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10045088 No.10045088 [Reply] [Original]

The SJW maymay made it to Europe. Do I leave STEM?

>> No.10045092

Is this at a Dutch uni?

>> No.10045093

>Leave the homeland of the wizards.

OP. Just do what we did the last time. Hide in the blaze of yet another world war~


>> No.10045094

>Diversity in Hollywood: why so many Jews?

>> No.10045101

Subconscious bias does exist. Like, we know that people judge you positively/negatively based on height/skin colour...etc
It's just that they are making this leap of logic in attributing the "gender gap" to this bias. I just don't even understand how it would work. Like, you are judged on your grades and your thesis. Even if you hate some people, you still have to give them the grades they deserve. An excellent thesis will remain an excellent thesis irrespective of how much you hate the student.

>> No.10045103

Come to China or even easier, to Eastern Europe, idk.

>> No.10045104

In the coming world war, climate change will the the catalyst and we will be front and centre in that mess. Prepare yourself.

>> No.10045108

Started studying physics this year and all we got was "Here are the personal advisors for LGBT/Female/etc students in case you face any special problems". Which is, you know, fair enough.
Where do you study?

You're assuming people will act objective just because they need to. According to the first paragraph of OPs image that is not the case.

>> No.10045110


>> No.10045115

No, I'm saying that it depends entirely on the environment. It is very hard to have nepotism and corruption in hard STEM because who deserves merit is obvious and transparent. Whereas in other professional environments it is easier to do favours and such.

>> No.10045120

Is this during Ethics class or what? I did my BSc and MSc. In total we spent 10 minutes on this issue one time during the mandatory Ethics class. Never seen or heard any SJW stuff, otherwise. People exaggerate how bad we have it. Nowhere as bad as the US or UK.

>> No.10045124

>who deserves merit is obvious and transparent.
Usually there's only a handful of people who will check your work though, and they can still be biased no?

>> No.10045129
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Different subsets of people are treated differently because they are different. We generalize because decision-making = generalizing. "Racism" or "sexism" don't exist.

>> No.10045131

Yeah when you insult a dude for being brown you're making a rational decision. It's not racism or anything.

>> No.10045136

It's a rational decision to not hire Nigerians in the UK even though on average they get the best grades.

>> No.10045138

>This is what you actually believe.

You sorely misunderestimate what humans are capable of.

>> No.10045149

I haven't even encountered it in the UK.
I mean you have to think strategically. I dont think eastern europe wot submit. All the people claiming that all this anti-white nonsense is "ethical" - ethics is just another evolved mechanism, and you shouldn't follow it if you dont benefit from it.
Where you and your kids are going to be better, maybe in Korea or China.

>> No.10045150

No that's conscious bias. Subconscious bias is ridiculous and not taken seriously because you're chasing the ghost of a ghost. It's not something that can ever be proven to exist, with good reason too considering it seems to be used as a tool to victimize anyone who is not a white male.

>> No.10045152

> even though on average they get the best grades
Highly doubt it, but even if it is true, you will damage your social cohesion if.

>> No.10045153


I've spent some considerable time in academia. I'm brown in a white (and racist) country so I myself have my eyes open for possible discrimination against me or others like me.
From my observation, if you are good, you are good and they really cannot touch you. If you are average you are fine as well. If you are a borderline failure, that is when bias can make or ruin you. Like if a thesis is a borderline fail, a sexist might consciously or otherwise pass the male and fail the female.
But STEM is one of the best fields you can be in, if you are a minority and want to avoid bigots. There are less bigots and also as I said, it is harder for them to do any harm.

>> No.10045157

It's true and well known.

>> No.10045165

>Hiring Nigerians that do better than other students is harmful

This is what 56%'ers really think.

>> No.10045169

Start a company and hire strictly ultra-skilled Nigerians. You'll make a lot of money or learn something new.

>> No.10045177

That's how it starts.

>> No.10045180

>Nigerians will work for you
Lol. Nigerians have the same business practices and culture as certain people from the Levant. You work for them, if anything. They are all rich as fuck.

>> No.10045182

Dude, the SJW cancer has made it all the way to fucking Romania of all places. We were supposed to be immune to this shit, like all the post-commie countries.
But no! American influence is like cancer.

