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10051869 No.10051869 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to track a people's genetic history? Haplogroups? Or something else?

>> No.10051872

Asking them. All genetic ancestry tests are measured against known examples. If you know where your ancestors are from already, it's better than genetic testing.

>> No.10052750

this doesnt work if you want to go back really far but the idea is the same. Haplogroups are usually pretty good since the idea is finding a common paternal/maternal ancestor, but i dont think the accuracy on genetic testing is all that great.

>> No.10053012 [DELETED] 


Anyone who thinks hispanic is a race is not a race realist

>> No.10053057

Who gives a shit? We're all human beings and we're all going to be mutts eventually anyway as the world continues to propel towards a more globalized economy.

>> No.10053066

HAHHAHAHA la creatura
t. assblasted amerimutt
inb4:you deny it

>> No.10053083

Autosomal DNA.

>why should you care, goy!

>> No.10053091

>t. assblasted amerimutt
>inb4:you deny it

You're on the wrong board if you think that's an insult. This is /sci/ where biological facts matter. Genetic diversity is healthy. Being some inbred white nationalist is not.

>> No.10053106

Speaking as a mutt, if everyone the in the world assimilated genetically and there were no blacks, Asians or white but a new race how the fuck is that genetically diverse?

>> No.10053541 [DELETED] 

The kikes will never answer this. True genetic diversity would be maintaining as many seperate races as occur naturally, thus giving humanity more chances to overcome any issue that may target specific sub-populations.

We never will get an explanation how mixing all the races into a singular brown race (ruled over by genetically “pure” Jewish overlords) will make the human species more “diverse”.

>> No.10053726
File: 409 KB, 1667x2432, twins3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These girls are twins. You got 50% of your genes from your mother and 50% from your father. But 98% of your genes are generic and you share these genes with every human. So you might even might end up with no individual dominant genes from one of your parents.
This entire genetic history thing is nonsense.

>> No.10053759
File: 114 KB, 659x582, human genetic diversity - 3D PCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way is to use as many genes as possible, ideally whole genome analysis. Picture related.

>> No.10053770

>But 98% of your genes are generic and you share these genes with every human.

Same argument is true for chimps, so that is obviously nonsense. We also share 60% of genes with a banana.

>> No.10054224

how can anyone look at those two animals and think they're equal?

>> No.10054261

yes, a banana is a very distant cousin

>> No.10054271

mitochondrial DNA

>> No.10054428

That’s easy, through familial employment history. Most families controlled their corresponding industries. The farming communities include cattle ranchers and shoemakers for example. So the farmer, cattle rancher and shoemaker of a region should have similar genes. Importers and exporters should have same genes as those in friendly ports. Dock employees similar genes to the fishermen. The miner genes are similar to those in the tech sector today. It’s just how people maintained relative peace. New York industry is considered a schism controlled by the regions 5 oldest families. Who battled port rights and capi di tutti capi. Meaning every route has a to go person. Boss of many bosses. They were usually called Ecuadorians in old new world terminology. Which is a Latin-german Shortening for e cu a dor. Here’s a door. Who has relatives in every port city.

>> No.10054440

What are PC1, 2, 3? What data do they represent?

>> No.10054447

Humans share 85% of their genetic variation worldwide. Chimps have about three times the overall genetic diversity than humans. Bonobos have about four times the human amount. We are one of the most genetically uniform species on the planet. All humans alive today are more genetically related to one another than two troops of chimpanzees are.

>> No.10054462

>maintaining as many seperate races as occur naturally
There is nothing natural about our current concept of "race" which is constantly changing and is socially constructed. A globalized society would still have population groups and an equal number of random mutations happening all over the world.

>> No.10054500

The reason is why it’s called such. Is not because of any insignificance importance. Ecuador is the old Cauca region and got its name with due course. It served as an important city for Anglo Americans and Brits looking to reach Australia and New Zealand. It was a ver important strategy for old brits because the Belgians and Dutches were exploiting South African colony and traveling to Australia. Usurping the old British economy and leaving the old brits poor and in the streets. Now comes Japan the oldest port country in east Asia. Fighting for traffic control in order to do so they did it via the phillipines California and other port cities south of Ecuador. This network is called the Yakuza. Now cousins. It’s ran the same as the NY mafia. They solely rely on their cousins network for business. So every family has representative in Japan. Same way every Atlantic family has representatives in Italy. However today we see the Greek and Turks moving westward and they have their own racket. It’s ran around the black markets of Cuba/Bahamas and Turkey. However they have a weakness and it’s the Azeris who are a smaller group but the most legal. Whom were hated by the Greeks and Turks. So they have their representation all over Levant, Italy and Azerbaijan. They are proud and consider themselves the most eastern branch of the old Spanish gene pool.

>> No.10054505


>> No.10054513

That is just a method to analyze data.

I asked what data was being analyzed.

>> No.10054522

The Azeris consider themselves born outside of the ottoman slave trade. They believe the sultans would kill african males and take women for their harem. From there they would throw the children to Iran. So they consider themselves indigenous to the region of old tarsus heritage, tartessos. This made it easier for Persians to get a hold of Tunisia later on. To know genetics you must know labor and organized crime, which isn’t necessarily a crime as it is in the hands of civilians.

>> No.10054561

Hello, shlomo.

>> No.10054564

The situation with North East United states was freedom of religion. Old Americans spoke a broken down Spanish-English language called Gullah. People never really saw that part as wealthy. North Carolina southward was land they liked because of the growing season. The English situation you had Scandinavians and Brits (old Spanish) fighting an economic battle. And the Scandinavians began bringing black servants to New England. As they had african port cities. So freedom of religion was important because Africans practiced a form of voodoo where they would place bones of enemies in pots and not give them Catholic burials. So a lot of their disappeared would be used as religious sacrifices and fetishes. So they’d use this freedom of religion practice to investigate and pay off snitches. Settle African snitches in Northern Appalachia. This would later be used to their advantage until the Spanish Portuguese, Italians realized their port reps would began getting killed and their bodies fragmented. Brits ran off or stayed with comunión to guerilla groups. Usually Latinos. Once dna testing was invented this practice continued except they’d use outside blood to wet the fetish. So let’s say 10000 priests would distribute the bodies amongst disciples. And cover up the crimes by pouring DNA on top of evidence. So countries began taking in the snitch once again to recover their dead relatives until they just said we need to go into Africa to settle the situation.

>> No.10054591

Keep this /pol/tard shit out of here.

Blatant antisemitism and conspiracy theories do not belong in /sci/. Reported.

>> No.10054594

Indonesians represent another group. That had a similar practice. Via legal cannibalism. So both Indonesian and African children were adopted as thank you. For helping in the recovery of relatives. They both fight for aboriginal rights in the American continents. Historically north west Africans and Japanese are seen as helpers and die hard business people who are very serious about their work and work ethic.

>> No.10054603

I wouldn't really be against one race but just leave the blacks out cause their genes overtake everything

>> No.10054622

go back to /r/politics teenager

>> No.10054635

yes i'm sure racemixing with some two digit IQ nigger or spic sure is healthy, right?

go back to your containment website

>> No.10054671

Now african American people as told to me. Real ones not coy in bloodlines. Started in northern Appalachia. They celebrated a gathering called prince of the ethiopes. E ti oops. It’s you oops. Once the infrastructure was being set up. They would drive their cars from Appalachia to coastal cities and crash anyone that got in the way. They saw this as a way to stunt their neighbors population and increase their own. If african Americans don’t belong to this group they are coy ins from South Africa or Western Africa. And at worst a Congolese or Sudanese terrorist cell.