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10004204 No.10004204 [Reply] [Original]

How to convince a friend about human evolution?
My friend does not believe in it because of Adam and Eve. Eventhough theres plenty of evidence about human evolution.

>> No.10004208

if human fangs and ear muscles don't convince someone, just walk away - they're idiots

>> No.10004215

I bet he does not know what am I talking about if I said that.

>> No.10004238

Tell him about how skepticism is a (successful) plot by Jews to mislead protestants into their own destruction.

>> No.10004319

Are you the same guy with the friend from last time?

>> No.10004323

Have you considered looking into some of the claims YEC make? Sounds like your friend needs to as well, as there is a plethora of evidence supporting the YEC position too (carbon dating, for example).

>> No.10004326
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insert /pol/ meme about black people and monkeys

>> No.10004347

>because of Adam and Eve
If he believes in a fairy tale then there's little hope for him, because he's already basically believing in something that lacks any evidence.

>> No.10004415
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>there's still a missing link between monkeys and humans

>> No.10004497

Why do you want to convince him tho?

>> No.10004507

What more proof for Adam and Eve do you need...? Are you retarded?
No wonder your God killed himself.

>> No.10004861
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All the fucking homos aren't enough?
even their skulls aren't enough?

>> No.10004947
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Just give up. Your friend won’t change his mind.

>> No.10005295

>What more proof for Adam and Eve do you need...?
More than "this one book says it's true so it must be true".

>> No.10005354

Too bad.

>> No.10005369

tell him that he is contradicting God's scientific masterpiece.

>> No.10006021


>>10004507 This.

I'm also curious why you want to convince them. In the end if he wants to believe in the stories of bronze age goat herders and scientifically ignorant babblers it's his choice and there is little you can do about it.

>> No.10006028


I meant this >>10004347

>> No.10006034


Earthly sciences are considered satanic.

>> No.10006035

Secretly feed him LSD and go for a walk in a forest
Leave him there and let him make his way out

>> No.10006055

Don't beat him over the head with facts and figures. Only fedoras think the only reason someone disagrees with them is out of pure ignorance.
They're actually iron age and classical age. Nor were the Jewish people monolithically goat herders. Try using something other than slogans you read on an Atheist facebook page.

>> No.10006067

Parts of the Old Testament take place during the Bronze Age, at least from what I remember.

>> No.10006091

Did you show him the second episode of Neil De Grasse Tyson's Cosmos?

>> No.10006092
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Show him pictures of anime girls until his dick is so hard that he can't even think. He'll be forced to agree with you so he can end the conversation and jack off.

>> No.10006097

Take place yes, but it wasn't put to paper until well after.

>> No.10006113
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The main question is: Why?

Is his life uncomplete without scientific knowledge?
Is he arguing for disgenic policies?
Can't he have a normal life without knowing that we are the ancestors of the Tiktaalik?
Are his children brainlets because they might have to learn it in 10 minutes later in life?

Nearly always the real problem doesn't lie with the creationist but in the fact that those understanding evolution can't tolerate the stupid. And in those cases there are far worse stupid people than those simply pushing some billions of years into 6.000. It's simply without relevancy for most people, just like heliocentrism. How does it really affect some random family rather picking their religion than the ever changing science trying to keep up?

I find it silly as well and do recommend everyone willing to change their mind "Your inner fish" but going ou of your way to MAKE THEM believe is more a case of ego than their problem. Just like telling everyone that god ain't real because some common "thank god" phrase has triggered this reaction.

>> No.10006123

You ask too many questions. Try thinking of some possible answers first.

>> No.10006129

You tell me. I've been there as well in my teenage years and looking back it's simply silly. Most creationists have healthier families than my STEM colleges and their happiness is as well above those. So what if tehy are stupid? Most humans are. And big brain nibbas aren't usually associated with a happy life.

>> No.10006140

Gr8b8m8 but.....

There is an issue with Americans where a strong portion of the population outright rejects anything that contradicts their religious doctrine. With that they are also indoctrinated from a very young age to believe that the devil is at work in many people and will try to temp and deceive them into believing things like evolution. They are brainwashed into ignorance and with a self defense mechanism where these religious institutions instruct them that it is a test of faith to be challenged with "logic" and "reasoning" but to stand firm in their belief and rejects the lies of the devil. They will go so far as to believe that facts and evidence are created and or manipulated by the devil to tempt them away from their faith.

