This is how politicians make money, by having religious supporters.

What we need is a direct democracy and to eliminate the political class entirely.

>> No.10061296

majority of the engineering majors in my country is probably right leaning, though it depends on which major I guess, those that have studied financial mathematics are most likely all right leaning, everything else would be weird lol.

>> No.10061297

>Engineers are white collar workers.

The term is "gold collar" applied to highly specialized professionals such as law, engineering and medicine.

White collar basically refers to clerks.

>> No.10061300

>What we need is a direct democracy and to eliminate the political class entirely.

Based. I too am a radical anarchist.

>> No.10061306

Anyone who isn't retarded is a libertarian anyways.

>> No.10061307

until they turn 22

>> No.10061312

>the real world
Do tell

>> No.10061314

>There are “Both sides are retarded!” fags on my board

You stupid fucks are why the country is heading the way it is.

There is an obvious moral high ground in American politics, and if you can’t see it (or refuse to see it) you need to fucking off yourself.

Centrists need to b u r n

>> No.10061323

He said he believed each problem should be tackled independently. And not to follow your party on everything aka tribalism. That is a position, brainlet

>> No.10061329

Outside your puzzle solving club. Facing the realities of having to make real things work, for real, in real time.

>> No.10061332

No, it's not. It doesn't acknowledge tge realities of having to form alliances with people you hate less to prevent the people you hate more from fucking you over and taking all your shit.

>> No.10061340 [DELETED] 

A few days ago, Antifa decided to direct traffic and assault everyone who disobeyed their mob orders, including a 75 year old man. This was not far from where I work.

This shit is turning regular people into Nazis where I live.

>> No.10061341

A few days ago, Antifa decided to direct traffic and assault everyone who disobeyed their mob orders, including a 75 year old man. This was not far from where I work.

This shit is turning regular people into Nazis where I live.

>> No.10061344


I'm a Physics fag and you're completely wrong.

>> No.10061347

Working in software, btw. Most of my coworkers are fed up to the ears with it, but there are a few beta orbiters who gobble it all up. It doesnt get brought up in the office so much, thankfully

>> No.10061348

Lots of mathematicians are communists.

>> No.10061349

Nailed it to a T.

>> No.10061353

>but when you break it down by profession it gets ridiculous
How so? The Democrats are the only once who want to fund them. The Republicans would immediate bring cuts to whatever funding they have. Do you even live in the real world?

>> No.10061358

True but just because you don't like both sides or lean hard in any particular direction, doesn't mean that when the time comes you don't pick a side you think is less retarded. As I said I grew up in a left family and that was instilled in me, the more I got exposed the more I realized each party had faults and came to realize the right wasn't as bad as I thought and the left wasn't as great as I thought it was. When the time comes to vote for a president or the governor of my state I'll pick the man/women I think is best for the job/less retarded and not because they're a liberal or repub. I think the biggest thing I have learned is that tribalism leads to biases and biases blind you from the truth, that is all mate

>> No.10061365

>even professors of Economics are Democrat by a vast majority
Weird cause in the online shilling they make it seem like US Economics is mostly right wing. Just goes to show how good shilling is at distorting reality. Anyway, good for you, although US Democrats are barely "left" of anything.

>> No.10061367

Your percentages are off because for example, there are far more Mechanical Engineers than Environmental Engineers which is why pretty much everyone notices how Engineers are always lolbertarians.

>> No.10061368

I don't follow the politics here.

>> No.10061465

They're not my percentages lol they're that survey's numbers. Like I said their methodology is questionable because it relies solely on people who made political donations, so the actual percentages could vary a lot... I doubt many civil engineers made donations to trump or hillary. It's the only dataset I know of on the subject though that's why I posted it.

I meant ridiculous as in "that's a ridiculously high percentage" lmao, like if you look literally 100% of playwrights are democrats according to that site.

>> No.10061607

holy shit are you literally me?

>> No.10061629

your stupid superiority bullshit is making things worse
what's wrong with taking effective solutions wherever you can get them? that's my centrism and I'm not the first or second or even third poster here to say so

>> No.10061640
File: 2.30 MB, 270x360, bird.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks delicious.

>> No.10061686

I don't care if he's right or left, but he's correct, centrists have a holier than thou attitude with no substance, their compromises leads to poor effectiveness in execution and poor ethics, they are gridlock in the best cases and regressive in many cases; centrists aren't "let's take in all the information and come to a rational solution that benefits everyone" they are regressives in denial.

>> No.10061700

Why do u think ur special lol

>> No.10061706

You’re retarded or from a red state, my close friend’s older sister, himself and his brother are all eng’s and are all dyed in the wool dems
this isn’t true and Jews are overwhelmingly left wing, there is a small minority who are conservative and a sig smaller but vocal group who are legitimately crypto-fash and hate minorities (not just arab).

>> No.10061876

it doesn't need to explicitly acknowledge every element of politics to be a valid position

>> No.10062015
File: 68 KB, 923x713, based_holobunga_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do u need 2 ask?

>> No.10062065

>the real world
Anon posted from his basement

>> No.10062082


>> No.10062089

>his basement
>implying it's not his mom's

>> No.10062130

ATM no one would pay for it cause your dumbass government blows over 500 billion somehow on its military.

Also simulating things scaled down is extremely useful if you know anything about statistics. You mathematically model the trends with each smaller random unbiased sample of people with a given government type, then you scale up your mathematical models and try to factor for anything that wasn't present in your smaller scale version.

Yes, but decisions and policies made by whom? At the moment, your system elects the most charismatic person, or just the one who attracts the most attention, or even just the one who represents the most popular of the 2 main parties at the time and then that person can do whatever they want. They are given complete control of America's most dangerous weapons as well. They make all of your decisions for you.

>> No.10062135

Direct democracy might work, only problem is so many people don't understand issues, I mean half the population has below average intelligence. If we implement a direct democracy, I think it at least should be optional, and made difficult, to vote on things. That way nobody who doesn't really understand something and care about it will vote.

>> No.10062150

Merge with me bröther

>> No.10062161

Here's a fresh idea: only landed white men can vote. Bam. The aristocracy is restored and we ascend back to greatness. Prove me wrong.

>> No.10062204

Would never happen but honestly your right. Its kind of sad how it seems white people get shamed now in society but Europeans have done a shit ton for society and I'm not some white supremacist or anything.. its just the fucking truth

>> No.10062804

>i'm a mexican physics fag

>> No.10063161

>Physics fag
Why the homophobia?

>> No.10063169

butthurt math snowflakes
California isn't the world.

>> No.10063180

>I meant ridiculous as in "that's a ridiculously high percentage" lmao, like if you look literally 100% of playwrights are democrats according to that site.
I don't think that is so far fetched. Republicans are pretty hostile towards homosexuals.

>> No.10063187

Physician here. There were a lot lefties in my class, also right wing. Lots of my teachers were right wingers. But there's no post modern and deconstrutive shit

>> No.10063190

>literally 100% of playwrights are democrats according to that site.
Seems about right

>> No.10063263


>> No.10063436

>beta manlets who think it will get them laid
lmao jokes on you loser, it actually has gotten me laid multiple times, many of which with women taller than me.
stay mad republicuck.

>> No.10063489


>> No.10063545

>California isn't the world.
It's the wealthiest state in the US -- it's more real than any other state!

>> No.10064780


A recent graduate of anything is probably going to be left leaning.

The more time someone spends in the "real world", paying their own bills, etc. the more likely they will shift to the right over time.

>> No.10064800

>the aristocracy of the rural boomers
>restored to greatness

>> No.10064830

the moral highground in america is dissolving it.

>> No.10064870

Undergrad detected