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File: 309 KB, 1200x1200, DokvXsOXUAEX7gx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10044452 No.10044452 [Reply] [Original]

Another woman, well-deserved I guess.

Was kinda hyped for CRISPR/Cas9, but I guess it has to mature as a tech? Or is it still in the legal patent limbo that it was a couple of years ago?

>> No.10044479

Enzymes btw

>> No.10044484

Why are they giving Nobel prizes to people who have worked on different things in the same year? Has their policy changed?

>> No.10044488

Because they are swedes

>> No.10044491

Often it's because of the synergetic relationship of the respective discoveries; in such a way that it has amplified their impact as a scientific tools or for technological applications.

>> No.10044494

Affirmative action.

>> No.10044517

The first instance of this happening in physics was in 1927: it is by no means recent. I don't know about the other prizes.
I'm as upset as you about them giving the prize away to females who've contributed far less than the male choices, but this is demonstrably NOT the reason for handing out awards for different results.

>> No.10044525

>Another tweak is also in the works. For the first time, the letters for physics and chemistry prizes will emphasize that nominators can put forward names corresponding to three different discoveries, something that, although already possible, was not highlighted until now meaning it might have been underused. (Nominators were also already allowed to put forward multiple names for a single discovery.)
So they've 'emphasized' that you can nominate for multiple different things in order to get more women. A little of column A a little of column B. They should just go the oscars route and have a mens and womens award.

>> No.10044568

Why does she have an equine face

>> No.10044576


>> No.10044577

Males features. All women with success in masculine fields have manly features like strong jaws, big foreheads and intelligence.

>> No.10044581
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Are we sure she's not a man in drag? She even has a gender ambiguous name.

>> No.10044591

>They should just go the oscars route and have a mens and womens award.

They already do enough pandering to idiots by allowing the prize in economics to exist.

>> No.10044622

The prize in economics literally isn't a Nobel Prize.
Though it is a form of "special olympics" appeasement, allowing economists to sit at the grown-up table, with real scientific achievers.

>> No.10044630

Exactly. By any reasonable standard it's copyright infringement that the real Nobel committee hasn't crushed, indicating tacit acceptance.

Like if a brand of shoes for special ed kids called itself Nikee.

>> No.10044640

I was just going to say this. In 300 years time the Nobels in Physics will remain worthy of the prize, but the "Nobels" in Economics won't. Most certainly pretty much all that work will be invalidated as we move on from the current ideology and economic system.

>> No.10044643
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>Like if a brand of shoes for special ed kids called itself Nikee.


>> No.10044652
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EPIC. It's still insane that anti-US countries run on Windows.

>> No.10044782

Well deserved my ass, they're blatantly shoehorning women in to reassure feminists they aren't just fucking baby machines (they are). No surprise from swedeshits though, in the same way Obama turned NASA into a muslim outreach program, swedes are turning their beloved N*bel into a 'whamen feel good program'. Strickland literally wasn't even fucking important enough a researcher to warrant a wiki page, keep that in mind.

>> No.10044802

> T. Incelnazi

>> No.10044811

Nope, lost my virginity a decade ago and currently in relationship with my fiance for 6 years. Also only connection to Nazi's is my great grandfather, beyond that don't really agree with much of their views desu.

>> No.10044827

Who would've been more deserving for the prizes this year then?

>> No.10044939


>> No.10044983

is this b8? spoken like someone who doesn't know who Frances Arnold is.

>> No.10045002

>Also only connection to Nazi's is my great grandfather

>> No.10045007

Fair enough

>> No.10045032
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>> No.10045048

let's see your research anon

>> No.10045052

I have recently succeeded in using the reactive manifestation of fractal resonance harmonics, bonded on a quantum level with isotropic transfer functions manifesting psychic oxidation.

>> No.10045062

lmao, literally babby tier

>> No.10045069

Somebody us butthurt because he will never accomplish anything.

>> No.10045073


>> No.10045081

I know I am but what are you?

>> No.10045086

Show me what these Nobel prize winners have accomplished, how have they changed anything?

>> No.10045096

many therapeutics/antibodies and industrial use enzymes are made using the methods that these winners developed.

>> No.10045107

Like what?

