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File: 25 KB, 333x499, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10018080 No.10018080 [Reply] [Original]

Go read this book then tell me vaccines dont cause autism.

>B-but we did studies on autism and vaccines, dozens and dozens.

You looked at thimerosal in MMR, now what about DTaP, polio, varicella, hep a, hep b? The CDC has never done these studies on these vaccines or other ingredients in relation to autism.

>> No.10018093

>reading books


>> No.10018120

Mods please move this to /x/.

>> No.10018130

>how to end the autism epidemic
beat your fucking kids

>> No.10018143
File: 185 KB, 1305x763, 12312321321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mad because it's not the MSM "science" you get fed.

>> No.10018144

just kill the child if it's autistic

>> No.10018179

Is autism a real thing? The symptoms make it sound like the people are just assholes?

>> No.10018182

Have you met a real autistic person? They literally cannot function alone, they will die. Autism is not just "haha hes quirky"

>> No.10018202

Here's my opinion. Autism is not a real disorder. It is a umbrella term for undiagnosable neurological problems that make people act like retards. If you see someone with severe autism, you can tell immediately that something is very wrong with his brain. However, modern science has a very weak understanding of the nervous system. Thus, there's really not a good explanation for why the autistic patient is acting in such an odd way. I believe this phenomenon is present in much of modern medicine. ADHD, Depression, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Bipolar etc. All of these are not real disorders. They are umbrella terms given to patient who clearly have some problem; but can't get a meaningful diagnosis due to current scientific limits.

The question regarding vaccines should be changed from "do vaccines cause autism?" to "do vaccines damage the nervous system?"

>> No.10018208

>j.b. handley, jr. // private investor, board member
imagine believing on this faggot lmao

>> No.10018212

By far the most pedantic thing I've ever read.

>> No.10018220


It's a spectrum. Probably should be separate conditions. Massive difference between full blown autist and someone who is just socially awkward

>> No.10018223

>No parent plans to be an autism activist, it just happens. In my case, watching my middle son disappear after too many vaccines and rounds of antibiotics spurred me into action. You won't make a lot of friends at the CDC or the American Academy of Pediatrics saying the things I say publicly, but I really don't care. The majority of autism parents agree with me: Something about our shot schedule is sending our kids into autism. I'm proud to play a small role in helping children recover, and, hopefully, sooner than later, I can help put an end to this man-made madness. Below is a collection of TV appearances, articles, and websites you might find interesting.
yikes, he's just a wealthy dude who is using his autistic son to create bullshit non-profits and cut taxes

>> No.10018235
File: 101 KB, 711x461, William-Thompson-Whistleblower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we know for a fact autism can be induced by gastrointestinal issues
>vaccines like MMR and Varicella are known for causing gastrointestinal issues
>vaccines don't cause autism
Why has the CDC not studied vaccines and autism beyond thimerosal and MMR, can anyone give me a reasonable explaination as to how that is absolute proof that vaccines do not cause autism. Anyone? Why are we letting the CDC call this the science is settled.

Where is the autism studies on DTaP, Varicella, hep A, Hep b, hpv, polio vaccines and on formaldehyde, aluminum adjuvant, fetal tissue, animal tissue DNA, animal products, glyphosate, anti-freeze all found in vaccines?

We've studied 1 ingredient in 1 vaccine, on a controversial study that had a whistle blower coming out and saying the OPPOSITE, William Thompson who provided evidence of omitted data showing a possible link and this study has never been replicated or investigated.

You wanna know why this faggot got so butthurt? It's because Handley was right, he had no evidence to back up his claim that vaccines are unrelated to autism. Go on, provide me with a single study done by the CDC that looks at Autism in vaccines beyond Thimerosal in the MMR vaccine that had a whistle blower call BS on it.

>> No.10018241


>> No.10018249

It's the saddest thing ever, it's why my children will never get a vaccine, I'd prefer a week of a mild child-hood illness that kills maybe maybe 3 people every year in an industrialized nation.

>> No.10018281

>implying correlation = causation
>citing a book instead of actual scientific literature
>not describing any sort of science at all, just continually grunting ‘hurr vaccines gib autismz’
Don’t tell everyone to read a whole book when you can’t even articulate any sort of rational thought on the matter. Enjoy the sage, scamfag

>> No.10018282

I'm all for holding off on vaccines until a little later but it's just stupid to swear them off entirely.

