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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10016472 No.10016472 [Reply] [Original]

What motivated or does motivate you to work hard in school, and when did this motivation start?

What follows is a story about my struggles with motivation.

I was in tard tier math up till high school. In high school I realized that girls didnt like people who were literally in specia ed. Despite being a medically diagnosed tard, I worked extremely hard in all my subjects, getting to the top classes offered in school, that way I wouldnt be laughed off by girls. Obviously this wasnt a concious decision, I just saw a girl and was motivated by natural desire. Now, I’ve reached the top classes. There are no hot girls in these classes. My motivation is gone; athough girls do think that I am smart for being in high classes, I am not motivated to work hard in these classes. How do I regain that motivation. How do I see the beauty in math, and not just the beauty in material desires. I want to succeed, but I am not motivated.
My hours are spent watching youtube videos or browsing 4chan. How do I get myself to a state where I begin my homework right when I get home?
>inb4 just have more willpower
Yeah, I need willpower, how do I get it, though.
Thank you for reading.

>> No.10016476

the pomodoro technique
never sone it personally but it worked for a friend of mind

>> No.10016477

I first became motivated when a substitute teacher told me how many people were betting on me. I never realized just how much was being soent so I could be educated and help the world one day.

As for motivation—turn it into a sport. Become competitive with othwr students. Shit talk them, you will hen NEED to do good.

>> No.10016582

Moon bump.

>> No.10016614

I gave 0 shits in k - 12. I graduated, in a class of 600ish winning "most senioritis" and "biggest procrastinator". I missed 106 days of school my junior year. I should have had truancy, but my grades were still above average (not my much).

Before university I took a year off to work full time, and establish myself in a state with cheaper tuition. During that year I was a server. I realized I had way more potential than this shit and will truly care when I went back to school. Working long hours for average money, where people treated me like shit, and I was truly understimulated did it for me. Plus I watched as all my friends went into keep learning.

I ended up graduating the top of my uni class. They reserve top 8 for this application process bs. I was nominated, probably would have won, but I took a scholarship to go to China for the summer. I was definitely top 10/15 out of a few thousand?

I am motivated by not wasting my ability.

>> No.10016819


I like imagining my survival depends on it. My legacy. I live in constant fear of not living up to my potential and influencing people.

I have a very simple message. Respect yourself. Respect others. Be polite. Work hard. Take care of yourself. Take care of others. This is about all you need to live a stable, comfortable life. If you live in a place like Chicago, there are a lot more variables to deal with, but that requires specialized attention on top of my general schematic.

This college bullshit is just a test for me. I'm interested in seeing for myself whether or not I can do it. I'm a savant in terms of befriending people and getting by on work ethic alone, so this college experience is indeed a challenge for me. It is better to be challenged for me at this point as opposed to continuing to befriend any and everyone and simply getting by on work ethic alone. It has gotten old. But on that same note, it is easily applied at college as well. Going without sleep and getting shit done non-stop certainly occupies me. It is beyond frustrating memorizing extreme amounts of nonsense only to regurgitate it on tests and exams, but this is how it is.

>> No.10016826

I worked a shitty and repetitive job for several years. Prior and during that time I kept reading books (like I always had). I eventually realized that the only thing I enjoyed was thinking about and learning weird ideas. So I decided to go back to school. It's been a lot of fun with this motivation driving me.

>> No.10016887

fuck all these other posters. You don't get motivated op, you just drag your balls through glass until you get a job. fuck college

>> No.10016912

Work towards a cause that you think will leave a positive impact on society long after you're gone. Fill your life with activities which bring you a sense of fulfilment, rather than gratification in that moment.
I would also suggest looking into the science of motivation. Minimise your engagement in activities that mess with your reward pathway (excessive fapping, high sugar diets, drugs, useless content on youtube). Add exercise to your daily routine so you can establish a sense of discipline, operate at optimal brain capacity for your endeavours and instil the idea in you that with a bit of exertion comes even greater rewards.

>> No.10016962

Don't listen to everyone. Do it for yourself. Not because others care about you

>> No.10017012

OP, I totally relate to you, when I was in midschool I was brainlet tier, barely passing any subject. It was when I got to 10th grade that I started working my ass off for some girls and got the best grades. Later in life I found out most girls don't give a fuck about this either, and I got severly demotivated, but I pulled my way through just by thinking how far I had come and how everyone was the brainlet compared to me now. Academia was waiting for me. That's how I began to study math in University. I have to tell you, if you don't really like science there's no point in forcing it. But the most important thing is not to do it for girls or some shit, do it for yourself and for the sake of math/physics/ any other honorable science. Anyway, if you intend to go out with brainlet tier girls you'll probably end up like them, so given you're so high in academia, even if you still want to do it for the pussy be sure at least it's good pussy, not brainlet pussy.

>> No.10017015

> Doing it for women / recognition / money

>> No.10017052

Same here. Fuck, I'm 21 and just not invested in this stuff at all anymore. I want to finish my (((licence))) with a bang this year and I know I can, I can feel I'm better than all the brainlets at my 3rd rate uni, but I have a hard time even waking up in the morning, let alone studying on my free time. I remember back in last year hs/ first year ((prépa)) when all my math teachers thought I was some sort of genius and told me to aim for ((ENS)) (even though I would probably have failed had I tried). Now I'm in the brainlettest of brainlet unis, surrounded by brainlets and becoming a brainlet myself, I can feel my brain rotting away. I'm that guy who memorizes a few formulas 3 days before exams just so he can move on to the next year. There are some classes I inexplicably ace but that's like one each semester. I want to be like other people on this board, fully invested in my field, then I'll be happy, regardless of the outcome.

>> No.10017058
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Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration

>> No.10017140

Motivation is important, but discipline is absolutely crucial. It’s what gets you from where your active motivation ends to where it begins again. This is the #1 thing I learned in undergrad

>> No.10017141

how do i start to have a strong self-discipline?

>> No.10017166

Treat it like a muscle. Make yourself study for 15 minutes a day for a few days, then 30 minutes, then 45, etc etc. hard cap it around 2 hours for a while until you feel comfortable doing that. When I say make yourself study, I mean you need to keep away every distraction and just study. Do your homework without using social media or 4chan. Read ahead and write down light notes. Try and solve a problem.

I found that solving problems in my head without writing them down is the fastest way to lose motivation because it turns it into an ego contest of “can I solve it on my first try? If not, I’ll feel like a brainlet and do something else.” Writing it down helps you stay invested.

>> No.10017195

is it the same in improving my math ability?
i really suck at calculus right now

>> No.10017200

It’s mostly a matter of making yourself sit down and work through your misunderstandings