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10036607 No.10036607 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the science and ethics that would lead to raising genetic IQs in the third world. Would it be possible? Would it be ethical?

I really want to start this project. I've set up a discord to begin setting it into motion.


>> No.10036761
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Easy. Remove those below 110 in the populations.

>> No.10036802

When the entire premise is flawed expect disaster. IQ may capture some aspects of intellegence but not all, specially from a social, emotional and creative/imaginative perspective. To reduce humanity to a number while ignoring these other equally important aspects of human performance you are bound to get good test taking automatons.

>> No.10036846

Sure you can do more comprehensive intelligence tests but the average IQ test score correlates with more extensive tests. That's the only reason we use them.

>> No.10036850


>> No.10037005

What about emotions?

>> No.10037057

Get out of here /pol/tardbot.

>> No.10037122
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not everything you don't like is /pol/
sometimes it's just a regular run of the mill shitposter

>> No.10037125
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>has autism so intense he cannot comprehend what interpersonal relations and negotiation are

>> No.10037133

The fastest way to increase their IQ is reduction in childhood disease and mortality combined with decreased food scarcity.

>> No.10038304

You will beg to be helped when the shit hits the fan but you will be left with the minorities you love so much and will experience unspeakable humiliation and pain by the same people you love so much.

>> No.10038870

They need food and schools not eugenics
In some places theyll cap at 85 iq but itll still be improvement over gorilla tier 65

>> No.10038906

Sending them food isn't going to increase overall intelligence as it is not selected for anymore
Stopping the flood of food on the other hand, could return to naturally selecting for fitness rather than just vegetating on handouts
On the other hand, considering that most of these states have unstable military governments, I would love to see the handouts abruptly stop tomorrow

>> No.10038958

Emotions are the enemy of mankind. Man should strive to control his impulses

>> No.10039166

>Emotions are the enemy of mankind. Man should strive to control his impulses
Social animals are always more successful than solitary ones, our emotions may be an annoying byproduct of that but we'd be way more fucked without them.

>> No.10039813

without emotions we would be fucked

they are pretty fucking important for getting proper behavior.

>> No.10039839

are you crazy? the only way to make your own IQ go up is to make everyone else dumber

>> No.10039864

A little bit of intelligence never is wrong

>> No.10039871

>IQ may capture some aspects of intellegence but not all, specially from a social, emotional and creative/imaginative perspective.
People who are actually good at having social interactions (salesmen, politicians, etc...) tend to be high IQ.

Also I'm sure creativity is correlated with IQ. You think people with an IQ of 70 are just as creative as people with an IQ of 130?

The multiple theory of intelligence was created by a lefty jew, Howard Gardner, and is completely unsupported by any scientific data. He is a hack who actively supports banning research on race and IQ because of its social implications.

>Howard Gardner (2001) writes that he does “not condone investigations of racial differences in intelligence, because [he] think[s] that the results of these studies are likely to be incendiary.”
The funny thing is that this implies that he does in fact believe in racial differences in intelligence, because if he didn't he wouldn't object to research on the topic, since he would logically believe that the results would not show big differences.

>> No.10039920

>Also I'm sure creativity is correlated with IQ. You think people with an IQ of 70 are just as creative as people with an IQ of 130?

This is a specious claim. You're conflating IQ with a myriad of cognitive traits, most notably knowledge. Is a carpenter with a hammer an inferior carpenter to one who has a variety of tools at his disposal?

The individual with an IQ of 130 can learn much more rapidly than a person with an IQ of 70 -- and so, likely *knows* more. Becoming knowledgeable is a likely consequence of IQ, but it is not IQ that makes people more creative. Creativity is inextricably linked with knowing, not IQ.

It's unclear if your claim that "creativity is correlated with IQ" isn't equivalent to the claim that "creativity is correlated with how much you know." Certainly the person who knows more is more likely to be more creative, being able to make more associations between information he/she has retained.

>> No.10039954

musical ability isn't strongly linked with IQ for sure. Mozart had a small brain and extensive brain damage from drinking wine with lead and composed still composed his symphonies

>> No.10039975

>musical ability isn't strongly linked with IQ for sure.
I disagree, and so does science. Googling "musical ability IQ" turns up several studies showing a positive correlation.

