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10040980 No.10040980 [Reply] [Original]

is this math correct!?
3 x 0.2 liter bottles of 11% alcohol
= 66% alcohol/ 300ml
= 132% alcohol per 150ml ?

>> No.10040988

the concentration of alcohol in solution doesn't change based on what container you put it in.

>> No.10040993

i know that , i am calculating relative proportion,.. so 600 ml of 33% would equal 300ml of 66% is this correct or a fallACy?

>> No.10041010

They both have 198ml of alcohol

>> No.10041015

33% of 600 ml is 199.8 ml
66% of 300 ml is 199.8 ml

600 ml of 11% alcohol added to 300 ml of 5% alcohol equals 900 ml of 9% alcohol


>> No.10041025

>33% of 600 ml is 199.8 ml
>66% of 300 ml is 199.8 ml
both wrong
>600 ml of 11% alcohol added to 300 ml of 5% alcohol equals 900 ml of 9% alcohol
why are you telling me this?

>> No.10041028

>(1/3) not equal 33%
>(2/3) not equal 66%
sorry for rounding

>why you teach me how solve problem
because thats the problem you need to know how to solve

>> No.10041037

??? that has nothing to do with my problem. im trying to find solutions with the same alcohol content, not the concentration of alcohol after combining different solutions

>> No.10041043

well then... in that case see the first response >>10040988

11% alcohol will be 11% alcohol no matter what cup you pour it in.

>> No.10041046

concentration of alcohol is not the same as amount of alcohol, retard

>> No.10041054

if you want 100 ml of alcohol to be present in your sample container how many ml of 11% alcohol should you pour into the sample container?

sound like your homework?

fuck you kid, do your own homework.

pro tip its fucking easy and you're retarded.

>> No.10041058

that's still not the question i asked. you must be even more retarded to not even understand the question, let alone the answer

>> No.10041062

>3 x 0.2 liter bottles of 11% alcohol
>= 66% alcohol/ 300ml
>= 132% alcohol per 150ml ?

that is the shit you put as your question

its fucking jibberish incorrect garbage.

please kys

>> No.10041063

no profniyty plzzzssss thnxxxxxxx

>> No.10041066

Have another keg, Brett

>> No.10041069

mad brainlet

>> No.10041071
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>11% of 600ml = 66% of 300ml

>> No.10041074

>3 x 0.2 liter bottles of 11% alcohol
>= 66% alcohol/ 300ml
>= 132% alcohol per 150ml ?

op r u actually retarded

>> No.10041076

yes op is a retarded brainlet in denial

>> No.10041082

stay mad, nigger

>> No.10041086

op i am talking to you as a person sitting at ur computer right now

u might actually have braindamage i am not joking or being rude you seriously might have brain damage

there is nothing about that equality that makes even the slighest bit of sense. i dont think you are stupid i think y ou might actually have a brain tumor you should go to the doctors immediately

>> No.10041088

lol you are so dumb, i feel bad for you

>> No.10041099
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>> No.10041128
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ive never seen an op this retarded in all my life and hes calling other people stupid BAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH OH NOOOOOOOO NO NO

>> No.10041312

>is this math correct!?
no... not at all

Maybe you can tell us what it is you're trying to calculate and we can help you.

>> No.10041365

Yep looks good. Now I'm pretty thirsty, so could you please pour me 132% of water?

>> No.10041420

Are you faggots, who reply mentally ill; or is this some sort of advanced bait?

>> No.10041426

Do you; enjoy: randomly placing, punctuation?

>> No.10041433


>> No.10041446
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well, besides the factt that i feel now i'm probably incorrect, i tried to calculate what % amount of Alcohol would need to be in 300/150/75 ml for it to equal the % level of 33% alcohol in 600 ml

>> No.10041496

Literally calculate the amount of alcohol in the first solution by 0.6l×0.11
Then get the second amoumt of alchohoel with 0.3l/first answer and do on

>> No.10041505

i actually think i'm correct. y'all
Just ask yourselves ''how much ml in total do i need to consume to get ~ml of alcohol in my system''
"~ml of alcohol" being equal to 33% in 600

if that wasn't clear reconsider your interpreting skills

>> No.10041553

33% of 600 is 198
66% of 300 is 198
132% of 150 is 198
264% of 75 is 198

anything over 100% alcohol is not "real" in this context.

