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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.74 MB, 1114x1600, 1535335628938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10021041 No.10021041 [Reply] [Original]

When or if Humanity manages to explore space, how will we be able to travel to other solar systems? IS FTL travel feasible or in the realm of Science Fiction? I heard that we may be able to use Wormholes, though I could be wrong. What are your thoughts about it, /sci/?

>> No.10021139 [DELETED] 

We will die on Earth, the thought that we will colonize the Solar System is nothing but science fiction.

>> No.10021201
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>When or if Humanity manages to explore space
already on it for like 6 decades
>how will we be able to travel to other solar systems?
preferably on some kind of spacecraft
>IS FTL travel feasible or in the realm of Science Fiction?
our current understanding of physics suggests the latter
>I heard that we may be able to use Wormholes
we might as well be able to use unicorn farts
wormholes have less evidence backing their existence than abrahamic god
>What are your thoughts about it, /sci/?
I put my money down on the Alcubierre Drive
it's a sound and solid concept with only one tiny flaw
it's just that - a concept
we haven't got the slightest clue on how to even begin making one, we just know what we want and technically it's not breaking physics
that said, figuring out how to bend space itself would be an indescribable paradigm shift

>> No.10021326

>I put my money down on the Alcubierre Drive
>Not the project Orion, aka Nuclear Propulsion.
The absolute state of /sci/ disgust me.

>> No.10021374
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>fanboying a literal nuclear space bomber that will never EVER get made

>> No.10021628

Its the most feasible and the fastest method. We will be able to reach alpha centauri in a 100 years

>> No.10021720

stop kidding yourself
nobody is strapping thousands of nukes onto a spaceship to get your ass to alpha centauri

>> No.10021722

there were other toohou math memes like this. Do have any other saved?

>> No.10021742

bumping against all hope

>> No.10022118

laser propulsion and other types pf nuclea rpckets will get us around the solar system well. Lasers and particle streams could get us through interstellar space with enough time and infrastructure. If fusion is invented, that would supercede many of these deigns anf mak it even easiser.
don't count on it.
check out the atomic rockets website and tough scifi blog for realiatic near to mid future information, and check out orion's arm for far-future ideas

bumpo 2

>> No.10022134
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Here you go.

Solar sails is thw way to go

>> No.10022378

We will explore the solar system in sub-light starships before refining the Kugelblitz engine to reach FTL travel.

>> No.10022623
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i would drag my dick through miles of glass to hear you fart through a walkie talkie

>> No.10022633

>how will we be able to travel to other solar systems
either through fusion powered engines or laser sails
>is FTL travel feasible or in the realm of Science Fiction?
Only if negative matter is ever show to exist beyond just an oddity in some solutions to einstien's equations

>there were other toohou math memes like this
its official, every thing on the internet is a meme
videos are memes, macros are memes, part of doujins are memes, this post is a meme

>> No.10022641

Man won't be allowed to leave Earth.

>> No.10022647
File: 16 KB, 265x290, The_Niggest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro what are you even saying
like can you even read your own post before you click send?
did you even take a look at OP's post?you think you have any criteria of telling him what is the most optimal way to travel beyond this shithole of a planet?

>> No.10022649

Every star will be its own isolated pocket, and once you leave one, you're never going to see it again in the state you left it. At best, you'll see it timelapsed decades into the future. This disconnect will mean that personal relationships across worlds become superficial to a degree that is hard to imagine nowadays - almost everyone you know will grow old and die while you're busy traveling, and even between fellow travelers the moments where personal timeframes overlap will be few and far between and vary wildy. That old guy who taught you the ropes on your first vessel might be your junior when you see him again. Conversely, people you're traveling with become the only ones you truly share a story with, becoming your entire universe. Crewmates will be tighter than family, because the alternative is crushing loneliness.

>> No.10022652

the part about negative matter relates to FLT, but I guess I should have spoon fed him everything about the constrains of Alcubierre Drive like this is a popsci youtube channel right?

>> No.10022676
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sweetie you're a dense one aren't you?

>> No.10022738
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reading comprehension?!?!???
do you even understand what you are saying?
how does this even relate to the question?

>> No.10022750
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Humanity will die on Earth, never knowing the Galaxy.

>> No.10022807
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not if i have a say in the matter

>> No.10023101

Why not?

>> No.10023168
File: 507 KB, 814x486, edgy_wedgie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody say touhou thread?

>> No.10023174

Who the fuck put their intelli-penis into my eye-socket and proceeded to pump me full of juicy, semen-quality, genius?

>> No.10023187

Of course everything is a meme, a 'me+me' recurrence relation. We select the images because we presume we can communicate even more data with multimedia.

Why does nobody else realize that they meme their own existence? We could team up and get wicked shit awesome.

Solve all Millenium Prizes, on condition that I get to accept the prize in a man-kini, because fuck academia and the bullshit barriers society wants because it isn't willfully wanton.

