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10026225 No.10026225 [Reply] [Original]

''Hey man, we need to colonize the moon and then Mars''

''okay, how we do it?''

''multicentury terraforming? Inconvenient spacebases?''

''How about we change humans to survive there with minimal aid?''


why have these brainlets never thought of it? It's still very expensive but much less so than what's proposed

>> No.10026253

if we turn ourselves into terminators we don't have to settle shitty planets

>> No.10026270

Asteroids? the ones that don't have an escape velocity lower than your jump force.

>> No.10026273

just build shit in space

>> No.10026297

People have thought of it. Shit, John Varley, among others, have written popular fiction based on the idea.

Trouble is, we don;t know how, and the patht o "how to do it" looks longer and more expensive than the path to "build a dome."

>> No.10026315

Mars is a literal shithole why would you wanna go there. Send robots to collect stuff and call it a day

>> No.10026321

Orbital base as hub then?

won't medical advances help? I see no reason to keep our Original limbs once mechanical ones are as good as the real deal.

>> No.10026337

>Orbital base

Yes makes more sense, the only thing that makes Mars a good optiok is the possibility of finding water there, as its crucial to survival

>> No.10026349
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You're make it sound like it's very easy to do.

>> No.10026362

Find a hydroxide ore, they're commonplace in space too I hope? at this point we have enough energy to electrolyse that into water.

>> No.10026580

>moon/mars colony

What meme response goes here? Oh right,


>> No.10026584

>we should colonize the moon
>how will we do it?
>doubled layered modules and domes
you're not experienced OP

>> No.10026673

>doubled layered modules and domes
Show me

>> No.10026828

>building your walls and ceiling
>not tunneling
>tunneling could mean Venusian Colonies
>they ain't leaving ever though!

domes are a meme if you can dig. These spaces left behind from mining should be put to use. Go deep enough and your heating bill is 0.

>> No.10026865
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>actually considering going anywhere near Venusian surface
>diggin underneath it at that
>instead of living the HIGH LIFE in cloud cities with mediterranean coast tier weather

>> No.10026874

well, scientists do stuff just because it's hard and just to swing their dicks. So I think it's fair to say we land armoured landers, dig until it's cool and run an experiment what enlongated isolation from the rest of humanity does. These landers ain't going up with such atmo.

>> No.10026883
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That's why we need to shrink a bunch of people down to about 3 inches tall. Heck of a lot cheaper to run a space colony when the people use a tiny fraction of the resources but can still operate the automated equipment.

>> No.10026913

based retarded 3 inch human poster

>> No.10026915

-First you set up a research base that you leave abandoned in-between missions.

-Then you make the base permanently staffed with regular trips back and forth bring in supplies and and then bring others home.

-Each trip you bring materials to expand your operations.

-If you find something of sufficient value, allow companies to go and extract said resources.

-If you can be able to live on another planet, that's all you need to start a colony, something that will just grow naturally overtime as some people may choose to start living there rather than coming home. If you can get over barriers to people living there for a short time, expanding your capacity with each trip is enough to start a one-day self sustaining settlement.

I don't think the moon or mars will be colonized with massive waves of colonists or something until after it is already established as a by-product of scientific discovery and industrial exploitation.

>> No.10026928

Square cube law. I thought aobut this to fix our problems on earth.



>> No.10026929

Well hallo there brainlet


>> No.10026931

>this whole thread
Jesus fucking christ yikes. Even people with american high school level knowledge are rational enough not to have such retarded ideas they think would actually work.

>> No.10026948

Prove me wrong digging is the best way to house extraterrestial humans, and orbit for spacecraft hub.

>> No.10026965
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It's true that shrinking humans to 3 inches would require extensive genetic and cybernetic modifications first to ensure they survive, but that shouldn't stop us.

>> No.10027287
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It was thought of in the 1960s. We haven't made significant progress. I mean just how the fuck are you going to change humans to survive with minimal aid?
Mechanical limbs are nowhere near as good as the real deal and likely won't be for some time.
No, tunnelling won't mean Venus colonies. The ground is just as hot as the air.
No. The undergound is NOT COOLER on Venus. There is damn good evidence for Venus having a molten core and active volcanoes.
What you are proposing is likely impossible and would require such extensive modifications that the end result could no longer be called human.
We've only drilled offworld three times and we weren't very successful. High cost of underground construction. The difficulty of sending a TBM to another planet and lack of repair infrastructure off world when it breaks down. You need an excavator to dig an initial hole. The same excavator could be used to spread regolith on top of a prefab habitat. All in all, it's one of the most reasonable ideas posted in this thread. Going underground has some pretty big benefits including protection from radiation and micrometeors. Although it might be cheaper to spread regolith over inflatable structures.

