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>> No.10899065 [View]
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>I am wondering if people who go into STEM subjects are approached by secret societies and intelligence agencies
If you don't like the government, then they don't approach you.
I don't like the government.

>> No.10833529 [View]
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That idiot Jenna who's getting paid to torment me while I myself cannot get paid for anything: she was almost good enough to graduate high school. Not quite, but almost. Now she gets paid to torment me. Goes to show that nothing matters other than whose dick you're willing to suck. Literally nothing else matters.

>> No.10797580 [View]
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>What can I do to mitigate or reverse this disappointing trend?
Kill everyone who thinks it's disappointing.

These fags with their, "He can't even answer a question," bullshit are so gay they don't even realize that their gay faggot egotization is not a question at all, and it's just some gay shit they made up for their gay orgy club. If some old man gets a weird vibe in the lemon party, then it's important that he can overcome it come real quick because, if not, then the weird vibe could spread and all the old men will lose their boners. Other than that, who cares if a vibe is a weird? Vibes come and go, and these faggots with their, "He can't even dispell a weird vibe in 0.2 seconds," are just gay and their fascination with semen and erectile dysfunction makes them blind to the fact that are unable to judge whether or not I can do something when I have no motivation to even try to do that thing. Me not doing something and me being unable to do something are two different things.

I could arrange five watermelons on top of thirty-six purple crayons while singing happy birthday, but I have no desire to do so. To the faggots who think crayons and watermelons and happy birthday are real important, they prefer to say that I can't because it is too much for them to entertain the notion that I simply have no interest in happy birthday watermelon crayons. They cannot possibly wrap their gay demented minds around the very real truth that happy birthday watermelon crayons have jack shit to do with anything meaningful in the universe, pic related.

Every weird vibe I ever got in my life went away on its own, no help needed from me.

>> No.10743789 [View]
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...and then the government took a giant dump on my head. Although they pay people who cannot come with my ideas to try to come up with my ideas, and they pay people to work on my ideas after I come up with them, they also pay gangstalkers to make my life fucking miserable so that it will be less likely that I can continue in a state of productive cognition. However, I am so good at physics, I can consistent outperform my peers even in total isolation and under deliberately counterproductive environmental conditions... conditions paid for by the same parties paying people to work on my ideas after I come up with them.

>> No.10720856 [View]
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old Zero Hedge article about me and, I presume, Joe

>> No.10679039 [View]
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Even though they never let Einstein work on the bomb because he was a "security risk" with his anti-state politics, they at least still credited him with laying the foundations for the whole enterprise

>> No.10678782 [View]
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Estimate eachothers IQ based on accomplishments

>solve electrogravity
>solve quantum gravity
>solve the structure of the standard model
prevent planned "zombie apocalypse" by fingering the secret FEMA planning HQ
>(remember a few years ago when "zombie apocalypse" was a popular phrase then it kind of disappeared? you're welcome)
>write pretty good novel
>responsible for OPM leak of nuclear federal data (still unexploded for some fucking reason)
>solve Riemann hypothesis, the most important unsolved problem in mathematics
>prove limits of sine and cosine at infinity despite hundreds of years of people saying it was impossible
>solve Yang-Mills mass gap
>easily cope with unending psychological warfare attacks designed to induce suicide
>yadda yadda yadda

>> No.10660300 [View]
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>Stolen. I'd like it back.
I'd like some human skulls too.

>> No.10510207 [View]
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>it’s not easy to directly measure the spin of the higgs; in fact it’s ridiculously hard.

Given the mass at ~125GeV, this is a measurement that the LHC can make, no? Please say if LHC can or cannot make this measurement. My understanding is that it can.

>> No.10502225 [View]
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>there is no other explanation.
I can think of other causes than a conspiracy of academics. I could be totally segregated from the academic community by a government conspiracy to shadowban my posts and/or move me via kidnapping to a detention location which looks and feels like Atlanta, GA but which would not have the latitude, longitude, and elevation coordinates normally associated with Atlanta, GA. (This would be in Area 51, the Syria-Iraq border region, maybe a barge in the Pacific, maybe a cavern in the Antarctic ice etc...)

Think about it... how hard would it be to give me a fake laptop that makes me think I'm on the real internet but is actually just a censorship bubble put together by the people who obviously don't care about their well-being or that of their children? It would not be hard at all. In fact, it would be totally easy for an agency like the CIA, FBI, or NSA, or even a cult like Nexium or Scientology, to totally ban me from the internet. How would I know? I have no way to check?

I am frequently astonished by the total, flawless, perfect, 100% unanimity of the global math-physics-internet community regarding anyone ever praising me by name in public. Usually, no matter how much a crank idea some ridiculous notion is, there will be some nutjobs out there who will subscribe to it. Where are my nutjobs? Where is the dissent? Things are looking up lately with people mentioning my second RH disproof which I put together in 2018 after already solving the problem in another 2017 paper.

How could it be that the entire world community has all banded together to deny me ever receiving any public praise for my contributions? I think it is easier for me to believe that I have been put into a censorship bubble by some people whose bloodlines will soon end than it it is for me to believe that thousands or tens of thousands of honest academics the world over have conspired ~unanimously~ to fuck me over.

>> No.10478246 [View]
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>Unironically what is momentum?
Momentum is the increment of inertia.

>> No.10457117 [View]
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>>travel =/= teleportation
In practice, one solves motion by quadrature, and that is more directly interpretted as teleportation even while the integral form of the equations of motion describes a continuous travel. The interpretation of nature is to describe travel but the physical theory which is crunched through the crank to make an observable prediction for some device with arbitrary geometry, the physical theory is better understood as describing teleportations by small steps.

>> No.10287165 [View]
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If you have average and IQ and know it, you are lucky and don't really have a problem with your brain. It's the people who are kinda smart that think they are super geniuses who have a serious IQ problem, and also the tards who think they are super geniuses but, unlike those kinda smart people, the tards probably aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.10263944 [View]
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Look at that nonsense on the board behind him. Someone should make a cartoon called Sonichu to mock what the guy wrote and drew there.

>> No.9910304 [View]
File: 87 KB, 510x908, TRINITY___CentcomFusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is 'confined magnetic field in the tens of thousands to millions of teslas strong' a retarded idea for a 'force field' in a fictional spaceship?
How would that do against lasers?

Why am I on the scientific outside of this? Academics saying, "Must have X years previous experience," are as disingenuous as anyone else when they discount learning on the job at the steepness of the learning curve. It is always way less that the X years of required experience makes it seem. And I do have very many years of experience. I have a Master's degree like Prof. Freeman Dison. And I have a proven track record of productive research, unparalleled in academia.

>> No.9878198 [View]
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