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File: 21 KB, 596x335, stamets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10050862 No.10050862 [Reply] [Original]

Start eating mushrooms.

>> No.10050865

bought his book after he was on roe jogan. he's the best

>> No.10050873

Shrooms are okay. It really fucks with some of the engineered perceptive mechanisms in your brain. i.e. things might look close and you look again and it looks far. This one is harder to explain but if you’re walking down a ‘uniformly symmetric path’ think like a 1D texture from video games. A beach is a specific example and you look against the the symmetry and blink it seems like you’re not moving

>> No.10050893

>Start making yourself an idiot stoner

>> No.10050895

>idiot stoner
*neurogenesis and reworking fear conditioning blocks your path*

Heh, nothin personell, kid

>> No.10050900

no thank u
last time I had the worst time of my life, never touched anything but water and tea since then

>> No.10051037

>More neurons to fill your head with fractal timewave nonsense and less fear of making a fool of yourself
Yeah, not thanks.

>> No.10051074
File: 122 KB, 735x960, 1535545359820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys transhumanist scum

>> No.10051084

Which one? He has several. I've owned all but the "Psilocybe allies" one prior to his podcast appearance

>> No.10051112 [DELETED] 

honestly wondering if this is a troll image or not. poe's law in effect

>> No.10051132

I just read about extropy for the first time after viewing this, and I developed the same ideas/worldview independently (the terms extropy/extropianism honestly sound pretty dumb, probably why I haven't heard about it before). never really cared about formal transhumanist ideas since most transhumanist concepts tend to lack in foresight and usually are overly concerned with immediate applications instead of more distant ones.

>> No.10051135

mushrooms and weed are two completely different things. If youre going to troll, at least know what youre talking about

>> No.10051445

This. Bad trips, are bad.

>> No.10051451

sounds like it was good for you

>> No.10051466

>suffering builds character is bad if it means physical labors but good if it means mind shredding traumatizing hallucinations

>> No.10051479

Think of it like this: you stay away from drugs now right?

>> No.10051498

IF psychedelics made people more courageous and leader-apt as this guy claims, then CEOs, accomplished scientists, and the like would be druggies. Don't tell me the president of Novartis has ever taken a psychoactive drug. This guy is just confirmation bias for druggie losers.

>> No.10051499
File: 36 KB, 545x521, 1473457126675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"""scientist""" who publishes almost exclusively in an obscure mycology journal on which he was an editorial board member plus one natural product isolation paper in a low-tier chemistry journal where all he did was provide the extracts

>> No.10051577

The only guy I know that regularly does shrooms is a gigantic pseudointellectual; stupid people seem to think he's smart, but for a math undergrad, he's not. He likes to have "deep philosophical" conversations.

>> No.10051959

Sounds like me, and I've done shrooms once. Post confirmed, dubs of truth, all that.

>> No.10051965

>mind shredding traumatizing hallucinations
you're precisely the type of person who shouldn't be doing hallucinogens.

>> No.10052556
File: 33 KB, 629x505, 1538250422363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop describing me.

>> No.10052681

This is what you were told through pop culture growing up. In cartoons the hippie stoner guy always tried to be deep etc. Now that guy is you >>10051959
Its funny how people forget this stuff.

>> No.10052694

Wow so enlightened.


>> No.10052703

no, I still do coke and weed
The person who started that chain of replies said they had a terrible expedience which usually implies mind shredding hallucinations and trauma, which the person I replied to responded to by saying it was good for them. You fucking faggot.

>> No.10052707
File: 64 KB, 461x600, Lions_Mane-_Mushrrom_Hericium_coralloides-461x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP mentions mushroom
>plebeians immediately think he's a stoner

Seriously, it wasn't that long ago we had a thread dedicated to Lions Mane.

>> No.10052726

What are the benefits of it? What was so fascinating about it?

>> No.10052743

increases nerve growth factor in the brain, increasing general cognition and neuroplasticiy, also use for reversing brain/nerve damage, depression, anxiety, alzheimer, dementia, ADD/ADHD, ..... you get the idea

>> No.10052754

Wtf are you doing here, you brainlet, if you can't even google a common/popular mushroom with tons of info about it online?

>> No.10052766

>As an extract or as a whole mushroom, H. erinaceus is under basic research for its potential biological properties.[2][3] While clinical research is in its early stages, such as for mild cognitive decline[4] or anxiety,[5] as of 2018, there is no conclusive evidence for health effects from consuming H. erinaceus.
Oh look it's the new nootropic snake oil.

>> No.10052770

at least he didn't ask to be "given the rundown" or ask to be "redpilled"

>> No.10052842

My point was that, if you are going to mention some obscure fungus and claim that it's a topic of interest, you should explain WHY that is. I understand this may be difficult for you to comprehend, but effective communication can make everyone's lives easier.

Spotted the undergrad or the second-rate grad student.

>> No.10053338

>if wikipedia says it's snake oil it must be true

It's only been a few years since drugs like marijuana, psilocybin, and ketamine that were originally considered "the pathway to HELL!!!' have been proved to be clinically useful when used in moderate and safe doses and potentially may be more powerful than traditional pharmacology drugs. Research on this stuff is slow going because big pharma isn't pumping millions of dollars into it so they can parent it. Or possibly big pharma already has detailed information about how it works and chose to bury it purely for business reasons.

>> No.10053350

I liked him on Dead Like Me but didn't care for his character in Homeland.

I should get around to watching the Princess Bride one of these days.