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>> No.10608550 [View]
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It's been known for a long time that the AIDS epidemic started in areas of Apefrica that had heavy occurrences of Chimpanzee-Nigger sex. It's claimed that it was transmitted from Chimps to Niggers but I think it well might have been the other way.

What is not known is what type of Chimp-Nigger sex was involved. I think that most likely it involved Chimp-Nigger anal sex, whereby a poor unsuspecting Chimp was forced to anally screw a down-low Buck or a Buckette. Of course any Buck alive would have immediately boffed a Chimp in the Caboose if he could have. But Chimps have more sense and pride than that, and would have resisted mightily. So generally, more Nigger Bucks took the Chimp in their caboose, rather than screw the Chimp in theirs.

There is also normal sex of course, whereby down-low Bucks were screwed by Chimps, as were Sow Buckettes. It's very hard for a Chimp to get hard, for a filthy Nigger, so this is not as easy as it seems. Of course, any Nigger Buck with a chance to screw a Chimp Male or female , would immediately jump at the chance.

That leaves oral sex. Again, any Buck or Buckette would immediately go down on any Chimp they can, but Chimps can't take the stank, and they resist. And, though admittedly very rare, there are cases of Chimps going down on Bucks.

So, while we know that AIDS was sexually transmitted from Chimps to Niggers, we don't know specifically what kind of sex was involved.
Anyone have any ideas?

Here are 2 lovers preparing to transmit the AIDS virus

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