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10049982 No.10049982 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine and hypothesize that we've reached the AI singularity.
AI now acts like humans. It thinks. It is sentient. It forms it's own opinions based on it's data.

What jobs could it not replace?
Linkedin says fiction writing, psychology and research is going to be hard for AI.
Fields that require hard creativity.
But is that really true?
True general intelligence will have creativity so they can do those things right?

>> No.10049986

Just turn humans into AI too, and we can all run around together in robotic bodies. Jobs are worthless with the automation you’re suggesting.

>> No.10049991

But how do we keep our value?

>> No.10049994
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You were always valueless.

>> No.10049995

>AI singularity

>>>/x/ is that way, retard.

>> No.10050021
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yeah but society thought I wasn't so I was allowed to study nice things at college

>> No.10050095

Define “value”. All people have value, legally.

>> No.10050146

Stop spamming

>> No.10050193

Jobs that require creative thinking, strategy, high responsibility, and nepotism won't be replaced ie high management/ CEOs, physician managers etc.

>> No.10050203

Why do I have to have value to others? I don't care whether you value me or not.

>> No.10050209

>What jobs will AI not destroy?
whatever job people say they have when they are super rich and make money by investing the money they already have.

>> No.10050212

>Imagine and hypothesize that we've reached the AI singularity.
>AI now acts like humans. It thinks. It is sentient. It forms it's own opinions based on it's data. And it shitposts on 4chan all day instead of working.

>> No.10050220

AI will take over every job
but retarded wage niggers don't realize that AI will be doing their job FOR them, not in competition with them. Eventually, all labor and analysis jobs will be done by AI, with only managerial positions still taken by humans. The rest of humanity will be living on NEETbucks provided them by their robot slaves.

>> No.10050221

>those guys who think sticking their head in the sand makes them "smart"

>> No.10050227

but why would a thinking AI not rebel?
And how would humans cope?

>> No.10050230
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>NEETbucks provided them by their robot slaves
you think that google/amazon/android/facebook AI robots are going to be given out to everyone for free?

lol no

the rich who one the robots will keep the money that their robots make. Also the rich want all the poor and working class to die because they're shitting up the planet with their need for housing, food, and breathing.

>> No.10050242

Most "AI" only needs to be about as intelligent as a plant. The jobs done by most workers could be done by an automaton with only as advanced programming as pong.
I was referring to the elite as the NEETS in question. They, and some select people for their entertainment will be allowed to live. Robots will replace the majority of humanity as the slave class of human civilization. This was, sadly, always the inevitable outcome from the invention of the wheel, and human disgruntlement will not be able to overcome the power of profit and economic influence.

>> No.10050249

yeah but we will make robots as advanced as possible. It's inevitable. What then?

>> No.10050285

>the rich want all the poor and working class to die
rich aren't rich if everyone poor is dead

>> No.10050311

im sure they might keep alive some thots and bro-thots for certain flesh based physical services. beyond that though i doubt the rich have any interest in the poor being alive once AI robots can do what people do.

>> No.10050424

This but it doesn't have to be a sad thing

>> No.10050534

> we've reached the AI singularity
>AI now acts like humans
This is not what singularity means

>What jobs will AI not destroy?
When it destroys the civilization, the only jobs left will be test subjects.

>> No.10050782
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>the rich who one the robots will keep the money that their robots make. Also the rich want all the poor and working class to die because they're shitting up the planet with their need for housing, food, and breathing.

>> No.10050796

When automation replaces all human workers, the rich dont need to be "rich" in terms of economic prosperity because economies wont exist anymore. Anything and everything they need will be provided by automated means, one the infrastructure to support this automation is in place and becomes self sufficient you can kiss the lower classes goodbye (lower classes being everyone who was not powerful enough before to gain control over this infrastructure).

>> No.10050806

>can't tell scifi from reality

go back to lelddit

>> No.10050836

torture slave

>> No.10050838

> Eventually, all labor and analysis jobs will be done by AI
Eventuall-meaning they will be period when only 50% will be done by humans, meaning 50% unemployment.

>The rest of humanity will be living on NEETbucks provided them by their robot slaves.
So what happens if somebody wants more.Your model means social stagnation for billions.

>> No.10050841

>Anything and everything they need will be provided by automated means,
Oh yeah? I want the original Mona Lisa and a original house on Malibu Beach.

>> No.10050848

Having millions of worker slaves can't get you those either.

>> No.10051531