>> No.10045185

You are a fucking imbecile.

>> No.10045187

They're Igbo Nigerians. The Igbo are like the Ashkenazi jews of sub-Saharan Africa.

>> No.10045188

This guys knows what's up. But not all Nigerians, just the Igbo.

>> No.10045190

How about Hungary and Poland?

>> No.10045213
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>> No.10045225
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Lol the coping is real. "Bro the Igbo's are totally great for society man, I promise."

>> No.10045236

I don't know. I do know that elementary schoolers in Romania are being taught that gender lies on a spectrum (no, seriously) and that they can be anything they want. The real kicker? Home schooling is illegal in Romania, so every kid is going to be brainwashed with feminist drivel.
You know, I used to make fun of Canadians on /pol/, and then I saw my little brother's textbooks and felt like slitting my wrists in despair.

>> No.10045252

>homeschooling is illegal
>teaches kids that it is totally normal to fuck other dudes and chop your dick off and dress like a female
>teaches kids that they are racist for existing and that browns are god's gift to europe

What a time to be alive

>> No.10045266

The class is called "Current problems of physics". It's supposed to be about unresolved scientific issues. This was a bit of a Trojan horse, as the first half of the lecture was actually about LIGO and then it turned into this mess out of nowhere (and it wasn't disclosed in the syllabus).

>> No.10045609

Welcome to the future, goy

>> No.10045694

>I've spent some considerable time in academia.
> I'm brown in a white (and racist) country

What’s wrong Pajeet? Can’t cheat your way through the system here like you can back home? You can go back at any time.

>> No.10045696

It's not. Race or sex aren't the only or even one of the better predictors of competence. If you turn down some poo in the loo despite the fact that they have the proper grades and experience and are overall immensely qualified. Then that's just malice nothing rational about that.

>> No.10045721


Jesus, I will never understand how is this possible in STEM fields.

A fucking differential equation is not sexist and grading a physics test cannot be skewed for sexes because you literally count the mistakes and assign a grade.

I spend the majority of my time banging my head into a wall trying to understand the goddamn datasets, gathering lab datas and studying theorems, like all of the STEM guys do.
We could give less of a fuck if the person working with us is a man, woman, a dinosaur, a frying pan or a ghost, as long as the data is acquired, processed and presented in a valid manner, in a scientific and verifiable way, we are happy.

All this shit happens because people cannot avoid limiting the personal conversations and interactions in the lunch times, at the vending machines and when work is over and, most importantly, cannot control their feelings and understand that work is work, it is not mandatory to love the coworkers and, unless you are being a monumental asshole, nobody cares.

We don't hate you.
We don't like you.
We don't ostracize you.
We don't think about you, ignoring you, it's simply a null vector in our mind.
It is a non issue.

Jesus christ those fucking snowflakes better stay away from my department or I'll bludgeon them to death with the Sakurai.

also inb4 he mad.
I am mad as hell.

>> No.10045726

The STEM programs at my school are kiked to shit, they shove Jewish nonsense in every class they can under the guise of “social justice” and “diversity”. It seems some Jew at the the SPLC or ADL took a look at the demographics of STEM and saw there were to many White men in one place without a Jewish, brown, or woman moderator.

>> No.10045746

>Race or sex aren't the only or even one of the better predictors of competence.

Wrong. They’re the two best indicators of intelligence, socioeconomic status, behavior and practically anything else of value you can think of. Every single person realizes this by default as well. You literally have to be trained out of it by Jewish professors and threatened by Jewish lawyers to maintain the illusion of “equality”.

>If you turn down some poo in the loo despite the fact that they have the proper grades and experience and are overall immensely qualified

Streetshitters aren’t “overqualified”. They’re nothing more than outsourced middle management imported in the the US so that the (((capitalists))) at the top of the corporations can make a bigger profit than if they were forced to hire white workers.

>> No.10045774

>race and sex are the two best indicators of intelligence, socioeconomic status, behavior and practically anything else of value you can think of.
So you would hire some white redneck that hasn't even finished high school over say a sandnigress with a PhD?
This is completely autistic.

>> No.10045796

Yes, drop out, and put a bullet through your head.

>> No.10045800

>made it
It began in Europe, google the Frankfurt school.