>> No.10018285

>we know for a fact autism can be induced by gastrointestinal issues
what the fuck, citation please, this is absolutely false, what you're thinking of is autistic children have GI issues, not GI issues CAUSE autism.

>> No.10018309
File: 75 KB, 600x405, 7629A328-EA41-45E7-A9C1-6912716B4157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is caused by many factors one of them could be human variation in duf1220 copy number, this trait is a result of human evolution of brain size and intelligence so if you don’t want a risk of autism it should obviously be removed from the chromosome

>> No.10018310

How can you tell?

>> No.10018322

Seems believable given how the more functional autists are incredibly bright and focused around some things but absolutely crumble when abstract social reasoning and interaction is involved.

Also the supposed increase in autism is very likely less about more people getting autism, and more about we're better able to diagnose it. The higher functioning autists would classically just be weird kids but be entirely capable of adapting and would be overlooked when searching for "real" autism.

>> No.10018332

>We diagnose better!
>at least 50% of autistic children are low functioning and theres no fucking way we missed it
>autism is costing us nearly 1 trillion
It's not a small percentage of low functioning, they are dominant.

>> No.10018339

Autism occurs naturally in humans the only way to remove autism is with a gene test at birth, currently we don’t know all the genes associated with autism, once we do doctors will be able to abort fetuses with autism.
Also by the way I have autism I am in mensa I think parents should be allowed to abort babies with autism

>> No.10018341

Posts like this remind me that there are people here whose entire "world view" is shaped by what they read on places like this.

>> No.10018356

I eagerly await the religious right autism about how stopping a nonviable collection of cells from growing is murder.

>> No.10018429 [DELETED] 

Do the people with Asperger's form of autism really have high IQ averages or is that just a meme?

>> No.10018468

It's primarily caused by mothers having children later in life.

Nobody wants to tell them that though.

>> No.10018479

if we were to choose between vaccines with autism or plague with no autists I would still stick with vaccines and autism.
Though that question probably is dumb, as with research we might find the best of both worlds

>> No.10018956

incel genocide will end the autism epidemic. chad's kids are robust and well adjusted

>> No.10018966

it's this and shitty SJW parenting
>lil tommy should never be disciplned that's awufl and cruells!!!!
meanwhile mexican kids have the fear of god put into them by mom and if they fuck up they get their ass kicked
autists are a result of dumbshit liberals with no balls
also all the women not wanting to have kids in their 20s like they should have and instead waiting it out because Dr Jewyjewmanjews told them it was A OK

>> No.10019268

The reason for the autistic epidemic in the USA is purely cultural. It's a very extroverted society that it's very easy to fall out of. Most of these autistic people would be considered normal in most of Scandinavia.

>> No.10019419

Do you really not see an important distinction between Autism being a "disease" and Autism being a vacuous umbrella term which encapsulates many diseases?

>> No.10019575

>never done these studies
uhm, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

you're welcome,
>leaves thread

>> No.10019630
File: 67 KB, 680x1020, 1488396976700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think mild retardation is a commonly occurring mutation in humans. Hundreds and thousands of years ago such indeviduals would not be successful at hunting, gathering, and breeding and so when the retard mutation cropped up it would be culled from the population.

These days you can be mildly retarded and still breed successfully in most cases so the natural selection pressure has changed. As the effect continues to snowball i expect that more and more of the population will become literally retarded.

>> No.10019944

Aspergers and autism are two vastly different things. Autistic people are basically retarded and can't survive on their own. As far as asperger goes I'd reckon at least 60% of everyone on this website has it.

>> No.10021056

Most modern diseases come from unhealthy gut bacteria and thinned/patchy gut lining. Unhealthy gut bacteria produce toxins which are transported throughout the body, and a leaky gut wall will cause an inflammatory response due to partially digested food being flagged by the immune system as a pathogen.

Its not that vaccines cause autism per se, its that vaccines (and antibiotics etc.) can damage gut bacteria counts and lead to outgrowths of bad bacteria or exposed gut walls which can cause problems. Most autistic children are given specific diets and taken off gluten and casein which tends to reduce their autistic symptoms. This is because its all fucking gut related. You want to fix modern illnesses, both physiological and psychological, you have to fix your gut lining and your healthy gut bacteria counts.

If anyone wants to fix their own personal symptoms (allergies, skin problems, autistic tendencies, depression, etc) start with a bone broth diet of 3 days home made 24hr+ simmered organic bones, then some organic yogurt. Modern ailments can actually be solved with traditional cures. Eat your chicken soup when you feel sick, lads.