>> No.10023256
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>We could team up and get wicked shit awesome
>wicked shit awesome

>> No.10023511

Alcubierre Drive a.k.a warp drive

>> No.10024557

Not a real thing

>> No.10024571

Who cares about FTL if we can figure out stasis? We could definitely build something with laser sails that could hit a double digit percentage of c without needing a nigtrillion nukes. In fact I don't want FTL, sub light future is much cooler because no central authority will ever be able to control more than a single system.

>> No.10024596
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>sub light future is much cooler because no central authority will ever be able to control more than a single system.

>> No.10024597


>> No.10024618

40k is fun but for real, fuck that shit.

Not an argument

>> No.10024622

whatever you say, Stefan

>> No.10025346


>> No.10025558
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>> No.10025849

Small Government is the future.

>> No.10025928 [DELETED] 

What do you mean when/if? Space doesn't exist. Only (((NASA))) and their partnered space agencies have been to (((Space)).

There's never going to be any space exploration like you see in science fiction movies

>> No.10025952

>IS FTL travel feasible or in the realm of Science Fiction?
Science fiction. My bet is in suspended animation fusion powered ships. Perhaps with a laser sail to make takeoff easier, but that'll depend on laser technology of the future.

>> No.10026775

The Alcubierre Drive seems to be the most realistic choice.

>> No.10027651

Stop spreading this meme

>> No.10027711

The Alcubierre drive requires negative mass energy and knowledge of how to manipulate it. We are not certain if negative mass energy exists and there may be bounds on the negative mass energy we can produce that may be hugely limiting. Should these bounds not exist then one could make a perpetual motion machine that sends negative energy to one end of the universe and extracts positive energy. Because 1 - 1 = 0 this doesn't violate conservation of energy. This leads to infinite energy densities, which are probably bad. So realistic really isn't the best way to describe it. I'd call it an interesting piece of theory. In addition support for relativity is rather strong, meaning any FTL at all is equivalent to time travel.

>> No.10027716

not to mention that negative mass would express imaginary numbers onto reality. Needless to say, that makes no sense and is impossible in the real world as far as we know

>> No.10027721

>what is Casimir effect

>> No.10027723

>>negative mass
You only need negative energy density

>> No.10027728

>> imaginary numbers
No. Physics doesn't completely break if negative mass exists
Oh boy now we need a casimir cavity the size of Jupiter. Good fucking luck with that

>> No.10027755

Actually recent approximations have calculated that to much less than a car

>> No.10027784

than Jupiter*

>> No.10027819


>> No.10027921
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The infinitesimal curves and stability. You underestimate it.

>> No.10028227


>> No.10028770

What if we just dragged all the stars close together so you could travel between the most distant ones in a matter of a few months?

>> No.10029298

Like a warp drive?

>> No.10029717

what the fuck is this?who is lying?
someone explain this exchange

>> No.10030261


>> No.10030392

Warp drive is a meme, wormholes are the future

>> No.10031245

String theory is false

>> No.10032165

The amount of misinformation is staggering

>> No.10032585

Whats the point of going to the stars?

>> No.10033300
File: 44 KB, 600x338, gendo kill plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the point of your existence?
just self terminate

>> No.10034393


>> No.10034399

>IS FTL travel feasible

No, full stop. Banned by basic laws of physics. It is not an engineering problem we could solve, it is just not possible.

>how will we be able to travel to other solar systems?

Unmanned craft traveling at sublight speed for gaining the initial foothold in the system. Then send mind uploads as signals of information traveling at the speed of light. Once they are over there, they can be embodied into robotic bodies and commence with colonization.

>> No.10034400


>> No.10034795

Nothing is impossible, but we'll need to drastically change our understanding of the universe for it to work. As to when we'll figure it out and if it'll be easier than alternatives like this

who knows. If we know what he problem is (how do travel faster than light) that's already a good start.

>> No.10035544

Banned by basic laws of physics. It is not an engineering problem we could solve, it is just not possible.

>> No.10035571

van der waals forces

>> No.10035838

generational ships and stuff like cryogenics are a thing
though that starts to devolve into the question of if they would still even be human by the time they got there
as well as how would we communicate effectively

>> No.10035843

negative matter is a meme
the advent of experimentation into stuff like non-baryonic matter and the like that are intriguing. Might be we might be able to find some workable alternative by thinking outside the box, which is what we're allegedly good at, as a species.

>> No.10035862
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we are only good at ridiculing one another and having sex, otherwise war - but occasionally an exception arrives and directs us towards the right path.

>> No.10035884

hence the "allegedly"

>> No.10035904

i don't care my anus is perplexing and this thread belongs on s4s

>> No.10035912

not going to argue with you there.
Board quality goes down more every day.

>> No.10036397
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Tons, but leta keep this thread /sci/ related.

>> No.10036401


>> No.10036594


>> No.10036966
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lots of computery

>> No.10037606


>> No.10037855
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Who wants more /sci/ 2hu memes?