>Mozart had a small brain
Googling "mozart brain size" turns up nothing

>and extensive brain damage from drinking wine with lead
Googling "mozart brain damage" or "mozart lead wine" turns up nothing.

Care to share your sources?

>> No.10040034


Aren't you scared to die?

>> No.10040054

i also believe there is a positive correlation but I don't believe its so strong as in other fields like science. And sorry I swapped the name with Beethoven. Wikipedia(I know quoting wikipedia is bad)has links with sources https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Ludwig_van_Beethoven
>The autopsy indicated damage to his aural nerves as well as hardening of their accompanying arteries, although the latter appears to be consistent with natural aging and not inflammatory damage from syphilis. Beethoven's brain was described as possessing "exaggerated folds", an excess of fluid in the skull, and some thickening of the membranes inside the left ventricle. Scholars believe he may have had a degree of cerebral atrophy, although he showed no sign of cognitive impairment to the end. The skull was described as "possessing unusual thickness".
>Beethoven's physicians thought that he had alcohol dependence. He particularly liked wine that happened to be tainted with lead, therefore Beethoven's chronic consumption of wine tainted with lead is a better explanation of his hearing loss than other causes.
he probably didn't die from lead poisoning but I bet he wasn't very bright with atrophied brain and so much lead that made him lost earing

>> No.10040062

Yeah, that's what I stated.

>> No.10040074

*acute lead poisoning, chronic lead poisoning probably help speeding up his death.

>> No.10040169
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1. I'm above 110 according to Mensa.
2. I'm not third world.

>> No.10040179

>We should make foreign policy decisions out of spite.
How magnanimous of you...

>> No.10040309


I guess high IQ doesn't necessarily imply that you have even a basic understanding of genetics.

>> No.10040315

You're fucking dumb, who cares about IQ when there are more dire matters in that portion of the world? I'd know since I'm from a third world country, with one of the lowest IQs in the world.

I could care less about raising shit since my people are starving and consistently on the brink of a famine due to corruption.

>> No.10040332
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I accounted for regression to the mean. But >110 doesn't mean that the offspring will center around 100 then. Except if you normalize it for the new population, then this will become the new 100. All so easy.

>> No.10040333

just remove them, lol

>> No.10040337

Go back and kill the corrupt oligarchic elite you turd,

>> No.10040340

They are starving BECAUSE of their low iq

>> No.10040343

>are starving and consistently on the brink of a famine due to corruption.
Popping 8+ babies per woman can't help either.

>> No.10040664

This, but unironically and altruistically.
Keeping someone else on a steady feed of just enough resources only keeps them as your slave.

>> No.10040669

>Popping 8+ babies per woman can't help either
More babies, more likely for one to survive and make it in a big way.

>> No.10040867
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But not whe the other seven (who now mostly survive thanks to Western medicine) consume the resources the eighth would need to succeed. We're talking about a situation where the excess of offspring overconsumes local resources (leading to soil erosion, pollution, etc.). And in case of Africa all offspring and relatives (and often the entire village) demand "their share" of the successful's resources, thus killing the incentive to make more than subsistence level. Westerners idealize this "sharing" and "solidarity," but next to corruption, lack of rule of law, access to capital and knowledge, a culture of violence, and transportation, this is what prevents prosperity.

>> No.10042840

the reasoning abilities involved in interpersonal relations is actually well captured by g.
the stereotype of high IQ leading to awkwardness is due to the fact that at the very high IQ levels, the different constituent faculties of intelligence begin to diverge and vary more than in the rest of the distribution. IQ is positively correlated with negotiating ability, being able to understand what people are thinking and feeling, being able to socialise and be popular. It's just that at very high levels of IQ that correlation is weaker.

g still captures social abilities well for most of the distribution.

>> No.10042849

>hurr what you're saying is correct but not for the reasons you state so therefor you're wrong

wow you sure showed him. you admitted that IQ facilitates and limits creativity such that a high IQ person will likely be more creative than a low IQ person