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>> No.16242157 [View]

I leave the unfathomable level of violence to your imagination but I assure you it is quite possible

>> No.16242169 [View]

It's fucked up how many people get crammed on board even a destroyer, and what the loss of life is if one sinks.

>> No.16242173 [View]
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>> No.16242175 [View]

>border chyna
>have border dispute with chyna
>have longstanding foreign policy stance of being unaligned, but history of colonial butthurt has caused you to mingle with anti-western blocs in the past
Involving India in the Artemis Program gives India a high profile prestige project to prove to the world they aren't just street shitting jeets, and gives the US a partner with capital to invest in the Artemis program as well an easy olive branch to India, with whom they would like to drive a wedge between the rest of the BRICS squad.

>> No.16242178 [View]
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clay isn't determined solely by chemical composition but also the size of the sediments. although martian soil probably has plenty of small, clay-like sediments that could be sifted out of it and make into bricks. this big issue is that brick and mortar is porous so it doesn't overcoming the biggest hurdle of building habitats on mars which is making the habitats airtight. at best the clay bricks could just be for structural support or for an external wall

cooking clay bricks isn't that hard, especially with modern technology

>> No.16242186 [View]

The whole anti-India stance US has is due to Nixon and we're still not fully patched yet. WTF.

Like seriously. Since GWBush, we've been trying to patch relations with India for a long time, but never fully comitting and allying with Pakistan from time to time to stop the full on repairing of relations

>> No.16242188 [View]

Poisoning the well I see

>> No.16242193 [View]



>> No.16242195 [View]

Not that it was a great choice or smart, but we felt we had to ally with Pakistan to get viable supply lines into Afghanistan. Airborne supply from a nearby allied nation was never an economical option and the other three land options were going east out of Iran, west through China, or south through infrastructure-deficient Russia. It's not an easy nation to get to.

>> No.16242212 [View]
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>bricks not airtight
A simple plastic liner is all you'd need, but the real key is just making your brick structure heavy and strong enough so that it has enough integrity in 1/3rd g to resist your 1 bar of pressure. Any brick structure that thick would have extremely minimal atmosphere loss due to porosity, and those pores would get plugged with frost anyways. The biggest issue to look out for would be cracking and spalling due to the ~200°f temperature differential between inside and outside.

>> No.16242220 [View]
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>needs plastic liner
>needs insulation
Two birds with one stone if you use the right spray foam. Bricks act as conductors byw

>> No.16242223 [View]


>> No.16242224 [View]
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Biggest hurdle facing mars brick mansonry would be a making a mortar that's workable at -150°f in essentially a vacuum

>> No.16242249 [View]
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>> No.16242253 [View]
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runny epoxy + regolith as filler = martian bog

viscosity needs to be tested at the temperature, but I don't see why it would not work
not only it does not care about vacuum, you are actually encouraged to put the resin in vacuum to get rid of bubbles when working with resin

>> No.16242257 [View]

>I got to his hotel room and he really did just show me rocket videos

>> No.16242259 [View]

This seems like a good idea. You normally wouldn't make plastic/dirt composite bricks but that could work well

>> No.16242265 [View]

literally me

>> No.16242278 [View]

Good night

>> No.16242281 [View]

Where are you getting epoxy on mars

>> No.16242293 [View]
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>starship starts launching so regularly it becomes as mundane as a falcon 9 drone ship landing

>> No.16242294 [View]

cute hat!

>> No.16242297 [View]

The true mark of success with revolutionary technology is its ubiquity and banality.

>> No.16242299 [View]

starship epoxy redacted

>> No.16242300 [View]

im still happy every time i watch a falcon9 landing

>> No.16242316 [View]
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>> No.16242333 [View]

all the straits are surrounded by American allies and American bases - SK, Japan and Okinawa chain of Islands, Taiwan, Philippines and Vietnam (despite everything, they hate Chinese more than Americans)
you have like 300 km gaps that are covered by anti-ship missiles and airfields

>> No.16242353 [View]

cute, why didn't he stay with her?