>> No.10045111

why don't you google it, shitface

>> No.10045128

You just got exposed.

>> No.10045132

>feed me information, I'm too stupid to read journals

>> No.10045144

You just played yourself.

>> No.10045162


Not him but why are trying to give these Nobel winners flak when last year the physics award was given for the observation of gravity waves which has less practical purposes today than what has been awarded for in physics and chemistry in 2018?

>> No.10045191

Talking about all of them.

>> No.10045205


Are you? Because no where in your posts have you made it clear your issue is with all Nobel Winners.

>> No.10045251

In the last 10 years, which Nobel prize winner's discovery has actually had any impact?

>> No.10045277

Worthless whore who probably fucked and manipulated the main researcher.

All women are whores who deserved to be raped.

>> No.10045280

2009's prize in physics, for one.

>> No.10045290

Protein engineering, directed evolution and phage display are very related.

>> No.10045292

Jej, the prize was for discoveries made in the 1960s.

>> No.10045298

back to /r/feminism you false flagging idiot

>> No.10045308

Roastie detected.

>> No.10045341




2009 is noteworthy for having the same dynamic as 2018 for chemistry, of not all winners working on the same subject matter but all being relevant collectively for the award in said field.


CCD and optical communication still has impact today. Also your question delt with last decade of Nobel winners. Which obviously would have said research already being utilized in the depth. The only real exception is the Gravity Waves Observation that was stated earlier and maybe Higgs Boson depending on your perspective.

>> No.10045344

>Gravity Waves Observation
>Higgs Boson

>> No.10045392


I wouldn't go as far as calling them scams but they are far from practal compared to the research being award for Physics and Chemistry for 2018.

>> No.10045428

>I wouldn't go as far as calling them scams
That's the best kind of scam.
>far from practal compared to the research being award for Physics and Chemistry for 2018.
Where's the proof of practicality for these winners?

>> No.10045454

>Where's the proof of practicality for these winners?

>> No.10045482 [DELETED] 

CRISPR is going really poorly and shows no signa of surmounting the problem of pleiotropy and indecipherable polygenic traits, its almost certainly a bad idea and the whole notion of gene engineering is probably dead in the water unless some dramatic advance in gene analysis arrives.
no the cheekbones and shape of her body is too obviously feminine, her orbitals as well, traps really can’t overcome that bone structure they can only round it off and degenerate some of the thickness of it.
they know this its just a political grab for legitimacy and influence, if the public thinks economics is as rigorous as chemistry, physics or biology then they’ll naturally grant it more predictive power than it actually has.

>> No.10045508
File: 146 KB, 496x496, 8c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRISPR is going really poorly

Not as a general research tool it aint. Shit's become as ubiquitous as it is powerful

>> No.10045516


>Where's the proof of practicality for these winners?

Are seriously asking for proof of practicality for pulse lasers and utilization of enzyme engineering?


Each method stated in the link provides a separate page to the practical applications.

Also for the chemistry work.


You can easily Google this stuff.

>> No.10045569

Whole 'lotta jargon. Show me this bullshit in action.

>> No.10045576

Even an undergraduate lab class you use optical tweezers. You've been to a university before, right?

>> No.10045593

>optical tweezers
Glorified magnet.

>> No.10045658

She teaches here at Caltech and is actually pretty smart. Don’t see a problem in this selection. Fags are just upset seeing a women received it.

Is the Nobel always supposed to be about impact? I mean the literature and philosophy portion has no impact. Thought it was supposed to be about advances.

>> No.10045668

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10045673

Stfu you autistic fuck

>> No.10045712

>You've been to a university before, right?
Not only have I been to a university, but I started my education when I was very young, perhaps around 6 years old.

>> No.10045846

Nobels have always been a scam, why the fuck do you still care about it?
>hurr let's award some gay ochem instead of based lewis

>> No.10047328
File: 104 KB, 1400x807, r5lJFIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this guy

>> No.10048236

I for one adore the Nobel prize, as an institution.

>> No.10048281


>> No.10049079


>> No.10049082

so basically as of 2018, only 2 (real) nobel prizes will be handed out?

>> No.10049101

"I don't understand modern physics, so I hate it and say that it's a scam".