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File: 365 KB, 1050x700, nuclear_power_towers_1050x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10048949 No.10048949 [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ feel about nuclear power plants?

>> No.10048954


>> No.10048958

Archaic trash. I mean really, look at that stupid fucking thing. You know what most of that space and mass is devoted to? Fail-safes and mechanisms centered around high pressure systems. It's retarded. All this shit just to spin a turbine, I mean give me a fucking break. And if something does catastrophically fail? Most of this shit is active.

No. We need something with passive failsafes and none of this horseshit. In retrospect the whole shape of the structure is like a phallic symbol, look at my progress, look how big and advanced I am. Look at my erect peepee!

Fuck off.

>> No.10048961

We need to develop Gen IV reactors and decommission all the old ones.

>> No.10048966

We need to do something. Literally once. Just once. We just need to do something other than what we've been doing, once.

Can we do that? Once? Is it possible? You gonna be okay guy? You'll make it.

>> No.10048971

You know hyperbolic cooling towers are used in non-nuclear power plants too, right? The actual nuclear reactors are in those buildings in the background.

>> No.10048974


>> No.10048977

I've had enough.

>> No.10048978

very conceited disappointments, basically useless.

>> No.10049041

too hard to secure.

>> No.10049053

>You know hyperbolic cooling towers are used in non-nuclear power plants too, right?
You are aware that people who say 'you are aware of some stupid made fact', are smug faggots right.

>> No.10049059

Looks suspicious to me that nuclear power is suddenly being pushed by the establishment. Think about it. Nuclear power plants allow them to keep the energy market in their hands, in a quasi-monopoly.

With alternative energy, the energy market becomes more competitive and the monopoly structures break down. Why? Because if you have 500million to invest in a solar plant and your competition has 100million, your competition can still build a plant 1/5 of your size and perform just as well. The same is not possible with oil&gas or nuclear.

This nuclear energy shilling sounds like an insurance policy for the current energy producers.

>> No.10049061

I'm fine with that if it helps us avoid worst case global warming. They were never going to give up control of the energy industry, and if this gets the elites on board for lowering emissions, fine by me.

>> No.10049064

Yep. Dissuades decentralized energy production and investment into better load balancing / separated grids.

>> No.10049077

Does it really matter? Solar and nuclear are both better than coal
Solar is for residential, nuclear is for baseload and everything else, as it should be

>> No.10049080

We're sterilizing everyone anyway. What do we need these reactors for, to power an AI army when Russia tries to annex us?

>> No.10049145

We need thorium reactors

>> No.10049551

I would like to live in a comfy house among those towers.

>> No.10049556

They don't fix CO2 so they're not plants.

>> No.10049561

The only chance to avoid catastrophic global warming. Renewables are nice but too little, too late. Despite all the investment, they are only producing 2-3% of global energy consumption, which is quite pathetic.

>> No.10049685

Overly expensive overly regulated overly dated overly feared technology rendered useless due to all these things.

>> No.10049722
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atomic power is outdated and can not compete any more, almost no atomic power plants are build and old plants shut down or blow up, there will be none left in a few decades

>> No.10050403

Good luck having carbon neutral industrial society without nuclear plants.

>> No.10050420

Retarded and a dying industry.

>> No.10050423
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>nuclear power doesn't even work, they just build them and then they blow up eventually

>> No.10050438

They make me feel... like a piece of SHIT!

>> No.10050447

After fusion is mastered, they'll be obsolete just like renewables

>> No.10050456

LFTR is what we were planning to build. LFTR would have eliminated the waste and the flawed light water plants. LFTR would have been vastly more efficient. LFTR would have been walk away safe 0 meltdowns or accidents no fukushima.

Too bad Nixon cancelled it after taking oil bribes.

>> No.10050466

>LFTR would have eliminated the waste
They wouldn't

>and the flawed light water plants
and introduce dozen flaws of their own

>Too bad Nixon cancelled it after taking oil bribes.
lol, no

>> No.10050474

>LFTR is jesus
>LFTR will save us all

>> No.10050484

So what should we use instead?

>> No.10050487

Dyson spheres

>> No.10050492

>Too bad Nixon cancelled it after taking oil bribes.
That was 40+ years ago. Maybe it's time to revisit the idea?