>> No.10045801

Got referred to by the wrong pronouns today, eh? There, there.

>> No.10045803

>choosing 2 extremes
Nice one. I'd choose the most qualified one, but without any data if have to choose the white.

>> No.10045805

Great argument, you fucking trog. Get out of my board.

>> No.10045812

Mass suicide will NOT make them rethink their position. They will appear smypathetic on the outside but will be elated on the inside.

>> No.10045815

In Europe it was some obscure thing old farts in glasses talked about some 40 years ago. In the US, it was transformed into a political movement with the aim of drowning out the voice of real leftists.
We never had this bullshit here until now and only because of the influence of American media and culture.

>> No.10045826

okay snowflake, keep projecting.

>> No.10045833

You made an absolute statement, using logical extremes is an effective way of disputing it. If you choose the most qualified one then you're conceding to my point which is that race and sex aren't paramount.
>without any data if have to choose the white
You will never be in such a situation in the real world so that's irrelevant.

>> No.10045854

oh okay, i'm glad it's just conscious bias, for a second there i thought discrimination was caused unconsciously which would be way worse, thank god people are doing it consciously instead. retard.

>> No.10045907

Insisting that subconscious bias exists isn’t the problem. Rather, the problem is that academia tries to insist that white men are subconsciously biased, but nobody else is.

>> No.10045923

I'm not racist or sexist, but exterminating all subhumans may turn out to be a good idea.

>> No.10045930

China is gearing up to offer big money for STEM people. In fact my conspiracy guess is that they are funding the SJW stuff.

>> No.10045934

>We were supposed to be immune to this shit, like all the post-commie countries. But no! American influence is like cancer.

The solution is just to embrace the identity political fight already instead of thinking it’s just some localized degenerate phenomenon in the US and your country is above the fray. The longer you think the enemy is just those crazy Americans instead of specific faction in the US that other Americans oppose, the easier you will be manipulated in to letting the same thing happen to your country.

>> No.10045938

Psychic spies from China try to steal youe minds elation

And little girls from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation

And if you want these kinds of dreams, its Californication.

>> No.10045940

they’re pretty smart for africans anon

>> No.10045977


Oh, just give women and darkies their fucking degrees already. Consider diversity hires the price of doing business, stuff then into offices and leave them. That's all they want.

When I worked for an ambulance service in California, I noticed that literally all of the higher ranking fire officials were women. Battalion Chiefs and up were almost exclusively female. Their jobs were limited to three activities: rubber-stamping schedules written out by the Captains, doing PR work at local schools and ordering supplies for the fire stations. That is literally all they did. When I asked why all these positions were staffed by females, the answer was that female firefighters were universally promoted both in the name of diversity and to get them out of their field as fast as possible before they killed themselves or anyone else.

That is all these people want. They want to be able to say they have these jobs. They don't want the work. They don't want the responsibility. They want the title and the check. Just give it to them already. Seriously, who gives a shot? So we hire on a few more people. So what?

>> No.10046047

I think the problem happens when the number of jobs is limited, so more skilled people are left unemployed in the name of diversity.

>> No.10046059

>They want the title and the check. Just give it to them already. Seriously, who gives a shot? So we hire on a few more people. So what?
Really? You think it's fair that you might be left unemployed when all the available positions in your field are just simply given away, despite all your best efforts.

>> No.10046154


SJWism started in europe. The worst feminists in history are european.

>> No.10046166

the best way to approach social justice in technical fields is to simply accept the equality of outcome nonsense and let the policies display their inefficiency. it's almost guaranteed that scientists/other hired professionals who are less qualified will be objectively lesser to their constituents. there won't be a slippery slope where the quotas are strengthened if they're shown to be illogical; if anything, they will be undone by this.

