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File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 60CBE151-8D15-4936-A4BA-30F0A9546FC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10031805 No.10031805 [Reply] [Original]

So it turns out that I’m a rare scientific genius, and I have figured out the answers that none of you weren’t able to figure out.

I’m putting the finishing touches on my theory, of everything, that will radically change the course of modern science.

What should I do to celebrate? What do you guys typically do when you have made a major scientific breakthrough to commemorate the occasion? I have no friends to celebrate with because I was spending so much time working on my theory....

>pic not related, but it is a good read.

>> No.10031808

Walk through the woods. Use it as a filter to accept become the new thing.

>> No.10031881
File: 54 KB, 991x902, 1f1xy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m putting the finishing touches on my theory, of everything, that will radically change the course of modern science.

inb4 magic jesus magnets of thought vibration energy

>> No.10032095

you're an idiot. real genius with real discovery doesnt celebrate discovery; he instantly makes use of it. celebration is pointless, and you're an idiot

good bait

>> No.10032097

ur ballz r pointless

>> No.10032167

You know that's exactly what it is.

OP, could you perhaps enlighten us on what, specifically, your breakthroughs are?

>> No.10032179

>Fucking blockchain meme

It's STILL not even scalable. It is a complete fucking waste of investment money and it is not more useful than traditional encryption.

Everyone involved in shilling and buying that meme should kys including the stupid fucking banks that will need another bailout in 3 years.

>> No.10032240

I think OP is full of shit.

>> No.10032282

you share your published work and join a discord chat and play some video games with online friends.

otherwise id tell family.

>> No.10034100
File: 169 KB, 1420x1188, ops_a_delusionial_schizotypal_schizoid__with _inflated_delusions_of_grandeur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.10034151

>and I have figured out the answers that none of you weren’t able to figure out.

>double negation in English

You must be a spic or at any rate you speak a Romance language as your first language. Sorry, only Anglos can be geniuses.

>> No.10034157

>I figured out something nobody else could
>finishing touches on theory to radically change modern science

Sounds like another vixra paper soon

>> No.10034171

Why does any logician require ego to be a major part of research? It seems scientifically fallible and worthless for long-term adoption.


Why does any scientific inquiry appear as a domain/systemic ego?

>e.g. my inspection and how it was worded

>> No.10034175

How did you get this picture of me?

>> No.10034176

Asked my rapist

>> No.10034181

>none of you weren't able to figure out
So all of us were able to figure it out?

>> No.10034184

Yeah but he's the one to publish the obvious thing that we all already know, that's how OP is a genius

>> No.10034288

Is that you dear, I sure hope you read the file name honey.

>> No.10034300

>none of you weren’t
>genius uses a double negative
really rattles the thinker