>> No.16242356 [View]

Short term, import. A couple hundred tons of resin is enough for a fairly large structure, especially if you use sintered bricks and as main building material and only use it as a concreate/mortar/sealant
Long term, epoxy resin chemical plant should be a pretty high priority. If you can make fuel, you can make any hydrocarbon based plastic.

you could also use bioreactors and grow bacteria producing protein based binder, like albumin
I remember some study proposed blood albumin and that's really fucking stupid (unless you wish to take "blood and soil" slogan literally)

>> No.16242364 [View]

If you are sintering blocks you might as well just go ahead and sinter a continuous building, it would be structurally superior too.

>> No.16242365 [View]

when is the next starship flight bros?
I want to see more plasma tile deconstruction kino

>> No.16242368 [View]

>more plasma tile deconstruction kino
I think uninterrupted, unobstructed real time video from re-entry down to a vertical soft splashdown will be the most kino thing yet.

>> No.16242370 [View]
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>> No.16242377 [View]



>> No.16242382 [View]
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>> No.16242405 [View]

>I'll admit that I don't know why the Russians invaded Ukraine
The Russians are trying to prevent the ZOG in Kiev from being used by the (((West))) as a forward operating base against Putin/Russia in the same way the (((West))) conspired against Assad/Syria, the Russians saw this firsthand during their intervention in Syria which saved Assad and saved Syria from being annexed by Israel. Since the (((West))) took control of the Ukraine in 2014 and are in the process of transforming it into New Khazaria the Russians have realized they are now in the same position Syria was in prior to the (((West))) creating/funding/supplying ISIS and unleashing it on the Syrians. It was a pre-emptive strike so to speak.

>> No.16242406 [View]

>resist your 1 bar of pressure.
Mars standard will be half a bar about 40% O and 60% N

>> No.16242422 [View]

>kill people pumping oil
>no more oil pumped to burn
Simple as

>> No.16242424 [View]
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based elon
at least he has orbital rockets to show videos of

>> No.16242462 [View]


It's all about oil.
>Europe wants cheap oil and raw resources to power its industries, steadily begins aligning with russia instead of US for russias cheap oil
>US policy for the last couple of decades is to cut europe from russian oil by funding revolutions in various countries (including ukraine)
>Russia trying to be closer with europe to increase the competency of its military and support its economy, plan is to eventually replace US as "protector of Europe" (hegemon) and create a multipolar world.
>slavs caught in the middle, either sold on "russkiy mir" or on european gibs promised by the US.

>> No.16242474 [View]

very sad for bezos that he only has a rather small rocket that cannot get up (to orbit).

>> No.16242478 [View]

geopolitical prestige/sphere of influence games bullshit on one hand
the need to murder loot and rape on the other
the oil is in the ass

>> No.16242479 [View]

>40% O
Enjoy your daily catastrophic fires

>> No.16242480 [View]

terraformers in shambles after this one.

>> No.16242489 [View]

to continue, not only does ukraine have untapped oilfields, a lot of russian pipelines run through ukraine.
If russia hadn't invaded, ukraine would have acted as a middleman and billed russia for the privilege of transporting oil through it, making russian oil more expensive. Then the US would've destroyed nordstream later on. Ukraine would've then poured everything into tapping those oilfields.

The US trapped russia, and the russians decided they to head it off by invasion.

>> No.16242651 [View]
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>> No.16242823 [View]

>plan is to eventually replace US as "protector of Europe" (hegemon) and create a multipolar world
I think the Russians already tried that, but it didn't turn out very well. Something about a wall?

>> No.16242837 [View]

I love Elon so much it's unreal

>> No.16242866 [View]

>He's just like me fr fr
Based autist musk

>> No.16242884 [View]

Putin views the collapse of the SU as the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century. His administration has always been interested in clawing back both what was lost and what was almost gained.