>> No.10046259
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>Racism and sexism don't exist
Don't be retarded, obviously they exist. Making a prediction about someone based on race is "racism" by definition.
The question is whether or not racism is a correct and smart attitude to have.
For example, I don't ever let a white person or a woman cut my hair. It's a racist and sexist attitude, pure and simple, but I stand by it because 90% of the time I don't stick to that rule I get my hair butchered. It's not that they can't learn how to do it, but for whatever reason, they don't (perhaps on purpose, to keep the niggers away?), so I have no choice.
Of course this is different from disenfranchising millions of people or denying them access to schools and jobs but the logic is mostly the same

>> No.10046261

>We could give less of a fuck if the person working with us is a man, woman, a dinosaur, a frying pan or a ghost, as long as the data is acquired, processed and presented in a valid manner, in a scientific and verifiable way, we are happy.
No, that's just you, faggot

>> No.10046267

Engineering field is still like 85% white moron
You're crying about being in the bottom 15% of whites that got replaced by minorities "despite working their asses off"

>> No.10046271

Its true that most places would rather hire more of one gender than the other, even when they have the same qualifications.

>> No.10046273

>They’re nothing more than outsourced middle management imported in the the US so that the (((capitalists))) at the top of the corporations can make a bigger profit than if they were forced to hire white workers.
This is correct but why did you put meme parentheses around the word capitalists

>> No.10046276

That's true. I don't get it. How can there be such a difference? In Russia, feminists get jailed. In the UK you get jailed for offending a feminist. What made the Russians so big brain and the Europeans so low IQ?

>> No.10046277

Speaking about diversity does not automatically mean its an SJW thing. People should read first before getting triggered. There are also studies done on this.

>> No.10046285

/pol/ isn't going to read shit.

>> No.10046292
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>just accept some illogical bullshit temporarily
I don't understand why it is so hard for these people to understand that they are a) living in a white society and b) not facing any serious discrimination in spite of that fact.

Any sort of prejudice is just make-believe to justify the existence of fields like "social science," really. It is actually a novel thought to these people that there may be a physical, biological basis for the discrepancies in representation we are seeing.

Anybody who is seriously invested in "social justice" is most definitely within a SD or so of the mean and probably vastly overestimates their own intellectual abilities.

>> No.10046297

I agree, why read when you already know everything?

>> No.10046304
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>gender biases
>labor market discrimination
No, sir, no SJW cancer here. I promise.

>> No.10046319

At this specialist conference I regularly attend, "diversity" usually means finding ways to include more undergrads, particularly from small liberal arts schools. They'll do stuff like offer them full travel funding to attend for "professional development"
Obsessing about gender and identity is silly, but there are a lot of positive ways to promote "diversity" in a broader and more realistic sense

>> No.10046331
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>It is actually a novel thought to these people that there may be a physical, biological basis for the discrepancies in representation we are seeing.

I believe we currently live within a legal system which makes it criminal even to suggest that biological, racial differences might exist. The situation is very similar to holocaust denial in some European countries: you're not allowed to doubt the established truth; the holocaust happened, it is a dogmatic truth, and no amount of historical reserach will ever be able to disprove this "fact".

When it comes to gender and racial differences, the situation is exactly the same; no one will allow you to publish a paper which purports to prove that biological differences among races and genders exist.

I don't know exactly how it happened; I don't know how our societies came to this point. Maybe it's all a Jewish conspiracy like /pol/ says; maybe women and minorities were able to have their way in an increasingly nihilistic, emasculated society that came into being after World War 2; maybe white males simply stopped caring about everything and passively allowed women and niggers to do as they please. Howerver it happened, that's the kind of society we live in right now; and I don't think things are gonna change too easily.

>> No.10046342

“Diversity” literally means less white people. No one is talking about making China, Africa, or Israel more “diverse”. It’s only a policy enforced upon whites. The movie “Black Panther” was praised for being “diverse” despite having the entire cast made up of blacks. Whites are less than 10% of the population on the planet, how is “less whites” making anything more “diverse”?

My school literally has a special program to force more “Women and Minorities” into STEM. Which one demographic group does this exclude?

You have to be an idiot to not see the agenda.

>> No.10046486


Then the work doesn't get done. Obviously, the diversity hires couldn't possibly be to blame, so what is needed is more people.

Ever notice how hospitals have a shot ton of nurses around and half of them are black? Yeah. Same theory. Nurses used to handle about double the number of patients they do now. Hospitals started hiring up all the sheboons for the sake of diversity and people started fucking dying. The hospitals then just hired more nurses to reduce workload and add supervisory staff.

>> No.10046495

Most capitalists are Jews, Jewslaves, or heavily intertwined them. Jews set up a lot of the foundations of our broken global economy, too.

