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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 327 KB, 2048x1123, DoxPk2zXUAMd-Ot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10051815 No.10051815 [Reply] [Original]

>Enter room
>See this
>Why don't you tell us about your latest paper, Anon.

>> No.10051817

>clear stumbled into the "Womens in Physics" meeting
>say sorry and fetch the correct room

>> No.10051823

ooooooh I can do so well in these groups... The thing about these groups is that they appreciate someone who is outspoken. someone who can ground fantasy ideas in reality, someone who doesn't smile and laugh and lick ass that much.

I can't tell what is written on the whiteboard tho, what kind of class is this? There's "we need a dedicated platform for data sharing" as well as "changes in self perception, changes in identity"

Honestly these types of groups are an easy A, you just need to "be yourself" and have no inhibitions. At the same time though, you need to tap into your feminine side and be friendly, no words like "nigger."

It's for lonely people who want to talk. You gotta be the intelligent guy who is talkative, but also listens, and can also drop some statistics. It helps if you are attractive as well - some passerby they know is too out of the league of the class, but is nice enough to grace the group with their presence.

>> No.10051904
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> they appreciate someone who is outspoken.
> you just need to "be yourself" and have no inhibitions
> tap into your feminine side and be friendly, no words like "nigger."
> It helps if you are attractive as well
I am kinda triggered by your post.

>> No.10052057

I complain about the number of WHITE females in the room.

>> No.10052167

understandable, since it's the opposite of 4chan and other incel groups where the more offensive and socially retarded u act the more u earn respect.

>> No.10052219

Only two of them identify as white females, you cishet shitlord

>> No.10052228

>At the same time though, you need to tap into your feminine side and be friendly, no words like "nigger."

>> No.10052264

Real question here. Why is modern academia basically 90% [math] \mathbb{s o y} [/math]? You look at pictures from scientists from just 50 years ago and the men look like high testosterone alphas while the women look sharp and charming. You look at pictures from scientists today and the women are so ugly they look like men, and the men have consumed so much [math] \mathbb{s o y} [/math] that they look like women. I don't get it. Why are women becoming men and men becoming women?

>> No.10052295

>Why are women becoming men and men becoming women?
You have discovered my stand's power, 『『『THE NOSE』』』

>> No.10052365
File: 257 KB, 1600x1210, iraq-nuclear-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The explanation is simple: You are dumb and your perception of scientists is shaped by what images you see on a mongolian foot fetishism forum. You could (in theory) fix this by attending modern academia yourself
>high testosterone alphas

>> No.10052403

I don't know if you realize you are proving my point but just compare that picture with the OP.

>> No.10052438

No, YOU are proving MY point. To quote myself
>your perception of scientists is shaped by what images you see on a mongolian foot fetishism forum

>> No.10052442

"Oh fuck, I'm allergenic to onions. See ya"

>> No.10052492

You are giving me criticism for commenting on a picture posted on a mongolian animation discussion forum while you are posting in the same mongolian animation discussion forum.

These pictures are everywhere, and I don't know if you realize but pictures represent people from the real world. If we were talking on discord I would be basing my comments on pictures posted there. If we were anywhere else I would use pictures posted there. You really are retarded. Been drinking a little too much [math] \mathbb{s o y} [/math]lent lately?

>> No.10052587
File: 206 KB, 1400x1013, Solvay Conference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the real High T alphas

>> No.10052597

>Marie Curie
>High T alpha

>> No.10052608

>Selected pictures posted on 4chan represent reality
Wrong. Each picture represents a single snippet of reality that the poster of the picture wants to show you - you will never see any pictures that disagree with the posters opinion. (Whilte 4chan is not a mainstream media, it's still media, and can be used to manipulate you.) This means the snippets you see are (a) biased and (b) incomplete. You can't do anything about (b), but you can work around (a) by getting a less biased source, or by (as I already mentioned) trying to experience it first-hand in reality

>> No.10052610

Which high T alpha traits do these men exhibit?

>> No.10052618
File: 47 KB, 465x628, 1524266901468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sitting on the floor like savages
>getting WAY too into expressing their feelings on matters in mathematics
>"It's about the computational complexity of particular kernel methods."
>Walk out with my dignity in one piece


>> No.10052622

>"By using small strike teams attacking Indian Nuclear Arm facilities, we could bomb the country down without anyone suspecting anything. Then we could use humanitarian aid as a leverage to bring our forces in, take what little they have left and leave. Any suggestions?"

>> No.10052626

Are you claiming she wasn't?

>> No.10052676

>Why are women becoming men and men becoming women

It’s a real (((mystery))).

>> No.10052684
File: 106 KB, 685x1024, 1521064329573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xenoestrogens in the plastics that we store our food in/contact with our bare skin daily.

