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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 450x355, IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10053672 No.10053672 [Reply] [Original]

Can you increase your IQ?

>> No.10053675


>> No.10053761

Ye. Choose an IQ test you would like to take. Study the methodology behind the test. Become efficient at the type of questions asked. You may need to make your own questions. Take test through official channels. Now you can pay for your Mensa membership every year like the rest of /sci/.

>> No.10053799


>> No.10053922

IQs don't exist, only stupid people think about iq

>> No.10053936

You can work into your possibility of your IQ range. Let us say you have an IQ between 100-110, it's absolutely possible to reach every career with it, if you put in the necessary work.

But you can't increase it. You will forever stay at the 100-110 range, you will not raise suddenly to 130. So you always need to put work in stuff, people with 130 IQ just do casually.

This is also the reason why most scientists have an genius level IQ, you always like doing something you need to barely put work into it. I study Physics, I also have an 110 IQ, I have barely free time and need to learn at least 4 hours a day after lectures. I have people in my course that partying all the time, just read 2 hours before the exam over some equations and theories and end in the top 1% of marks. That's just how it is.

>> No.10054072

> You will forever stay at the 100-110 range, you will not raise suddenly to 130.
Wrong. If you take the test multiple times, and study the type of questions on the test, you will become much more adept at taking the test.

This is how white people at home, taking home IQ test versions online can claim to be so much smarter than an African who has never seen an IQ test, and has probably never seen a computer in his life. If he makes it to school and back without being drafted into the local militia, he's doing good.

>> No.10054082

Avoid proximity to wireless devices.

>> No.10054141

yeah if you cheat on an IQ test you should get hiring IQ.

>> No.10054163


IQ isn't a real concept. It's another political tool to keep otherwise good people from using their full potential.

>> No.10054171

>Wrong. If you take the test multiple times, and study the type of questions on the test, you will become much more adept at taking the test.

While IQ tests attempt to measure person's IQ, training to become better at IQ tests doesn't make your IQ higher. It's just a way to cheat in the test, like taking a shortcut in a race.

>> No.10054172


>> No.10054179
File: 563 KB, 1920x1280, Smiling-Serena-Williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While IQ tests attempt to measure person's IQ, training to become better at IQ tests doesn't make your IQ higher. It's just a way to cheat in the test, like taking a shortcut in a race.

While math tests attempt to measure person's math skill, training to become better at math doesn't make your math skills higher. It's just a way to cheat in the test, like taking a shortcut in a race.

Or maybe training is the only legitimate way to increase your skill?

>> No.10054207

Since only a brainlet will ask this kind of question I will assume you meant intelligence instead of IQ. The brain doesn't work exact;y like a muscle but if you are unhealthy and don't use it much then there is a lot of potential to improve your situation.

Your mind will work like shit if you live a sedentary, unhealthy and lazy lifestyle. Eat healthy, achieve peak fitness and study daily and always out of your comfort zone and your mind will become razor sharp in comparison. By pushing yourself to learn you will receive new micro cognitive skills and improve old ones.

>> No.10054209

Nigger are dumb

>> No.10054450
File: 68 KB, 600x456, FB294E3E-D58F-4A5E-A4DB-4492CC6DE22B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly speaking, IQ is a measure of the speed that a persons brain works. If you can increase your IQ test results without increasing your brain's speed of thought, then youre IQ has not increased. Going back to the math example. Its less like learning math to increase your score and more like writing notes on your arm.

>> No.10054939

You're comparing apples and oranges here.

Math skill is equivalent to person's ability to solve math problems. That is, if person's math skill is high, they must be able to solve difficult math problems, and conversely, if a person is able to solve difficult math problems, their math skill must be high.

In contrast, person's intelligence is not equivalent to the ability to solve Raven's progressive matrices, because the implication works only in one direction. That is, if a person has a high IQ, they must be good at solving progressive matrices, but if a person is good at solving progressive matrices, this does not necessarily mean that the person has high IQ, because they might be merely good at solving progressive matrices (which is practicable skill).

>> No.10054953

But IQ tests contain disguised math problems. So if you learn math you will have a higher IQ.

>> No.10054956

You can train your reaction speed. The brain builds new pathways all the time.

>> No.10054965

No. It isn't. Nice making up bullshit.

>> No.10055088
File: 321 KB, 438x341, 1538752522820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memorizing the answers to the test doesn't raise your iq lmao

>> No.10055240

How is a bigger brain beneficial to intelligence?

It seems to me like the bigger the brain, the bigger the first between different parts of the brain. Meaning the signals take longer to travel. Shouldn't this make someone think slower and thus less intelligent?

>> No.10055252

Sure, you just have to make the rest of the people of your society to become stupider.

Reality TV, Netflix, Anime, Facebook, 4chan and video games are doing all that for you right now. You only have to become shielded from them and you are set to have an increased IQ in a medium-long term.

>> No.10055268

it has a relationship, but it also counts how your brain is structured, how your neurons behave and forms connection, how neurotransmissor behave, blood flow etc so its not so simple as brain size

>> No.10055274

and education too. also there seems to be a trade of between focus and creativity

>> No.10055315

now this makes me wonder, do people with two heads have faster reaction times?

>> No.10055469


>> No.10055551


>> No.10055559
File: 678 KB, 480x320, 1500683815083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. low iq

>> No.10055565

You can only increase your IQ if you're high IQ.

>> No.10055580

Yes, just not by a significant amount.

>> No.10055582


Yes, you can if you make the rest of the population dumber.

>> No.10055583

yeah just take an IQ test like 5-10 times

>> No.10055925

Depression has lowered your intelligence.

You could try to reduce the depression somehow. I think it's a fluid thing like assburger and we all have a little bit of it at any given time.

>> No.10056127

Nowhere does OP say he's depressed. If he were, anyways, there's evidence showing that impaired cognition from depression remains even when "cured".
>I think it's a fluid thing like assburger and we all have a little bit of it at any given time.
Not to be rude, but why should we care what you think?

>> No.10057437