>> No.10021113
File: 41 KB, 750x562, alligator pear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adverse event defined as literally any bad thing happening within a few weeks of a vaccination
you need to read up on how VAERS works. they encourage people to report anything whatsoever just in case there's some link. the overwhelming majority of reported events are coincidental and have no actual connection to the vaccine.
to date there has been exactly ONE credible case of someone dying due to a bad reaction to a vaccine (and she was an adult).

also, why the fuck would you ever think that 1% of events being reported means that 1% of deaths are reported? wouldn't people be proportionately MORE likely to report deaths and proportionately LESS likely to report minor possible sequelae such as bruises or hives?

we do this EVERY TIME you post this thread.
it's been conclusively debunked.
>inb4 muh snopes
show one case of Snopes actually lying about something.

>> No.10021812

>Autism is caused by old women having kids, but that’s not politically correct, so we let literal whores like Jenny Mcarthy go on talmudvision to indoctrinate teens via (((mTV))) that it’s actually caused by vaccines instead of old roastie genes. Someone make me a memeball

>> No.10021828


In any clinical trial any negative event is documented as an adverse event, but most arent reported to any governing body.

This isnt corruption or a failure in any way. If a person was dosed, then walked out of the room and tripped over their shoelaces it would be documented as an AE, just in case it is related to the investigational product in some way.

Having a sneezing fit is documented as an AE, even if the person is on placebo. It all gets written down just in case someone asks questions.

t. Clinical scientist

>> No.10021832

if vaccines cause autism then we should be vaccinating everyone. Autusm is awesome and being autistic is like having a superpower.

>> No.10021870


>> No.10021884

Dont normalize abuse. Abuse is not a cultural thing, you cant just say "Mexican families are abusive because of the culture". That kind of attitude is an excuse that people use to beat their kids more.

>> No.10021886

High functioning autism can be great, low functioners should just be put down though.

>> No.10021923
File: 823 KB, 2282x2843, 1501081146-Boy-with-Polio-1958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right anon, we should stop vaccinating children against polio.

>> No.10021930
File: 523 KB, 2779x2084, polio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to thank my Mom and Dad for protecting me from that still-unproven 0.0001% chance of autism!

>> No.10021941

You're right.
Cancer and heart disease are also not real disorders. They are umbrella terms.

>> No.10021949

>we know for a fact autism can be induced by gastrointestinal issues
[citation needed]

>> No.10022981

>How to end the autism epidemic

Literally just give the autists MDMA

>> No.10022985

kekuto vs sasukek

>> No.10023004

4chan and infinity obsession with autism is intriguing

>> No.10023088

Get rid of wireless devices, water fluoridation, and aluminum exposure.

>> No.10023092
File: 284 KB, 1137x426, SAGE_AUTISM_THREADS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No response from OP

>> No.10023150

Polio historically resulted in a fairly minor functional impact in most infected individuals, and was not all that common. Polio was also already on its way out when the vaccine was developed due to better sanitation.

Also, the increased severity of polio infections coincided neatly with the rubella vaccine.

>> No.10023157

I also suspect vaccines may implant a kill switch / means for remote behavioral control. Genes have been manufactured that express "magnetoproteins", which can be used to modulate nervous activity in a manner much finer grained than existing mechanisms (intense magnetic fields, fields modulated at Ca ion cyclotron resonance, modulated microwaves, ELF fields that act on gyroscopic domains in proteins, etc). Reverse transcription is possible. Perhaps these genes are put into brain cells, esp microglia at an early stage of development.

>> No.10023161

our understanding of cardiology and oncology isn’t the same as it is for neuroscience you fucking nig

>> No.10023163

It's a spectrum you fucking retard. I've met plenty of people with autism. I hesitate to say I got diagnosed with the autism. Not everyone is so debilitated they can't function. Leave this board, you are insufferable.

>> No.10023165

He's right. A large portion of people with autism are crippled, institutionalized, requiring some manner of care, or for a small fraction, barely generate output and practically drool on themselves.

Autism has been conflated with savantism, and it just ain't so.

>> No.10023230

So that book has info beyond the one 1998 study that supposedly shows a link between autism but was found to be false? That's the only piece of inquiry, though bad, suggesting autism unless there's studies I'm not aware of.

>> No.10023232

Found, how? By whom?

Vaccines are no longer a rational matter. You can't rely on consensus.

>> No.10023237

>Conspiracies are not a rational matter
well that's agreed upon.