These people are fucking lost. You cannot convince them because evidence, logic, and reason do not apply.

I remember the first time I met a person like this and didn't realize they exist, I was truly baffled and saddened by their ignorance. It was so sad to see this grown man start arguing about the validity of Noah's ark and not even some history channel special about "how it could possibly happen" but to argue that it happened literally as the bible stated it did.

You either need to accept your friend with their mental handicap or drop them all-together.

>> No.10006159

Most creationists are fat people.

>> No.10006173

This method sure works on useless pieces of shits like you.

>> No.10006174

You will have to show me some numbers, especially globally instead of just americans, of which most are fat no matter their religious views.

>> No.10006241

The story of Adam and eve was written by the scribes when they found the story during captivity in Babylon. They tried to forge a pedigree for themselves and artificially aged patriarchs like methusela to fill the gap.

Anyway, Adam and eve is an allegory. If you will notice, civilization already exists in their timeline. Adam and eve are jungle bunnies living a pre- agricultural life like the naked abos in South America. But then disaster struck, and both were kicked naked and screaming into civilization. Learn about the real garden and what happened here: http://www.ldolphin.org/eden/


Much is covered in the allegory. Our brains got bigger, and women have pain in childbirth. Our knowledge increased, and our population, and we can never go back to either the physical eden, or any reproduction. We can only go forward, to regress is to die.

>> No.10006244

Creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.10006247

Find better friends, specially with functional brains.

>> No.10006294

That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You started it.

>> No.10006314

>retarded hitch quote
I asked you why it's so important for you to change someone religious views and you claimed creationists are fat. Are you mentally challenged or just acting the part?

>> No.10006324
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Blocks your path

>> No.10006345

You asserted that all creationists are healthier than stem students. Prove it.

>> No.10006348
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Oh really?

>> No.10006355

>what is "most"
dumb math illiterate amerifat

>> No.10006360
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Learn to read. I said healthier families and happiness in my "STEM colleges", you brainlet cunt. Do I really need to prove you such simple things like the higher probabilities of staying married when stronger in religiousity or that happiness correlates with religiousity in america? There is even a fucking saying that dumb people are happier. Knowledge leads to a blackpilling which doesn't help one cope with life, nor does nihilism or having to build ones one moral comprass while lacking a social group which will be there for you.

Honestly, you seem far to obsessed with other peoples views while not even beeing able to properly read and making retarded claims. And that'S coming from someone which was big on anti-theism himself.

>> No.10006379
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>my stem colleges

>> No.10006384

Here you go cretin: http://psycnet.apa.org/buy/2003-02034-005
>Overall, available evidence is generally consistent with the hypothesis that religiosity/spirituality is linked to health related physiological processes--including cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, and immune function

>> No.10006389

You're the perfect example of a Dunning-Kruger moron. You stink of edgy, stupid high-schooler. Not even the guy you're replying to.

>Analysis of 34 studies conducted during the past 12 years revealed that the definitions of religiosity and mental health utilized by psychologists in this field were indeed associated with different types and strengths of the correlations between religiosity and mental health.

>> No.10006390
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>because of Adam and Eve
Assuming he is catholic, tell him that officially church supports evolution and big bang and literal reading of the Bible is considered heretic. The Bible is not supposed to give you answers to scientific questions, it's not supposed to be read in literal sense. He is literally sinning by ignoring church interpretation.

>[God] created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive at their fullness of being. He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality. And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became what we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things. ...The Big Bang, which nowadays is posited as the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine act of creating, but rather requires it. The evolution of nature does not contrast with the notion of creation, as evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.
>~Pope Francis

I'm not even a catholic myself. But it's crazy how people who claim to be super religious and all, so easily fall into the deadly sin - pride. They believe they are smarter than fucking pope.

Also how does Adam and Eve disprove evolution? Even in the Bible they are not the first human on earth. After they got banned and one of their child killed the other, he received protection from God so other people won't kill him in revenge. There was more people than the ones living in Eden.

It's not religion fault your friend is retarded. He is retarded because he believes in memes and don't even know his own religion.

>> No.10006393
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>> No.10006399

What do the definitions of religiosity and mental health utilized by psychologists in the field being associated with different types and strengths of the correlations between religiosity and mental health have to do with creationist obesity?

>> No.10006410

Nobody but yourself was stupid enough to missunderstand healthy families for "health" and than scratch it down to body weight. Nobody even claimed that.