>> No.10052710

>"My research has found that men are better than women at touching their elbows behind their backs"
>Sit back an watch as the girls try to prove me wrong
>Get free amusement from seeing girls stick their chests out while trying to prove me wrong

>> No.10052714

This. Especially when people heat up food and drink in plastics.

>> No.10052723

>friendliness is feminine
jewish trickery of the highest order

>> No.10052742

Sorry i must have walked into the early childhood educaton club, im looking for the engieering and physics meeting

>> No.10053013

Because they all wore suits, and that makes you think that they are alpha. Because you are retarded.

Academia today is mostly the same, boring old white men. And a few boring old women sprinkled about.

>> No.10053027

Ask me how I know you are not even close to any academic circles.

>> No.10053035

>boring old white men
Spot the female, nonwhite, or beta male.

>> No.10053072

how do you know I'm not even close to academic circles? They literally are very boring. Stimulating convo sure, but ... boring and slow all of em. Especially the STEM ones. They can't wait to die.

I had an 80 year old professor, who had brough along his similarly aged friend for a class. During break they were looking outside, just making small talk. One of them sighed and said "well, that's where we'll be buried in a few years..."

They were looking at a graveyard.

Yup I am from the middle east towelhead sandnigger mudslime

>> No.10053076 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 960x720, 1510015178268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think about the plight of women in the 21st century, anon?
What do you do?

>> No.10053079

>He's never gone out drinking with his department
Kek, you are the guy in your department that everyone hates and doesn't get invited to anything. I hate that you had to learn it this way. Also, those guys were 80 fucking years old. They are already too old to have fun. Most researchers are 25-40.

>> No.10053085

researchers? I'm talking about tenured professors numbnuts. Of course young people are gonna be fun... Tenured professors have a comfy job and they don't need to do anything anymore, they're boring as fuck

>> No.10053089

thay have merged into one hivemind, like they know the white men will make more technology they cant comprehend and throw failed equality experiment into the laser incinerator

>> No.10053093

Never before did you indicate you were talking about particularly older and specifically tenured professors. You first replied to me when I was talking about scientists in general. Don't change the goal post you absolute NPC. I'm sorry but it is true. You are never invited to anything. That QT girl from the functional analysis research group? She is currently out sucking the dick of her entire mailing list, except for you. Sucks being an incel.

>> No.10053099

>entire mailing list
jesus what a slut

>> No.10053102

What did you expect of a girl that wasn't satisfied with finite dimensional analysis?

>> No.10053108

My paper explores the idea of ambushing a student who is clearly not prepared to talk to his professors. My hypothesis states the student will make a fool of himself.

>> No.10053110

>Yup I am from the middle east
Called it. Now your opinion on the representation of whites and white nations can be totally disregarded.

>> No.10053112

You're right, there was no reason for me to narrow it down to only tenured professors. Just from the photo I thought we were talking about those who are respected in academia, which happens to be mostly tenured professors, who happen to be old, boring white men.

If we're talking about everyone that makes up academia then yea, blue haired basedboys and feminazi women exist.

Also, I admire the passion with which you are trying to insult me but it's not sticking, like AT ALL. I'm a homo, I've been with the same guy, my first boyfriend, for 8 years. I am FRIENDS with that QT girl from functional analysis research group and we frequently make fun of autists like you for being socially retarded and weird looking.

Please come at me with better insults. Raging beta boys like you are my biggest turn-on.

>> No.10053115

I don't have an opinion on it lol, I was just stating facts. America is a mostly white country, it makes sense that those most respected in American academia are white men. I don't have any problems with it.

Try to make a distinction between "opinions" and "facts." It will help you a lot, especially if you are trying to pursue a scientific/academic career.

>> No.10053147

Well, at least you can admit you are wrong. Could do without the back talk, bitch boi, but that's okay. Just know that I'd be spanking you if I was your boyfriend.

>> No.10053190

>Because you wouldn't understand it.
>Walk out.

>> No.10053224

So, you're saying the other ones are committing cultural appropriation?

>> No.10053257

Julie, please. I have already told you many times that I don't want to discuss these things with you. I care so little for women that I don't even want to spend my time debating their plight or whatever nonsense you're trying to ensnare me into arguing about this time. The only reason I talk to you at all is because I'm dating your brother, and honestly, your constant insistence on socialising with me when I have *very clearly* told you that I don't want to do it is starting to take its toll on our relationship. Every night for the past week that we've been visiting we've had arguments about you, because he wants me to be nice and put up a smile, but I've been doing that all my life and I'm tired of pretending I care about what dumb hollow people like you think or say.

So please Julie, leave me alone, and stop bothering me with your feminist nonsense. I just want to have a minimally pleasant dinner and to be over with it soon. The only reason I am even bothering to talk to you this calmly is out of respect and love for your brother. Please repay it in kind, and do not harass his boyfriend.

>> No.10053260

Scream nigger as loudly as possible, then delight in the shock that creeps over all their faces.