>> No.10046600

>You made an absolute statement
No he didn't. He made a general one.

>> No.10046605

You are part of the problem. You're too quick to acquiesce to their demands because you're too spineless to stand up to women. God I hate beta males so much more than I hate women.

>> No.10046609

This. The only solution is accelerationism. Push this shit so hard society crumbles. That's the only way people learn. E.g. communism.

>> No.10046751

>People exaggerate how bad we have it. Nowhere as bad as the US or UK.
We never did anything like this in the UK: the only ethics thing we did was about plagiarism and academic honesty.

>> No.10046753

Jews didn’t set up the global capitalist networks, Anglo-Saxons, Dutch and Germans did, Jews just excelled in it and helped complexify it as they rose to prominence. Most capitalists aren’t Jews, most of the people who are capitalists aren’t Jew slaves, most of them are not even intertwined with Jewish finance of wealth directly at all. You’re ignorant on the subject of global wealth in a time where its one of the easiest subjects to be informed on.

>> No.10046760

I'm not white and nobody is giving me a job though I'm in STEM. Where is this diversity?
This nazi bullshit

>> No.10046761

These matters don't concern other countries.

>> No.10046767

How do we include more white males in STEM?
Oh wait. It's full of white males.
You just lost.

>> No.10046816

>"Racism" or "sexism" don't exist.
When a black nationalist says he wants to exterminate all white people and take the west from them, is that not racist?
Is a woman who thinks all men should be castrated and all reproduction done using artificial sperm made from only female cells not sexist?
When you say these things don't exist, you aren't just saying "racism against blacks doesn't exist", or "sexism against women doesn't exist": you're also talking about racism against whites and sexism against men.

>> No.10046912

>Making a prediction about someone based on race is "racism" by definition.

We are always basing our judgements on all available data we have on the person. Everything matters. The only way to remove this "racism" would be to make everyone look and act 100% the same.

>I don't ever let a white person or a woman cut my hair. It's a racist and sexist attitude, pure and simple, but I stand by it because 90% of the time I don't stick to that rule I get my hair butchered.

That's not racism, that's pragmatism. Your brain works fine and is instinctually giving you the right answer, but your surface-level thinking has been brainwashed with the "racism" meme. This meme, when you try to marry it with actual real-life decision-making creates constant dissonance where you internally have the right appraisal of the situation, but at the same time you have to jump through all these hoops rationalizing your decisions and apologizing for your natural instincts to fit the "racism" narrative. That's retarded.

>> No.10046924

sjw shit is stupid in STEM because STEM is STEM, doesn't matter who or what you are the results speak for themselves but it makes sense everywhere else
racism etc is a scourge on normal lifeforms

>> No.10046934

>When a black nationalist says he wants to exterminate all white people and take the west from them, is that not racist?
>Is a woman who thinks all men should be castrated and all reproduction done using artificial sperm made from only female cells not sexist?

You're having to reach for these extreme almost non-existant stances that people almost never run into in real life. I'm aware crazy people who hold crazy views exist. We already could easily pick out these extreme, crazy characters in society before the "racism" etc meme.

What is meant with "racism", "sexism" or any "discrimination" most of the time comes from following the thought process:

>a certain subgroup of people in an economic system are not performing as well as another group, or face a negative outcome more often than average, ergo "discrimination"

That's wrong. Subgroups are different, ergo they perform differently. As the word is commonly understood, "racism" doesn't exist. Marxism exists.

>> No.10046953

>That's not racism, that's pragmatism
You realize that it can be both?

No, it's really simple. Race is the primary factor in my decision ("that barbershop is filled with whites, I'm not going it a chance"), THEREFORE, my decision-making process is, by definition, a racist one.
You're the only one jumping through hoops. Stop trying to shoehorn everything into autistic categories. The nuance you're struggling to grasp is that I never said racism is strictly wrong.

In fact, racism and prejudice is not always wrong, and racism is often wrongly conflated with hate when it is actually a distinct concept. For example I don't let my dog eat at the kitchen table primarily because he is a dog. That doesn't mean I hate him, or that I'm wrong.