The anon you are responding to simply asked you to consider why you want to change his views and to self-question yourself if you really do it for his benefit or because you have a need to make people conform to your own views.

At least you sure know how to make crazy ass flat earthers and creationists look more sociallly adapt.

>> No.10006419

I didn't even read past the first sentence of his bullshit. I just saw him using anecdotal evidence and decided to bring down the thunder on him like a boss.

>> No.10006421
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>I didn't even read
Yes, how very /sci/ of you. No leave a board for discussion and just keep kvetching on him how you are right, there is no god and knowing when exactly dinosaurs moved on the planet is more important than to live a happy life.

>> No.10006424

>hurr durr
What an obnoxious midwit.

>> No.10006430

Were OP born a few decades before he would have most likely been a Christian missionary. He has the militant gene, he's the type that can't live other people alone and go along to get along. No, you HAVE to CONVERT, and he won't relent until you do. In the 1950s he would be pushing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now he's pushing the Gospel of New Atheism+ or whatever.

Same old same old.

>> No.10006438
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What is your problem with me, exactly? It sounds like it's because you believe I consider myself to hold scientifically correct beliefs and this makes me a better person. I don't recall ever saying much on that. Not that it's untrue. I don't believe in fairy tales. Is that your problem with me? Or is it because I come across as a prick, not caring for the options of someone I know to be wrong?

>> No.10006451

> Or is it because I come across as a prick, not caring for the options of someone I know to be wrong?
No, you came across as someone who as >>10006430 said, is too autistic to let people keep heir believes, if they don't match yours. You also keep spouting quotes and fallacy memes which weren't on vogue since late 2006, like a teenger new to the atheism spreading. It really is more obnoxious than anything else. You wouldn't want the Jehovas Witness to pester you about their "facts" so why don't ou just let your freind alone of he doesn't push his views on you? It's not like it is in any way relevant to actual daily life.

Also stop considering everything as an personal attack, I don't have a problem with you, I'm only asking you to don't beeing a stupid teenager so you wont cringe about yourself in a couple years. Most of us will be talking out of self experience.

>> No.10006453

Unless your friend is in a significant position of Government authority, it doesn't really matter if he's wrong about evolution.

>> No.10006458

>Tried and true logic is wrong because... well fuck you
>You're this and that, and I don't like that

You're forming an anti me stance because you don't like me. It's not that hard to see.

>> No.10006462

real science is often proving that something is NOT true, so science has nothing to do with things that cannot be investigated at all

furthermore truth is not dependent upon religion or science, or even human awareness, it exists independently

you could tell your friend that faith (in the Bible) is never characterized as believing fantasies, but as acting upon known quantities, morality thus being similar to long term sustainability,
and the all-powerful creator of logic, matter, and everything else seems to value logical conclusions

evolution is adaptation btw, it's not 'advancement' so I don't think your own beliefs are on bedrock

>> No.10006471

>wah wah everyone hates me
Sure smells like teen spirit in here.

>> No.10006474

>You're forming an anti me stance because you don't like me.
Are you a diagnosed narzicist or have one in your family by any chance? Nobody here knows you, let alone if you're still the OP so how the fuck can people have something against you when every point made revolves around the fact that you are the one taking offense in someone else belive? You are aking ourself to be the victim after people tell you that you're too stupid to read properly and don't even have a reason to do what you want to do. You are the classic example of screaming bloody mary while you strike someone else.

>> No.10007160

>bacteria evolve by becoming immune to antibiotics for example
If your friend is too much of a dunce to be convinced then there's no point in arguing.

>> No.10007503

>The literate has the duty of being intolerant
or something like that lol

>> No.10007511

>psychologist concluded
into the trash it goes

>> No.10008436

Don't waste your time. He doesnt believe in religion because of evidence. He believes it because he wants it to be true. Nothing you show him will ever change his mind.

>> No.10008450

oil + gas
simple shit
the world cannot be 5k years old
now if he says it's not true tell him why other religions existed before Judiams 2: Electric Boogaloo
Without evolution involved there's too much other examples in the natural world
so if god created the world he did it at the big bang
or whatever you want to say
but ask him how he drove his car without the gas and oil made from compressed dead shit n rocks

>> No.10008460

Ok, I'll bite.
How does carbon dating support YEC?

>> No.10008466

What about niggers?