>> No.10053276

It's weird that you have a thought out response even if you care so little, considering it's clear you never had this conversation er lmao.

>> No.10053283

Would be alpha as fuck, work my way up to the female that shows the littlest amount of attractiveness, work my way into her pants, fuck, then work on the next. Gotta claim territory in academia.

>> No.10053317 [DELETED] 


>> No.10053319 [DELETED] 

soi s0i szoy

>> No.10053373

>Schrodinger was a well known fornicator and developed his theory on the nature of electrons during a "weekend of sex and physics in the Swiss Alps"
>Einstein literally gave 0 shits 100% of the time and knocked his gf up when he was in his 20s
>Heisenberg was a well balanced man who kept physically fit and came up with his uncertainty principle while rock climbing off the coast of Germany with his entire face swollen from sickness

>> No.10053379
File: 291 KB, 500x225, giphy (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire mailing list

>> No.10053393

This picture was taken after OP whipped out his micro-penis.

>> No.10053464

>no Asians

Piece of cake.

>> No.10053467
File: 41 KB, 570x526, Double Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10053479

Only niggers, wiggers, and other subhuman brutes think being a "high T alpha" matters outside of just not being an actual homo faggot. God damn, 4chan is basically just making fun of dudes for being nerds and not as manly as them like some kind of dumb meathead jock. Fuck, I hate what this site became. It's not that you make fun of us, I don't mind that. It's that you genuinely despise us and think we should be more "normal". Sickening to see this board fall so low.

>> No.10053492

>Not simultaneously cultivating mind and body throughout their (academic) career so that they can maintain peak performance, both mentally and physically.
Never gonna fucking make it, lad. Fix yourself.

>> No.10053497

>4chan is not a mainstream media

Lol wut.

>> No.10053499
File: 64 KB, 300x300, 1535162920029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could give you many responses as to why I won't, can't, or don't want to do that, but I think it would be a waste of time. Instead, I'm just gonna tell you to fuck off. I don't know why you are here, but I guess I'm the odd one out here now.

>> No.10053513
File: 200 KB, 529x386, Friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheer up, faggot with shit taste in waifus. There's no proof of the mutual exclusivity of /fit/ and /sci/. There are many types of gains to be had in life.

>> No.10053518


>glances across the room
>no hot chicks

nah i think i'll pass

>> No.10053550

Nuclear fusion plasma physics.

>> No.10053558


>> No.10054027

Am I now not allowed to fantasise about things I'd like to say to people?

>> No.10054286

Ah, yes, I forgot that 4chan is just like the MSM. You're going to hear phrases like, "the Jews are looking out for their tribe" and "blacks have a low average IQ" on CNN as well. They are basically indistinguishable.

>> No.10054464

I'm glad somebody has a sense of humor here.
You should seriously try this though.
It actually works.

>> No.10054670

based and redpilled

>> No.10055299

it has been proven that exercise helps mental ability significantly
being healthy makes you smarter, faster, and improves memory, both remembering and learning

>> No.10055344
File: 260 KB, 352x315, 1523588008557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a genius above all men

>> No.10055399

You are, it just looks sad.

>> No.10055418

>implying I'm mentally stable enough to have a waifu
hah, good one

>> No.10055812
File: 1.80 MB, 720x404, Ko No Su Ba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes the toughest Demon King to overcome is yourself.

>> No.10055818

Easy on the onions, dude.

>> No.10055907

4chan is kill

>> No.10055946
File: 676 KB, 798x770, 1506816993242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking normalfags, get off my board

>> No.10056243

*sits in the back corner seat

>> No.10056253

Now we encourage everyone to be in science instead of kicking people down, so in the past only the most disagreeable tough and competent people got in. Now you still get smart people, but the betas don't get scared off by elitists anymore. Dunno which is better.

>> No.10056256

She's clearly alpha as fuck, the fact that history remembers her at all is enough.

>> No.10056262

Avoid my rape urges and run away.

>> No.10056737

Scream NIGGERS and run away

>> No.10056742

4chan fell for the irony meme, they kept saying nigger ironically until it attracted the wrong kind of people. Sub 100 IQ unskilled labor fags, whose only trait they think they have going for them is being a white. What a shame.

>> No.10056771

>>Enter room
>>See this
>>Why don't you tell us about your latest paper, Anon.
Indeed, it's a work in collaboration with Alessandro Strumia and Theodore P. Hill.

>> No.10056866

>tell us about your latest paper

Nope, you shits are not stealing my work. I'll publish it first then you can read it in Nature.

>> No.10057805
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>> No.10057810

yeah buddy, the only barrier between you and racism is your IQ and having someone touch your dick.

>> No.10058112

the most recently published one or the one that's currently under review?

>> No.10058118
File: 2.10 MB, 942x528, outoutout.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back, go back, you have to go back
to reddit

>> No.10058232

>At the same time though, you need to tap into your feminine side and be friendly, no words like "nigger."