>> No.10046971

You're the one buying into the "racism" meme by implicitly agreeing that it is evil and something to be denied at all costs. As long as you continue to empower the word by trying to say "b-b-but I'm not racist, I'm [insert euphemism]" you're spreading the meme.

>> No.10046982

Every decision involving other humans has a racial element to it. Everything matters. So all of those decisions have a "racist" element to them. There, the word just lost all its objective meaning. It's just a completely relative, subjective, hazy term that's been weaponized.

All decisions involving humans are "racist", and also by your words:

>there's even good and bad racism!!

Your word has no meaning anymore. You're also trying isolate some arbitrary "racist" element of your decision-making, when in reality it all works as a whole. What follows is subjective nonsense that doesn't have any meaning outside your own head.

>> No.10047087
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>> No.10047092


>everything matters


>> No.10047095

>You just lost.
Nah. I dont see any reason to change my behavior. We dont owe them anything.

>> No.10047100

>You're having to reach for these extreme almost non-existant stances that people almost never run into in real life
But you said sexism and racism DON'T EXIST. Those situations might be rare, but they do happen, hence racism and sexism are real.

>> No.10047112

I'm not that anon, but you must be really dense if you believe their post was at all about how they are struggling in class. if you cannot do something as basic as read you should not be on this board faggot

>> No.10047146

>Even if you hate some people, you still have to give them the grades they deserve.
Yes, you have to. Hence why subconscious bias, which would result in a grade less than they deserve, is so pernicious.

>> No.10047149

The way things are and the way things ought to be are not necessarily the same.

>> No.10047153

>Anglo-Saxon, Dutch and German jews did*

>> No.10047161

>It's full of white males.

Remove Jews
Remove all Meds: Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese ...etc
Remove all Levant people: Syrians, Lebanese, Jordan
Remove all North African people
Remove all Turkic people
Remove all Slavs

All of these ethnic groups are not considered white by racists. Is STEM full of white males now? No. Germanic people just like to appropriate our achievements when it suits them. Truth is there are more non-whites doing STEM than white people.

And for all the buttblasted retards who are going to take offense, historically "white=Germanic". It is only in the last half a century that suddenly they started including all the other ethnicities, and only because those other ethnicities were outperforming them.

>> No.10047166

Can you imagine being such a melting snowflake that the very thought of a woman being near you makes you want to change careers?

>> No.10047194

>All of these ethnic groups are not considered white by racists. Is STEM full of white males now?
Source? especially for slav and meds? When did /sci/ get this retarded?

>> No.10047199

10 fucking years and the retarded SJW still doesn't know what a snowflake means.

>> No.10047210

what point are you trying to make here?

>> No.10047223

Everyone is trying to make the best decisions they can. If we are aware of something, it affects our decision, all of it. That's the only rational way to look at someone's decision-making from the outside. If you think you can differentiate between person A who didn't hire the minority because muh "racism", while person B didn't either but he acted on purely meritocratic basis, how are you going to do that without engaging in some form of

>a certain subgroup of people in an economic system are not performing as well as another group, or face a negative outcome more often than average, ergo "discrimination"

type of analysis? Which is nonsense.

>I'm aware crazy people who hold crazy views exist. We already could easily pick out these extreme, crazy characters in society before the "racism" etc meme.

There's rare outlier personalities with extreme views, we don't need specific words for all of them. All words in a sense have some distinct meaning in language so if that's ýour point, okay. But

>As the word is commonly understood, "racism" doesn't exist

>> No.10047258

Do you understand that a certain factor might be appropriate in one situation but not in another?
Do you see that to judge the speed of a car by the color of its wheels would generally be considered incorrect?

>Arbitrary "racist" factor
The word as defined literally refers to the concept of using race into account. There is nothing arbitrary about that.

>All humans have a race, so all decisions are racist
This doesn't follow. All cars have windshields so all judgments of any aspect of a car must involve the windshield?

>> No.10047298


SJWism comes from Europe. It was Europeans who forced America and shamed Americans into accepting blacks as humans.

>> No.10047319

>The word as defined literally refers to the concept of using race into account. There is nothing arbitrary about that.