>> No.10008507

>but ask him how he drove his car without the gas and oil made from compressed dead shit n rocks
This is more a problem for YECists. You deal with it the same way you deal with being able to see stars millions of light years away, god created the universe seamlessly to appear older than it really is, including photons travelling interstellar space and oil and fossils already in the ground.

>> No.10008511

I used to argue in favor of religion on forums, and I became an atheist as a result of losing arguments. Most people just don't know how to argue well enough to either win or lose an argument, and being able to lose an argument is an important skill that has to be developed over time.

>> No.10008564

He said "friend" anon, would you let your friend believe in a santa claus that implied the Earth was made to be used specifically for the benefit of mankind, and to follow "rules" local /ss/ tells you or you'll burn in hell?

>> No.10008592

ya for sure you could run into someone who claims that god fills in those pesky parts around the scripture and all that
but then ask them why they are playing fast and loose with scripture and why the bible has changed so many times over the years if it's the word of god
anyone who's christian at some point has to give in to a bit of science in the current world understanding of stuff or they're just really really stubborn

honestly if the person wants to be a good person and doesn't toss all known science overboard who gives a fuck if they believe god started it all vs some scientific answer that at this point is not yet known

no reason to burn bridges with someone that's a friend over something like this honestly... you want to keep good people that are friends... assuming this person is good

>> No.10008605

Some of my friends think africans are as smart as europeans, I'm going along with it because after trying to explain it to them, I realised that they just like most people, simply don't want to bother with hard facts. But contrary to IQg, the question of the age of the earth iss practically irrelevant in daily life. Accept that your friends might put religion before useless (yes, they are useless for normie plebs) facts or leave them be. They will not change their min and if they do because you push them, it will break up their community and family. You are onld making life more difficult for them, without a benefit. Knowing shit as such is worthless. The individual has to be the choice if he wants to sacrifice things for the knowledge he more than not isn't going to use. You are just pushing it on him because you can't tolerate someone rather living a happy life than knowing everyting there is to know. You are doing it "for the win", for yourself. You prolly know the snake of the paradise story. That is you and I'm not even religious.

Humans evolved to the the Alpa (nerly) everthing, so they wouldn't be wrong about it beeing made to be rules by them and the rules they have are over millenia christlized social rules which make living together of those populations easier. Everyone actually scientifically literate, especially in evolution, should be able to she the evolutinary massiv benefit such religions show. That'S why us atheists are below replacment and they bring each 10 kids onto life. Ireligiousity is a obstacle to compete against from the evolutionary position. You are pushing them to adopt your disgenic position. Ask yourself why, if you are really their friend.

>> No.10008609

>thinking you are the literate and have thereore the blanko paper to pester others
As I said, it's an ego thing for most Atheisms+ Witnesses.

>> No.10008614
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Modern public education is an obvious disaster.

>> No.10008635

>people only disagree with me because they are uneducated
Again, typical ego masturbation.

>> No.10008654

>but then ask them why they are playing fast and loose with scripture and why the bible has changed so many times over the years if it's the word of god
That's a separate issue.
>anyone who's christian at some point has to give in to a bit of science in the current world understanding of stuff or they're just really really stubborn
It's not that you can't believe science, it's just that if there really is an all powerful god then making the universe seamlessly appear billions of years older than it really is, down to the planck length, wouldn't be difficult. There's no way science would be able to discover the truth because there are no flaws to exploit.

>> No.10008669

for sure you can always go to this argument
and since I'm not a fedora atheist the older I've gotten the less of an atheist I am
everything just is put together way to well and works smartly for no reason to be at all
when science examines and finds the math or other meaning behind it it's well designed
doesn't mean it isn't made by something else but who created the first creator
science is pretty heartless tho because people here will pout and scream that it has nothing to do with religion or discovering the meaning of the world
when both have the same goal really
just one is really outdated and needs to bow to the newer ones knowledge

>> No.10008850

nap time, boomer
you're rambling again

>> No.10010567

>chooses to rather believe ancient myths than modern science
Hate to tell you anon, but hes a fucking retard. For a time I unironically refused to believe that people like this actually exist. Try telling him that it is just symbology and that the original story is from Sumeria and is different.

>> No.10011618

adam and eve cant be the first people. where do cain and abel's wives come from?

its clearly a fable designed to explain a 'special' reason for the existence of jewish people.

>> No.10011644

>>Well, first of all evolution is a fact and a theory. It's a fact because we have evidence for speeding up the evolution of bacteria by training it against an antibiotic.

It's also a theory because we can't know every single case of evolution can't be proven.