>> No.10037966
File: 183 KB, 850x1193, practically helpless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen it circulate here a couple of times now

>> No.10037968
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>> No.10037994
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i know you

>> No.10038006
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>> No.10038057
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this game is proving to be so much entertaining

>> No.10038068
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I don't get your pics but ok

>> No.10038092
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it was designed to be nonsensical and unfunny i'm not putting any effort into it unlike you

>> No.10038098
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Ok but why?

>> No.10038107
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if you reach deep enough you'll find the answer

>> No.10038128

>He thinks after just a few hundred years of observation of the physics of the universe that we somehow understand everything there is to know regarding matter, energy and spacetime

Lmao @ your life you stupid peasant.

>> No.10038173

If we colonize solar systems, I don't think 'just visiting' would exist. But we would be able to share the same internet, with delay.

>> No.10038283
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>> No.10038330
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>> No.10038392

absolutely not.
humans will turn into polynesians, there will be nomadic fleets going out of the solar system comprised of hundreds of millions of people, there will be a huge cultural empahsis on navigation and piloting in these new interstellar fleet cultures, a 13 year-old kid from these cultures would easily btfo modern scientists, astronauts and astronomers in terms of expertise.

the technology wouldn't be too different, better computers, plating and fuel and recycling efficiency. better heatsinks and knowledge of deep space too, but nothing too revolutionary.

>> No.10038732

What's stopping us from reaching the stars

>> No.10038758


>> No.10038765

NASA has plenty of money, $20 billion every year. Corruption is stopping us.

>> No.10038842

Lack of enthusiasm

>> No.10038912

>NASA has plenty of money
NASA has a tiny fraction of the money that sent people to the Moon - how are they gong to get to the stars?

>> No.10039384

you certainly don't send people anywhere without a good reason and a way back

>> No.10039438

You might need FTL to travel to other star systems but humanity itself doesn't.
This is important to note when conversations about the plausibility of interplanetary and interstellar travel arise.

>> No.10039475

>continuously getting more than half they got during the very short Apollo peak
>for decades
>"tiny fraction"
Using federal spending as % is simply a chart trick to throw sand in the eyes of the gullible and clearly it worked for you.

Money are not NASA's problem. It's the government bureaucracy as efficient as a mechanical computer emulating an iphone.

>> No.10040339

We need another cold war

>> No.10040356

Long trips like that aren't feasible. Just imagine what could happen in a century? One person aboard one of these generation space ships going durka durka and suicide bombing the thing would ruin the entire mission. Or perhaps another Jonestown occurs. People trapped on a spaceship their whole lives are more liable to become psychologically unhinged than on Earth, where plenty of incidences of crime and mental illness are already occurring. Furthermore, with every generation, the chances of something going wrong are going to increase exponentially because people born on these ships are bound to have extreme existential crises coming to terms with the idea that their entire life's purpose is to maintain the space ship and breed so that maybe someday "humanity" (an abstract idea that the average individual doesn't give a fuck about) might reach some dead rock millions of lightyears away.

Yes, you technically don't need FTL travel, but generation ships just aren't practical when you take into account the human factor.

>> No.10040379

Fuck off Peter

>> No.10040922


>> No.10042149

No we don't

>> No.10043157

It's a risk we have to take

>> No.10043197
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>> No.10043276

>Create ship with sufficient delta v to reach other star system
>minimize mass by including no life support, or habitat module
>ship piloted by on board AI
>ship keeps frozen eggs and sperm in radition shielded container
>ship contains uterine replicators and means to implant fertilized eggs into uterine replicator and maintain it's healthy development
>When ship reaches other star system automated probes scout for preferential areas for colony
>Automated processes build base camp and set up robotic greenhouses and establish sufficient infrastructure to support human life
>Fertilized eggs are transferred to colony and go through gestation
>After birth robots raise human children and train them to maintain the colonies systems
>Over time colony's population is adjusted as it can support greater numbers.
>Send out thousands of these missions
>eventually have thousands of human controlled systems

>> No.10043364

Seems like if humanity gains a mastering of quantum physics then communication through out the Universe and with other systems would be instantaneous with species that have evolved enough making "space ships" uneconomical since communication with equal or more advanced beings would confirm the existence of beings still evolving. If we gained communication then we could work together to solve a transportation problem or gain knowledge given of material science which would allow a co-evolution and exploration of the Universe. I think confirmation through communication would be the smart thing to do before going off to explore that deeply. If we have reached such communication capabilities and find no other voice it's unlikely that we would find anything at all elsewhere. Why would we be the only system that evolved, it makes no sense. If, when we fully understand nature and realize by implication we truly are the only beings, that would be a serious paradigm shift...religion would likely become an exponentially driving mechanism socially...at any rate it would be a fascinating thing to see happen and honestly to me more interesting that if we discovered other beings.

>> No.10043736

>Why does nobody else realize that they meme their own existence? We could team up and get wicked shit awesome.
I'll make the logo.

>> No.10043786

I'll provide us with ample amounts of semen.

>> No.10044495

So never