>> No.10023239

You mean conspiracy on the part of vaccine manufacturing cabal.

>> No.10023243


"Wakefield et al.[1] were guilty of deliberate fraud (they picked and chose data that suited their case; they falsified facts)"

I dunno check all the references n shit.

>> No.10023248

>People publish study
>Many entities converge and render them a pariah forever more
Gee. When has that happened.

>> No.10023249

Because they did bad science.

>> No.10023252

Go on.

>> No.10023255

Bitch its late read the shit yourself.

>> No.10023257

I have, and I found it wanting. But that's beside the point, you've stated they "did bad science" and that this heretical transgression means they should be made a pariah. I'd like to hear from you in your own words, what this means.

>> No.10023259

They did bad science that lead to harm. Don't make some generalized unsubstantiated claim directly affecting the health of children. This retardo info grew into a disgusting social movement over the refuted fact.

>> No.10023260

It was actually diphtheria and pertussis.

>> No.10023261

You've not provided what you were asked for.

>> No.10023262

I know you want me to explain. It's a very complicated system of fluid dynamics related to the baddery sciencery field.

>> No.10023266

I'll be fine.

>> No.10023586

>now what about DTaP, polio, varicella, hep a, hep b?

We have the additonal epidemiological data to conclude they are safe now.

The autism explosion started well after mass vaccination programs so I don't know why you try and link the two - they are not historically correlative at all. What we do know is that many many more people are alive because of vaccinations. Autism is very likely multi-faceted in its origin and trying to single out any 'single' cause is just stupid and narrow minded.

>> No.10023602

>Autism is very likely multi-faceted in its origin and trying to single out any 'single' cause is just stupid and narrow minded.
>The autism explosion started well after mass vaccination programs so I don't know why you try and link the two
>We have the additonal epidemiological data to conclude they are safe now.

The sheer lack of self awareness. Mechanistic studies suggest otherwise, as well.

B-T-Dubs dude-bro,
>Chronically elevated intracellular calcium
Huh, well I wonder what that has to do with autism.. Oh wait
That's right. That's where the two very clearly connected.

>> No.10023722

>not realizing that autism is the true peak form of humanity and that you're just holding back the whole species by clinging to your tiny NT brains
How many bluepills you smoking my man?

>> No.10023796

weird how the same thing didn't happen to Wegener or McClintock or Darwin...

>> No.10023820

Autism is brain damage and maldevelopment. Plain and simple.

>> No.10023840

MODS! Please move this to /x/.

>> No.10023846
File: 245 KB, 1200x1185, a3651146524_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wah, my safe space, my bubble!
Keep writhing, kiddo.

>> No.10023853

Funny how only NTs think that and how terrified they are to consider that they may be the mentally stunted ones, hmmm....

>> No.10023857

I'm an NT relative to autism, but hardly an NT otherwise.

Autism has clear degenerative features. While there are cases where parts of the brain hold an organism back, and removal or large regions of brain will amke an animal more intelligent, capable of longer term planning, patience, so forth, it is not the same with developmental problems starting early on. A large portion of people with autism barely generate output and quite possibly don't have much inner experience going on either. High functioning autism means "not fried too bad" and maybe "adapted to damage and disruption favorably".

>> No.10023867

This is honestly probably the way to go.

>> No.10023871

By not being a literal sub-90 IQ tier pleb?

>> No.10023933

The increase in autism is probably caused by the evolution of how we define it.
Older definitions only recognized extreme cases.
Newer definitions recognize milder cases.
What is more interesting is its difference of prevalence in boys and girls.
If vaccines were causing it, why would girls be less affected?
Maybe it is just harder to recognize in girls or it manifests itself differently in girls.

>> No.10023938

>If vaccines were causing it, why would girls be less affected?
This is the case for many toxins, especially RF. Many papers have dealt with sex specific behavioral abnormalities with RF exposure and toxins, generally males are more greatly affected.

Don't know why. With RF one could suspect tissue organization, vaccines not so much. Though immune function is very differnt in men and women, probably including microglia priming.

>> No.10023963

Anti-Vaxxers should lose custody and be sterilized.

>> No.10023965

What’s it like being a subhuman non-autist?

>> No.10023995

I don't think it's really a vertical matter.

>> No.10024128

Yeah, and anyone who ever questions the government too! They're a danger to society and must be silenced before they challenge our--I mean THEIR power.

>> No.10024135

Vaxxers should be put into labor camps, used up, and thrown away as needed.