Okay, so we'll just ask them "dude you didn't not hire Tyrese because he's black, did you?? because umm pretty sure that's racist sweetie", then they'll answer and we'll know who the EVIL BIGOTS are. No, they'll say they were basing it on merit. And then:

If you think you can differentiate between person A who didn't hire the minority because muh "racism", while person B didn't either but he acted on purely meritocratic basis, how are you going to do that without engaging in some form of

>a certain subgroup of people in an economic system are not performing as well as another group, or face a negative outcome more often than average, ergo "discrimination"

type of analysis? Which is nonsense.

>> No.10047356

History. Although now they are trying to hide it. Anyone who wasn't from the North Western Europe was either ambiguously white or entirely non-white.

>> No.10047370

Coincidentally, today on /r/askhistorians


>> No.10047448

>Do I leave STEM?
And let the terrorists win? No, you stay

>> No.10047449

"Why are muh white males so good at everything wahhh why has every significant contribution to science and math been from a white male where is muh diversity??????"

>> No.10047457

The Stacy-Clare-Becky conjecture really blows einsteins theories out of the water. And its only because of our patriarchal society that they aren’t accepted.

>> No.10047460

Damn dude, you should write a song

>> No.10047514

>no nepotism and coruption in stem

are you even eastern europe bruv???

>> No.10047558

This is bullshit, the immigration act of 1790 allowed only White men of good character to immigrate into the US and become citizens. Italians wouldn’t have been allowed in the US in the first place if they weren’t white.

There’s actual immigration papers from the early 20th you can look at, Italians were always accepted as “White” under racial classification. Anyone who tries to tell you different is just promoting Jewish divide and conquer revisionism.

>> No.10047567

Yeah, I’m sure it has nothing with the fact that their theory is competing with a Jews. Jews have never been known to lie in their own interest or anything.

>> No.10047628


>> No.10047642

>I do know that elementary schoolers in Romania are being taught that gender lies on a spectrum

This better be bait.

>> No.10047856

it means you shit your pants at the idea that a woman might breathe the same air as you

>> No.10047931

They're overrepresented but not a majority. Capitalists act the way they do based on rational self-interest, and not race

>> No.10047993


what if their self interest is preserving their ethnic group?

>> No.10047998

Academia is actually over, what a wonderful era we live in. We'll have to start our own meritocratic universities.

>> No.10048018

>I read only the first sentence on wikipedia
Yeah, by law they were considered white. In practice they faced racism for not being white enough.
>Anyone who tries to tell you different is just promoting Jewish divide and conquer revisionism.

My family is Italian-American. Even my father experienced racism. You have no fucking clue, mate. Typical "racism doesn't exist" bullshit.

>> No.10048264

Ah, yes, the white boogeyman -- err, I mean, subconscious bias. That's what we're mad about. Right.

>> No.10048267

We don't care, though. We don't owe the browns anything. They can cry until the sun goes down and I still won't fucking care. This was a country built by whites.

>> No.10048272
File: 62 KB, 735x551, 1527069223991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism is a real problem in the US guys
Smells like Reddit and soi in here.

>> No.10048299

>t. jew

>> No.10048619

They faced “discrimination” for being Catholic you idiot, back when the US was 90%+ White, Catholic/Protestant was a meaningful divide.

It’s the same reason the Irish faces problems when they immigrated over the years. Or are you one of these morons claiming “the Irish weren’t considered white” as well?

>> No.10048633

I think you should show your lecturer the Jordan Peterson interview regarding the gender pay gap. Highlight the lack of a multivariate analysis as i'm sure those references also don't take into account other variables.

>> No.10048869

>If you think you can differentiate
Are you unironically implying that if an outsider can't tell the difference between two things, then there is no actual difference?

>> No.10049171

There can be all kinds of things and discernible differences in your own head. If nobody can tell what the difference is from the outside though, we shouldn't have a word that assumes the ability to judge this difference in others' actions (whether someone is "racist" or not). The word is a political tool, with no real meaning.

The poster was engaging in reductionist/structuralist line of thinking, I wanted to show by an example how it always falls apart in real world social situations, with real people involved.

>> No.10049205

>you still have to give them the grades they deserve


>> No.10049213


>> No.10049253
File: 17 KB, 320x251, E3C1B4046F5A47A68667754375A26077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to reading classes muttard

>> No.10049848

Nothing too bad with that slide in specific.

>> No.10049974

No, just stay away from the crazies