>> No.10050494

Now it's big solar bribes keeping it down

>> No.10050495

>almost no atomic power plants are build
Because there's a metric fuckton of red tape and lobbying against them by threatened interests and brainlet NIMBY's.
>and old plants shut down or blow up
Decommissioned because of the above reasons.

>> No.10050773

feels good to live thousands of miles away from any nuclear reactors.
i feel incredibly paranoid even driving by nuclear power plants when i visit america, one tiny hot particle can FUCKING KILL YOU DEAD.

>> No.10051019

>lel everything we have now worked rite away, dun even try if it looks liek there r prolleeeemmss!!!

Fuck off + shut up.

>> No.10051033

>You are aware that people who say 'you are aware of some stupid made fact', are smug faggots right.
You are aware that that this makes you a smug faggot right.

>> No.10051053
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How difficult is it to get a job as a nuclear engineer?
How difficult is it to take part in new nuclear (fission or fusion) research or as part of a startup?

I'm not happy in my current career and I have always loved nuclear stuff. Am I a moron for considering this?

>> No.10051062

I wish

>> No.10051064

u just gotta know a guy

>> No.10051067

firm handshake and all that?

>> No.10051068
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>Because there's a metric fuckton of red tape and lobbying against them by threatened interests and brainlet NIMBY's.
Man, just fucking stop.

>> No.10051657

Molten salt reactor's will probably have a future, they are several times more "easy" to understand.
Can be scaled down really well, and the most important part, they shut themselfs down when you stop feeding it cooling or power.
MSR's are also considered for power supply on a mars base or moon base.

Also Nasa has a really neat little soduim cooled portable sterling reactor design that probably will be used at some point.

>> No.10051665

im ok with them

>> No.10051694

inb4 cars with nuke engines.

>> No.10051701

they are pretty cool. they would be more interesting how ever if they used beta particle emissions to charge capacitor banks since beta particles are basically electrons being spit out. no cooling tower just giant capacitor tanks of mineral oil in series and parallel having radio active isotope rods (many per tank) in them soaking up that sweet sweet beta particle emission with the mineral oil and leaching it out to supply power. it probably wouldnt be as efficient but it would be more interesting than harvesting heat and using that to turn turbines

>> No.10051734

Enjoy your supercriticality accidents.

>> No.10051752

To everyone being against nuclear power, how can you justify it?

Just over 90 people has ever died from radiation poisoning coming from nuclear power plant distastes. (All of these people died in Chernobyl, which by the way was a weapon reactor which they rebuilt)

In contrast 20,000 people from Europe dies each year as a direct result of the pollution from oil/gas/coal plants.

Solar power produces more CO2 pollution than nuclear power, plus nuclear power is really cheap.

Only true brainlets are against nuclear power.

>> No.10051783

Nobody gives a shit who died from what.


Get it through your thick skulls and give up on that shit.

>> No.10051785


>> No.10051790

>Imblying that any country that want nukes can't make them regardless

All nuclear plants gets visited regularly for exactly this reason.

>> No.10051792

They're useful and I have no problem with them.

>> No.10051804


>> No.10051808
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>Dude let's combine fuel breeding technology with isotope separation technology and sell it around the world, what could possibly go wrong

>> No.10051831

You are aware you just got BTFO and exposed as an illiterate instinct thinker because you dont know the first thing about nuclear energy? You know, like a literal animal.

>> No.10051975

>To everyone being against nuclear power, how can you justify it?
Too expensive>>10051068

>> No.10051978

Nuke them.

>> No.10052051

Nice meme
Nuclear power is very cheap

>> No.10052292
File: 63 KB, 1000x722, wow cool atoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10052371
File: 552 KB, 2500x1250, fukushima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building an atomic power plant is super expensive. Running an atomic power plant is also more expensive then running any other power plant. Just because you need well payed specialists and need more safety/security. E.g. to prevent terrorists from stealing radioactive material or blowing up your plant.

If a tsunami hit's a coal plant nothing happens. If it hits an atomic power plant you are fucked.

