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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 772 KB, 2318x1837, space shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10019198 No.10019198 [Reply] [Original]

How would /sci/ set up an industry in space? Orbit? Or on the moon?

>> No.10019402

Depends on what you would like to produce and for what use.

>> No.10019439

Amazon warehouse
1 hour delivery, anywhere on Earth

>> No.10019451

Given The Choice? The moon. Stable. Grounded. Full of metals and minerals not regulated by the government...

Tax Free Minerals...

>> No.10019516

LEO, very close to home, least wait time for transit from station to earth and back, least propellant expended to get there.
Step 1: Test habitat, hire out a few BFS launches to put a small spinning habitat in space, volunteers will spend half a year doing some low level work, seeing if they can function well and remain healthy in lower than full G for extended periods of time. This hab will have room to grow (as in more space can be connected to the ring without slowing it's spin).
Step 2: Expand the Habitat, offer other interested parties (research groups, governments, private space companies, etc) hab space on the station, both to encourage cooperation and to show that the station can generate some revenue by renting out living space.
Step 3: Test industry, a second ring is added on via central connector to the first, this ring is for testing the viability of various industrial manufacturing techniques in low G and in space stations in general, again once it's deemed safe space on this ring can be rented out to help bring in fresh capital.
Step 4: Construction of a miniature O'Neill Cylinder, large enough to house say 50-100 people in relative comfort for indefinite periods of time so long as the station is regularly resupplied.
Step 5: Construction of a full sized factory ring in which those 50-100 workers will carry out the process of manufacturing say a small LEO-to-Moon spacecraft using raw materials imported from Earth.
Step 6: Open it up to perspective clients who want to have satellites or ships manufactured for them in orbit, use the revenue it's now generating to begin work on upscaled versions that can perform much larger tasks.

>> No.10019608

first we need to do more exploration, also spaceflight has to become much cheaper
also, an industry in space would be robotic, just like exploration is now

>> No.10019696

That shuttle cockpit is absolutely beautiful. Gives Airbus cockpits a run for their money

>> No.10019869

suck a lot of dick to fundraise, and then launch a railgun up on the moon.

>> No.10019950
File: 580 KB, 640x528, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1. Make a self replicating robotic factory
Step 2. Send it to the Moon
Step 3. ????
Step 4. PROFIT!!!!

There are a couple things we need to do to make this work. We need autonomous dirt moving machines that are fairly reliable, autonomous assembly/construction that is fairly reliable, robots fairly tolerant of faults, and then a bunch of straight up integration. So at the very least robots aren't good at putting stuff together autonomously. It doesn't work that well if parts are slightly misaligned starting is basically impossible for flexible stuff like wires. We need to get to the point where a robot can assemble an entire optical lithography machine from parts. This includes things like manipulating tiny parts, adjusting optical trains, and putting in wires. Or we need to find a way to make much simpler robots, lithography equipment, or means of making microprocessors

>> No.10019956

low orbit for zero-g manufacturing
asteroid for mining/resource gathering
planetary/moon for colonies

>> No.10019961

ISRU systems are shit. As of right now you have a reverse fuel-cell on Mars that can split atmospheric CO2 into CO and O2.

Its a start, but you aren't anywhere near to processing ore, metallurgy or electornics manufacture.

>> No.10019962

Why haven't you invested in Amazon stock yet?

>> No.10019965


>> No.10019967

Give people jetpacks and telescopes so they can zoom around and fap at any human on earth they could ever want. People can also look around the curvature of the earth in order to look into the past for good fap moments.

>> No.10020090
File: 99 KB, 500x645, sexy-astronaut-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Train space hookers and pimp them out.

>> No.10020403

>> ISRU systems are shit
They aren't shit, they simply don't exist. ISRU has never been done. If it ain't beyond earth orbit, it ain't in situ.
>> a reverse fuel-cell on Mars
The big advantage if this is that it moves air instead of dirt. We understand air a whole lot better than we do dirt. Air liquefaction plants are so reliable that they are run remotely, literally anything that handles powder and dirt always breaks down. Like even advanced pharmaceutical plants have hammers next to every bin full of powder so a guy can come in and hit things till they come unjammed. Just moving and handling dirt is pretty hard. We really can't consider the rest of the ISRU stuff till we can get good at that. Also, we still don't understand what resources are there. How extractable water is from the Moon changes EVERYTHING for lunar ISRU. We understand the moon a heck of a lot better than anywhere else. You can beat large quantities of physical fucking samples.

Now for self replicating machines we really to get autonomous robotic assembly to work. If you can't do that, you're dead in the fucking water. You could have fucking magical ISRU that transmutes anything into whatever resources you need, but if robotic assembly doesn't work you gotta use shitty meatbags to put everything together

>> No.10021518

Not that guy, but I'm broke af, only got 4k, thats nowhere near enough to get a decent return

>> No.10021661

Only serious answer. I also like the potential to jizz on anyone I wish directly from the orbit.

>> No.10022039
File: 229 KB, 1024x785, 1537118979760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find some way to control the water, it will be like liquid gold once we start exploring space. Being part of the corporate water business on any Mars colony or large orbital station would make you powerful quite quickly

>> No.10022231

this is why you'll always be poor
you think returns have to be massive to be worthwhle

>> No.10022237

moon. much easier to shield yourself from radiation with a bunch of moon rock over your head.

>> No.10022252

moon has you deal with the endless rape dust that shreds things like a sandblaster from hell
asteroids would be better

>> No.10022406

The best way for me to do it would probably be waiting for either the goverment or a private corporation to get it done. Since i'm an uneducated 30 year old personwho never worked a day in his life and is living off part of his mom pension, it is very unlikely that any effort i personally try to achieve will get nowhere.

>> No.10022418

Kind of this, but optimized so that the mining takes minimal delta-v to get to the zero g factories.

>> No.10022424

>zomg is the rare minus 2 sigma African, only 2 SDs below human and can into 20,000 year old ag techniques

>> No.10022572
File: 64 KB, 500x522, 1525569512912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