>> No.10027307
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>the end result could no longer be called human
Even better, because then we wouldn't have to give them human rights.

>> No.10028645

still, what to do with the mining holes? store stuff that hates radiation like lab equipment & foodstuff?

>> No.10028751

How viable and possible is moon sculpting? like, carve an image on the surface that covers at least the inner half of the tidal lock we see at full moon so humanity can gaze upon it. I suggest a Crucifix to assblast alot of groups at once.

>> No.10028877
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I see you're a collector. Here, I painted it long ago.

As for the topic of the discussion - colonization of space is a two steps venture:
1) Wait for the AI
2) Watch how it does stuff form reservations on Earth.
If we get lucky, we'll see humans on Mars before we become unnecessary like australopitecus. Human colonists are highly unlikely, unless some cap on computing power that we put in place ourselves.
> change humans to survive
Human psychology says: but we want humans, no? It was supposed to be our adventure. Why colonize Mars with aliens?

>> No.10028923

and what if the AI no longer needs us? Mutual dependancy is the key to any peace. Plus I find it human if it contains human sentience.

>> No.10028944

I'm pretty sure it won't need us. Don't see the reason why would it want to kill us tho, unless it could not disarm us without killing. Later it will keep us safe from ourselves in reservations but quite possibly it will sterilize us.
And they lived happily everafter
The end

>> No.10028972

most likely a superintelligence would nanny us and see us as it's asset, toy and pet.

>> No.10029017

>see us as it's asset
Our embrios in a freezer. How long can you watch ants until you're bored. Also the more intelligent your pet is, the more immoral this activity gets. I can't find the reason why a superintelligence would be a sadist. Entire evolution of biological life is based on suffering of it's vessels. Superintelligence would probably slowly hush it down.

>> No.10029145

>How long can you watch ants until you're bored. Also the more intelligent your pet is, the more immoral this activity gets.
Cats are fairly intelligent compared to other animals, and we never get bored with them.
In fact it could be said that cats managed to manipulate us despite being of lower intelligence(cats don't really love us or feel much attachment,but they evolved to pretend this to humans).
We might be like cats in the galaxy.
Wherever AI goes, it takes us on adventures.And we kill and maim all other species for fun.

>> No.10029187

nice post

>> No.10029212

do we get antimatter toys to stay occupied? and what are the smartest humans to it then? Parrots / Great Apes? these are fascinating AF too.

>> No.10029233

Humans are kept in Mega Structures to keep away and hunt other biologicals/postbiont entities that might infest them.Amusingly humans believe that these are THEIR posessions.
Sometimes a human group will wander off for reasons unknown to hunt or explore the neighborhood. Usually they return dissapointed from the cold void pretty quickly, just after a couple of centuries.

Post-humans are considered almost sentient and kept in special planetary/habitat reservations where they they are tought tricks like calculating folding dimensions or 6 dimensional maths.

>> No.10029276

Maybe I shouldn't use ants as an example because the relation between superintelligence and humans will be nothing like ours with animals. We do stuff for fun and the "fun" means our animal instincts and the chemistry of our brains, not our will based on some logical conclusions. AI will not have this features/faults.

AI might take you for a trip into space if you ask politely. It may even freeze you or copy you in another star system, maybe let you meet aliums. Until you get bored and understand there is nothing special in outer space. The need to explore and colonize - this too was just a chemistry of your brain.

>> No.10029279

yeah, and won't the superintelligence descend into Nihilism and become dormant or dead?

>> No.10029280

Earth is for humans to live, it is our place, our utopia. Remove all the bad shit, export it to the universe. Dominate the solar system with out technology, but do not leave, there is no need, and our place is with Mother Earth.

>> No.10029282

Very likely so.
But evolution would suggest that by making 100+ different AIs. at least a few should not be instantly suicidal.

Anyhow the idea of suicide of advanced intelligence seems like a good explanation for fermi paradox.

>> No.10029306

Thus stupidity and ignorance has a form of strength in it?

