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File: 320 KB, 630x988, 4F83366A-0398-48F0-AC23-54EBAAE3B97A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10030213 No.10030213 [Reply] [Original]

How do we modify trees to grow super big, super fast

>> No.10030780

pump CO2 into the atmos xd

>> No.10030883

Its easy to modify trees to grow fast. We can just pump growth factor and co2, and other nutriants and shit. But modifying them to be big is hard. Any good ideas?

>> No.10031105
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>> No.10031393


>> No.10031398

its what plants crave

>> No.10031417

>gatorade megatrees

>> No.10031418

Be Carboniferous.

>> No.10031430

Mix trees with bamboo.

>> No.10031848
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>> No.10031904

You have to be at least 18 to post on 4chan.

>> No.10032018
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>> No.10032021
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>the trees in this game

>> No.10032022

You're gonna have a blast hitting a moose going a 100 through those winding roads.

>> No.10032030

we feed them love and sperm

sacrifice millions of your spawn to the holy vegetation

>> No.10032156


>> No.10032161

Dis from Laputa or from Avatar: LoK?

>> No.10032196

somehow improve rubisco efficiency.

>> No.10032226


>> No.10032443

Go back to middle school holy shit. How are you on a science board. You laughing stock

>> No.10032631
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obviously that's a typo. he meant rubics cube.

>> No.10032826


>> No.10032830

oh fugg :DDDDD

>> No.10032838

keep them out of trouble with police

>> No.10032954

feed them milk.

that worked for me.

>> No.10033363


>> No.10033372

im hard

>> No.10033374

>super big
>super fast
pick one

even if you're looking at C4 plants there's an inherent tradeoff there. the energy budget doesn't allow for both

>> No.10033528

Shut up loser

>> No.10033555

genetically modify them. crispr that shit.

>> No.10033596
File: 505 KB, 630x1418, GMO eucalyptus trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Brazil paper company already has super fast growing GMO trees.

>> No.10033601

<3 u guys

>> No.10033614

damn that looks pretty cool
>genetically modified supertrees
are we living in the future, lads?

>> No.10033624

Mm yum. I think making trees huge is now my life calling

>> No.10033661

Just wait until we start genetically engineering our own DNA.

>> No.10033678

A tree's growth rate is largely affected by its ability to move its sap at a high rate of speed through capillary action alone. The whole delivery action of a tree is just a passive system and trees with denser wood and smaller vascular bundles will grow slower. Find a way to make wood develop extremely fast and dense- impossible. There is also a limit to the physical possibility capillary action, a max size to the tubing. If we developed a tree with the most efficient leaf surface/energy expenditure ratio and combined that with wood on the outer limit of capillary action, you would have the fastest growing tree. It would be extremely soft and only serve purposes equivalent to bamboo which would make the entire endeavor useless because bamboo exists already. Nature has already perfected the rot resistance and quality of hardwoods, and they already grow as fast as they ever could considering the limitations of the laws of physics.

>> No.10033704
File: 21 KB, 386x380, Applications-of-plant-bioprinting-for-ornamental-plants-A-printed-plant-based_W640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's what you do. Find a way to culture woody tissue in vats on something like beads or some other way of growing the cells with massive surface area. You know like how the Russians grew monkey kidney cells so that they could make tonnage quantities of smallpox. Find some way to detach them from the beads and then print them in culture media in the shape of a tree. It's sort of like plant grafting on steroids.
According to some random article this is maybe possible
Enjoy this figure from it.

>> No.10033723
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Real answer
Nitrogen has always been the most limiting nutrient for trees so you would have to find a way around that.
Unlike animals, it is almost always in a tree's best interest to grow as tall as possible with the nutrients at hand to out compete other trees. Meaning they are already, for the most part, growing very fast with the nutrients that are available in Earth's soil. Growth almost always comes down to there not being enough nitrogen compounds in an ionic form in the soil for the fungus on the root hairs to attract and absorb.
In the rare cases there is enough nitrogen, there wont be enough phosphorous or other nutrients

>> No.10033728

That would be a very possible way to go about it. I'm sure if you had some very clever genetic programming you could make thousands of board feet of perfectly straight grained veneer walnut in a fraction of the time. The cambium cells would need to be somehow manipulated to grow true and dense despite the lack of tension in the wood caused by the natural sway of a tree as this is a stimulus to the cells making them grow denser in high-stress situations.

>> No.10033734

Threaten them.

>> No.10033749

Even with a soil completely saturated with nitrogen (and all other nutrients), there are still physical limits to water evaporation due to leaf area, capillary action, the life cycle and span of cambium cells, and many other mathematical equations that would max out at a certain point. Also an over-abundance of these compounds will, in effect, burn the tree's roots and prevent any uptake at all. Even if the perfect ratio was found the physical limits of plants would make it impossible to reach growth rates much beyond that of a tree in its natural environment.

>> No.10033763
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>> No.10033767

Those babies should be everywhere

>> No.10033808

i love that you were instantly shown to be a blithering idiot before you even posted
see >>10033596

>> No.10033841

Just wait until these idiots deplete the soil.