>> No.10052502

They're also a maintenance nightmare

>> No.10053158
File: 500 KB, 2048x1362, Fusion3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately fission lost in America because of all the treehuggers and NIMBYs. And yet they'll keep re-licensing ancient plants that are 20 years past end-of-life. If only America still had the gumption to push things thru, we could build 3 or 4 GIANT nuke sites in the middle of nowhere, generating all our electric plus they could generate hydrogen, which we could pipe around to replace natural gas and run vehicles off. Fortunately it's looking like fusion might finally be getting close, France is leading the way with the world's biggest Tokomac, expected to produce 500MW by 2025. https://www.iter.org/mach

>> No.10053166

fukishima, chernoble, mininiggers at grenoble. nuke boys freak show melt down pool glow, ocean kill fileds burn, shoulda gone solar erry body dies when core wont stop

>> No.10054708

the sun is the only one we need

>> No.10054719

Things is retarded. Fuck all this shit, I mean what is the matter with you people. What, really, is the matter with you people?

Had enough of your shit. Better hope we don't meet in a dark alley and you start spouting your next generation reactor bullshit, oh boy we'll really get into it.

>> No.10054781

ITER is not a power plant, it's an plasma experiment. If construction is finished in 2028 they plan to run tests with hydrogen plasma for at least a decade. If everything runs well they will use a tritium plasma and fonally start with fusion experiments. The ultimate goal is to find out if controlled fusion is possible and can generate at least some energy in form of heat. So in 2050 they might know enough to start planning and actual fusion reactor. From what we know from theory a real fusion plant would be twice as big as ITER, four times more expensive and would take decades to build. But then we really might get a first fusion plant somwhere in 2100.

>> No.10054936

A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.

>> No.10054960

You are aware that only literal retard pop sci douche nozel bidet spouts support nuclear power, right?

You are a bidet spout.

>> No.10054972

Mentally ill samefags.

>> No.10054977

>But then we really might get a first fusion plant somwhere in 2100.
Sorry, I'm afraid the materials needed for that project have already been claimed for the future use by the wealthy to drive ferraris, fly helicopters, and snort coke on their yachts.

>> No.10054982

mass quoters need to be gassed.

>> No.10054983
File: 11 KB, 279x395, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck. did you take your meds today? your paranoia is quite something... and you call me mentally ill. hahaha

>> No.10054986

Wow dude, like WTF kind of thing to say is that? Like WTF dude? They need to be put in forced labor camps and systematically eliminated when they're a net negative with respect to their food and space consumption.

>> No.10055003
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too expensive compared to alteratives
prime target for terrorists/enemies/hackers
any gains aren't worth the cost of them going wrong
require too much surrounding support industry and active systems and maintenance, ie they are linked into global economy, can't be built by any ol' 3rd world nation, sadly

They aren't needed. The world is realising that the modern, high energy, frantic lifestyle is anti-human; it's causing mass mental and physical illness, mass suicides, etc; and that the low energy, slow lifestyle of the organic permaculturalist is healthier and happier, and it doesn't require and in fact opposes Mass Centralisation ie nukes

>> No.10055054
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It's radiation poisoning

>> No.10055061


>> No.10055104


> frantic lifestyle is anti-human
> mass mental and physical illness
> mass suicides

Suicide rate in the west has been stable for many years. People are healthier than ever before, everywhere.

Living a romantic permaculturalist lifestyle is great, no doubt about it. But it is only great when you have the option of doing it in a Western country where you have the support of a technologically advanced society to assist you. It is a lifestyle choice of romantic westerners, not a way of organising a civilisation.

Permaculturalist lifestyles in the third world are short, brutal and hobbled by disease.

>> No.10055112

If we spent the money to develop some of the new reactor concepts, nuclear power could be a great carbon free energy source. As it stands now, it's not really economically viable compared to gas and solar.

>> No.10055126
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If the rich west invested the same amount of money in nuclear as it has renewable energy in the past half century we'd be significantly better off.

During the early 70s oil crisis France realised it was in its best interests to be as independent of foreign oil as possible. They invested heavily in nuclear power, with standardised modular designs to lower manufacturing costs, and the end result is one of the cleanest and cheapest grids in all of Europe.

After the fukushima disaster Germany decided to ditch nuclear power in favour of massive renewable investment. This has failed. Germany now has a higher carbon intensity of energy (g CO2/kWh) than it did prior to the initiative. IMO nuclear is the way to go.

Check out this for real time breakdown of European power generation: https://www.electricitymap.org/?page=map&solar=false&remote=true&wind=false

>> No.10055820

>If a tsunami hit's a coal plant nothing happens. If it hits an atomic power plant they evacuate the area because of muh scary radiation and hundreds more people are injured for no reason

>> No.10055846

Posts like this are why I support abortion.