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10037031 No.10037031 [Reply] [Original]

>recovering from brain injury

I do cardio twice daily. and mediation.

anything else I should be doing?

>> No.10037033
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Waking up

>> No.10037041

alzheimer medication helps

>> No.10037129

you need lots of sleep to heal properly
talk to your doctor, you don't fuck around with brain injuries

>> No.10037278
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Depends on the injury!

Be specific and i´ll help.

>> No.10037894

blood clot traveled to brain. time dilation.

>> No.10037899

Booze. Lots of it.

>> No.10037901

Jigsaw puzzles.
Tons of sleep, if advised by a doc.

>> No.10037905

you goofing. A beer or two daily does kinda numb out whatever is wrong and make me feel normal

>> No.10037908

Lion's Mane Mushroom (fruiting body extract)
Ibudilast + Galantamine

>> No.10037913


Honestly, don’t over drink. Even for the next year or so. Heavy alcohol intake can impact the nervous system since the liver drains vitamins from your body when processing the alcohol. This is known to cause muscle twitches (dehydration also contributes to this) and excessive use can cause alcoholic neuropathy. A glass of wine every night (maybe 2-3 days off) might actually do you well. Ask your doctor.

>> No.10037915

>dark room
>don't fall asleep or you can die

>> No.10037917

i visited a neurologist back in december and I was surprised how uncaring he was. 9months ago I was so far gone. It wsn't until july the left half of my brain came back online. was horrifying. could feel bits of decay all over the left half of my face. three days ago meditating I could feel the frontal lobe mending itself. was a trip.

my body loves me so much.

>> No.10037924


Shit man, you should look into lawsuit with this neurologist. I had nerve damage in my left arm after dislocating it in a bike accident. 2 months of not able to lift my arm above my head caused muscle astrophy that is still evident today. Luckily docs were able to shock my nerves back together.

>> No.10037930

What make you twitch during a hangover is the excess glutamate neurotransmitter in your brain caused by alcohol. That's what a hangover is. It's like: alcohol depresses your nervous system so your body makes glutamate to wake you up but after the alcohol is gone the glutamate is still in your nervous system so you get the shakes. Alcohol will cure this by depressing your nervous system again.
>but it also increases the glutamate again
So it's a neverending cycle. That why people develop a physical dependence on alcohol.
The other way is: if there's still alcohol in your system the next day your nervous system is still being depressed. Greasy foods often have MSG in them which mimics the glutamate neurotransmitter and will stimulate your nervous system back up to speed. That's why you may crave greasy foods after a session of drinking.

Stay safe.

>> No.10037945

I hear so many explanations for why some people have muscle twitches after heavy drinking (this is not to be confused with shaking hands which could be a symptom of withdrawal). They all seem valid, but alcoholic neuropathy is caused by vitamin difficiency.

>> No.10037949

Well i learned that from a mandatory government alcohol rehabilitation thing (it wasn't rehab) so I'm pretty sure it's right.

>> No.10037987

do maths and shit, maybe you came out a savant, or do things that you could do before, like different types of math to see if you can still do em

>> No.10038048

lions mane mushroom supplements. it stimulates nerve growth factor. do a bit of reading on it

>> No.10038122

Cerebrolysin injections daily.

>> No.10039285
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Try usual citric acid.

Trink ice tea 2 liters a day for about a week.

It should divide the clot.

>> No.10039287
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And drink it from time to time to prevent clots.

>> No.10039297

Is it getting better?
Unironically video games could help, work your motor skills.

>> No.10039578

happened sept 2016

I was so.far.gone. up until nov 2017

nearly died from heart failure then. discovered coq10 supps. weeks after I could feelt my heart mending itself while mediating was fascinating.

left half of my brain didn't come back online until july 2018

past 3 months has been hellish. hardly even walk brain was so damaged.

past couple days has been a return to normalcy. could actually chill at park drink a beer and have peace of mind.

been doing cardio like abrain damaged fucc all summer. couldn't even imagine what others seen in me

>> No.10039581

You're in a coma please wake up.

>> No.10039587

doubt it

>> No.10039589

you remind of the doc I visited. he didn't even believe me when I mentioned b12 deficiency.

>> No.10039594 [DELETED] 
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forgot to add cute pic

>> No.10039880

zmoke zome dank veed, it curez canzer alzo

>> No.10040006

ye it does work wonders for me. I usually vape some then do cardio and feel amazing. low on funds tho.

I meditated at the park today and nearly puked. so obvious there was significant frontal lobe impairment,. I could sense it. really concerned for mental health.

>> No.10041017
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Just bee urself xD

>> No.10041027

aww poor you. Keep going anon, I believe in you, you will get better :)

>> No.10042893

ye I made crazy progress in past couple weekss

>> No.10042938


>> No.10042956
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>> No.10043159

eat and drink wholesome foods, rest, sleep, rest, consume marijuana, a very light dose of psilocybin will help you too. keep ur mind active but not too busy, dont look at screens too much.
do breathing exercises.
i wanted to do this but couldnt afford to; get an oxygen and or hydrogen production kit breathing mask as i am convinced it will speed up and increase quality of recovery.
rest is the most important tho.