>> No.10033846

Most of a tree's mass comes from the air.

>> No.10033856

Those trees are being made for fucking pulpwood, fag. How fast do you think they fucking grow? How dense do you think they are? They are being produced for fiber and have very light wood . Retard

>> No.10033858

Who says you can't induce the stresses after you've printed your tree? Like support the whole thing and artificially sway it or slowly remove supports to induce the stresses in the weak printed material. A bigger issue is how you actually grow the cells in vats and what you feed them with, and doing it on a much cheaper scale than just leaving stuff outside.

>> No.10033924

Unless it's all it doesn't matter.

>> No.10033948

>hurr we can't grow trees fast because nature is already perfect
>uh.. except those trees but THEY'RE JUST FOR PAPER THEY DON'T COUNT
ok fag

>> No.10033970

typically the larger the tree grows the longer it takes to grow

>> No.10034285
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>> No.10034294
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>> No.10034298

1+ respect

>> No.10034301

I was just going to post that

>> No.10034307

The first game was better

>> No.10034403

Yes but the trees dude

>> No.10034820

These, trees are already growing as tall and as fast as they can with the resources they have.

>> No.10034901

>hitting a moose
Are you in Sweden?

>> No.10034903

>How do we modify trees to grow super big, super fast
Use bamboo.

>> No.10035147

>tfw no World Tree to worship ;_;

>> No.10035308

We can make it happen

>> No.10035481

I want plants that you can change their DNA in such ways as to make them grow in specific patterns. That way you can grow your own furniture or even a house.


>> No.10035489


>> No.10035530

First one to grow gets a plot in my forest. He didn't sprout so good!

>> No.10035614
File: 709 KB, 640x745, A11DD06E-C3F4-418B-BB38-38AB6CFE5978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s fuck up those cyber-robot-futurist freaks with some extreme evolutionary organic biology

>> No.10035625

original avatar

>> No.10035638

I think in the book Sprawl trilogy there are some growing buildings that someone hacked to grow all weird.

>> No.10035714

You just train it to grow like that you dingus.

>> No.10035721

You seem to have missed something vital in this conversation.

>> No.10035732 [DELETED] 

the hutchison effect

>> No.10035781

are we elves now?

>> No.10035807
File: 1.99 MB, 368x467, 1535657364953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plant a cheap new $40,000 SeedHouse 6™
>takes 6 months to grow
>looks amazing, but isn't as good as your neighbor's BigBlackOak™
>the house is great inside
>it has sap on tap and the pantry grows ten different fruit and nut types

Might be cool.

>> No.10035818

>how do we further fuck up the environment

>> No.10035842


>> No.10035889

Stfu you actual dumbass

>> No.10036247
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>> No.10036311
File: 91 KB, 474x500, 66C4DC03-2D1E-4A1D-8338-4694AA2F2F12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The righteous dream

>> No.10036327


>> No.10036437

>The whole delivery action of a tree is just a passive system and trees with denser wood and smaller vascular bundles will grow slower. Find a way to make wood develop extremely fast and dense- impossible.
He explicitly stated it can't grow fast AND be dense.
Blatant samefagging, look at the post times.

>> No.10036504

shut up idiot

>> No.10036506
File: 51 KB, 720x692, kZdWBs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their GMO eucalyptus has a Janka Hardness of 1,420 lbf (6,330 N).
Compare to English Oak that is only a Janka Hardness of 1,120 lbf (4,980 N).
And with Hard Maple which is a Janka Hardness of 1,450 lbf (6,450 N).

>> No.10036512


He gives the interview while sitting in a conventional chair. I can see this venture being a huge success. A huge success at being stupid.

>> No.10036521
File: 114 KB, 531x525, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those chairs are pretty expensive. Why would you keep one around when you can make money selling it ASAP?

>> No.10036526
File: 38 KB, 400x496, 1534191368920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can also sign up for the waiting list and we’ll let you know when products are released. There are though currently 800 people on the list so this is the ‘slow’ option…
>£5,000.00 each

>I can see this venture being a huge success. A huge success at being stupid.

>"it can't be done"
>posted after showing it can be done

>> No.10036600


>> No.10036631

It would be fairly easy to modify them to grow as big as the biggest tree and as fast as the fastest plant. Creating something that doesn't exist genetically would be a huge problem because we don't yet understand what certain combinations of genes would do.

>> No.10036772

Use microwaved water
It has been clearly established that microwaved water activates primordial, previously inactive genes

>> No.10037173
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>> No.10037356

So radiation?

>> No.10037358

Modify your sense of time.

>> No.10037359

Sacrifice to Molach. Burn child in fire, bang instruments together to drown out parent sob with reverie!

>> No.10037471

Hug a black hole.

>> No.10037807


>> No.10039577
File: 26 KB, 600x428, rawr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt the "GMO" response answer this thread?

>> No.10039710

Mississippian or Pensylvanian?