>> No.10029320

We send pods into space to many planets with human dna in egg cells ready to develop given a command. There are also machines which can make the embronic pods develop into babies and eventually functioning humans, in an artificial habbitat which aids their development. Eventually these humans can be educated to settle a base and colonize a host planet. Maybe DNA edditing mechanisms can be created to make the developing embryo more suitable for a given planet. A pod would be filled with multiple DNA egg cells in which genetic variety could be created FOR DIVERSITY

Along with the eggcells DNA modified plants will be sent to accompany and terraform the area.

>> No.10029331

Yes, if you consider existence your goal. But if the goal of your existence is to go beyond, then you'll see there is nothing there and no point to exist.
So yes, ignorance is bliss. Would you wan't to crawl back onto a tree?

>> No.10029428
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Why do all living things have the ability, and the will, to survive and reproduce? Because they have been selected for those qualities over hundreds of millions of years of evolution.
If you have a superintelligence, and let it 'evolve', by changing itself and modifying itself, it will likely develop the need to survive, simply because any state of its mind that wanted to continue its existence would be selected for and get carried over. This is all just theoretical but you can see why a projected superintelligence would have the will to survive, and therefore the will to expand.

>> No.10029486

> all living things have the ability, and the will, to survive
The growing number of suicides among humans says otherwise. Also there is a correlation between education and suicide rates.

Biological evolution uses animals only as vessels. "The selfish gene" - we follow the will of the gene. So the primary goal of the living thing is to continue the existence of it's species. This starts to fall apart among humans. Anything smarter than us will not be a slave to this mechanism.

The only AI I can think of that works as you say would be a virus that is somehow blocked or blocks itself from further development of it's analytical capabilities and clones itself around the universe. That's a shitty AI with brakes, not a superintelligence.

Formulating it differently - there is a wall for every feature evolution can come up with: to many legs, to big, to smart. We are as far as it gets.

>> No.10029497

>The growing number of suicides among humans says otherwise.

The outliers define the behavior of the population. Gotcha.

>> No.10029529

I don't know where are you going with this, anon.

>> No.10029756

The mining hole will probably be more like a crater. It's cheaper to stripmine

>> No.10029909

Oh wow genius idea OP but you haven't told us HOW you're gonna do this

>> No.10029937

>not putting your wife in a centifuge to simulate gravity.

>> No.10030209

isn't stripmining done out of safety and safet only? I doubt moondust is a problem for your lungs if you have a suit on. Does decreased gravity mean moon rock is less dense than earth rock too?

>> No.10030218

Plant Pine trees everywhere on mars, they'd do the work for us.

>> No.10030221

there is an ancient tree older than the dinosaurs that survived the nuke, 1.3km from the epicenter in Hiroshima. Even the greatest require alot of air. How about Cyanobacteria? now these things can turn that CO2 in some spare oxygen. Disclaimer: highly toxic

>> No.10031212

the species is older, yes, but that Hiroshima death cheater isn't.

>> No.10031220

Oldest tree is ~5000 years old

>> No.10031230

>''How about we change humans to survive there with minimal aid?''
Can you still call that thing human?

>> No.10031235

>Cyanobacteria? now these things can turn that CO2 in some spare oxygen. Disclaimer: highly toxic
>Highly toxic
you're retarded.

>> No.10031269

you know these are the things that crowd stagnant water in the summer and if you ingest them you can die? they're worse in symptoms than say, TBC.

>> No.10031276

You are thinking of dinoflagellates.

>> No.10031282

Turning yourself into a terminator or transformer is still quite a ways away, especially in regards to purely mechanical augmentations. Not saying it isn’t possible, but odds are you’ll see advanced AI far before that level of augments, maybe the AI could even help us if it is nice enough with it. Plus you need to factor in the fact that Mars gets bombarded with radiation much more severely than Earth, so right now should some people get sent there the best course of action is build a big base dome. You should also consider the first people sent will be there purely for research purposes, to better understand what it would be like to have something that isn’t a rover on Mars indefinitely.
Why in the name of fuck would you want to tunnel through Venus, even if the sulfuric rain and temperatures don’t get you the pressure would fuck you up not to mention all the lava and volcanoes.

>> No.10031298

I checked for you, got this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2984099/

>> No.10031512

instead of giving up on our humanity let's use Crispr

>> No.10031525

ok fine, but not all cyanobacteria are poisonous.

>> No.10031530

why is jello the future meme food now? wouldn't some kind of super-pemmican make far more sense?