>i think im correct y'all
i think you should retake freshman highschool science class

>> No.10041575

Either retarded or bait.

>> No.10041576

nobody here is giving you answers because we are all mindblown by how retarded you are. we have no idea what in the fuck you are trying to do because your original post is so fucking stupid and wrong there is no way to even figure out how you began to get such a fucking stupid and wrong answer

>i tried to calculate what % amount of Alcohol would need to be in 300/150/75 ml for it to equal the % level of 33% alcohol in 600 ml

what in the fuck does that have to do with anything you said in your original post?

.33 * 600ml = 198ml. so if you have 600ml of 33% alcohol you have 198ml of alcohol.

if you have 300ml then all you have to do is do basic division that a literal child could do. 198/300 = .66 so 66%

198/150 or 198/75 doesnt make physical sense in this scenario

>> No.10041592

the word problem is just an example. im sorry you can't think abstractly and extend ideas to beyond what's real

>> No.10041613

>you can't think abstractly and extend ideas to beyond what's real

i think you don't know what percentages are well enough to realize your position on this subject is retarded.

>> No.10041624

i know what percentages are. what do you think i dont know about percentages?

>> No.10041639

lol stop pretending to be me

>> No.10041651

im replying to you because you said i didnt know what percentages are. who do you think im pretending to be?

>> No.10041743

>you said i didnt know what percentages are
that was me actually and I said you didnt seem to know what percentages are well enough.

for example you want to know what % of alcohol a 75ml drink would have to be in order to dose you the same amount of alcohol as a 33% alcohol 600 ml drink would. The answer is that even if the 75ml drink was pure alcohol is still wouldnt dose you as much as the 600ml drink would. The 75ml drink would have to be 264% alcohol, an impossible answer. But put another way you would have to drink just over 2 and a half (2.64) 75ml drinks of pure 100% alcohol to get the same dose as you would get from one 600 ml drink thats 33% alcohol.

its basic volumetric relationships, not even hard stuff really. If you graduated highschool I am surprised you werent taught how to figure this kind of problem out.

>> No.10041797

i already know everything you just posted, retard

>> No.10041826

great? then how about you dont make retarded threads in the future okay?

>> No.10041865
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oh he's mad now

>> No.10041891

>the word problem is just an example
yes, an example of how fucking retarded you are

>think abstractly and extend ideas to beyond what's real
yeah i bet thats what your parents told you when you failed every math class

>> No.10041894

dont post in threads you don't like, retard. no ones forcing to read or reply to my thread

>> No.10041950


>> No.10041956
File: 4 KB, 411x387, 1538405630762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I could not help but notice your png was not optimized.
I have optimized your png.
Your png is now optimized.

>> No.10041969

>No ones
You mean no one's
Practicing grammar and the proper usage of punctuation may help you to better communicate with anons. You should try to reword your op so it actually asks the proper questions. I'll stick around to help if you have more problems.

>> No.10042024

>3 x .02 liter bottles of 11% alcohol
11% of your .02 liters is alochol
22 ml of your 200 mL is alcohol
or, 11% alcohol per 200 mL
or, .11 mL per 1 mL of your substance is alcohol

this means of the 600 mL you had, 66 mL of it was alcohol (600*.11)

if you had other drinks of different concentrations you'd add them and multiply by the concentration
so 5 mL of 11%, 20 mL of 6% and 8 mL of 50% would be 5*.11+20*.06+8*.5=5.75, so 5.75 mL of the total 33 mL you drank was alcohol, or a grand total alcohol concentration of 17% alcohol

>> No.10042049

> 5 mL of 11%, 20 mL of 6% and 8 mL of 50%

are these arbitrary? where do those nrs suddenly come from

>> No.10042053

yeah i was giving an example
should've clarified lmao that looks like complete nonsense otherwise

btw i got the 17% from dividing 5.75/33

>> No.10042553

it is 66% TIMES 300ml

>> No.10042574

Terrible redactation, but
>3 x 0.2 liter bottles of 11% alcohol
>= 66% alcohol/ 300ml
>= 132% alcohol per 150ml ?
Also you SHOULD NOT POST HERE as you are underage

>> No.10042583


>> No.10042599

OP you need to get your life together. Either you are too young to be drinking or too drunk to do math go home.

>> No.10042636

back on topic - who dis?

>> No.10042642

Nigga, you dumb.

>> No.10042700

> Terrible redactation
terrible grammar