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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15341910 [View]
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Most people are absolutely hopelessly stupid. They have absolutely no fucking idea how to do even basic cursory experiments to test their own ideas. The idea behind 'trusting the science' is that if you're one such idiot, your best bet is to trust the people that at least try to make decent measurements.
You might say 'KEK LOL LMAO EVEN AS I'M I'M GONNA TRUST BASEDENCE' but if you look really deep down within yourself you know that the average alt-right retard making the infographs and youtube propaganda you consume is just as misleading as any other shit. If there is someone out there making measurements taking steps closer to truth it's scientists, and there's no other way.
whatever you type to finish this sentence is pointless because the only reason you know 'science lied' is because another scientist made better measurements disproving the initial ones. Science is literally the only way to test things. Not perfect, not even great necessarily, but still the best.
All the retards you love to follow (go on, call me a hylic) still turn to science when shit turns ugly. Can guarantee you Alex Jones had his children in a hospital.
You retards only sperg about pretending like there is any alternative to science but you know deep down it's just a childish fuss you're making.

You're pic related. You think you're not, but you are. You value your own dumb baboon primate intuition above measurements, and you're baffled that the world doesn't work like you 'feel' it should, and you go into denial. For morons like you the best option really is to trust the science, because your gut feeling is not a good compass. Scientists don't need to trust science because they are the ones making measurements and testing ideas.

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