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>> No.10610282 [View]
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Imagine la web of lines that is a sensory attack upon you. It can project, screech, and touch you. It also a current. So, first imagine a web of lines, and then imagine how that is also a current.

Coming up for us is an impulse in our heads, as we recongize what others are saying/thinking. The impulse is from the web and it's encircling and deep currents.

Subconsiously what are you thinking now is an web-current path or line, which is coming up in a position in your mind. Subconsious is manipulated when people use their harsher nature to commuicate to common thinking and gain. Causing encircling power in the web to force a certain current to be anticipated.

>> No.10604161 [View]
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Other example were, where I'd deep focus on the line flow, in my closed eyes, and it would phase deeper onto a unique icon, a nature spirit, that would move it's jingle and then fade like a blur of light in your eyes.

Other example, a spherical shapial nature created by line-form; where I was against the side of a great spherical ride but it seemed truly as if it was planetary, but in-curved. I flew at the fastest speeds ever around it's massive nature but in on direction, until suddenly there is crashing moment that goes in slow motion, and I pull off a trick of imagination to evolve the shape and story. I reached a max level, understood all dimensions.

Other example: I'm in what's named higher heaven (nothing to do with God I'm Atheist or non-), as the joker on a sphere and checkered ground abstraction, and, I'm imagining being with other people and pulling them out the game.


>> No.10599486 [View]
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Well this post was bollocks.

This thread is bollocks.

You were asked what's worse for you, and it's clearly tobbaco, and people are saying about cannabis having a grand bad effect on the mind because they're all lovey dovey with the psychology movement.

I don't FUCKING care, if you got your info- from... a... psychologist. I don't care if you know 'a stoner' who is 'pretty dumb' (in your opinion). If I said I smoked cannabis, you'd categorize me with 'the rest of em'. You'd say, "no wonder why your post makes no sense' lazily, putting no mental effort in, whilst having a laugh with your friends.

You're obviously dim-witted if you think psychologists are talking sanely, their intelligence is debated. What gives you the right to diagnose someone's mind based on words of the event; you're not a mind reader, you're an action reader. "I shouted at my dad last night" - psychologist; he shouted as his dad and picked up a knife waving it about" THUS he hears voices, he's a schizophrenic and blah blah, I'm talking shit I'm an academic nonse BURN YOU ANNOYING CUNTS.

But back on topic; no, smoking cannabis is a temporary effect on the brain most of the time. How do I know it's temporary? Because I'm a avid dreamer and philosopher. If I smoke a joint, the dream is cancelled that night. Simple. However, if I don't smoke a joitnt the next day, a dream will come. Again, simple. I have also studied it's effect actively, when I smoke a joint, it's like all the good stuff is being used in a short burst, hence why the dream is cancelled. Constantly smoking weed is never going to degrade what provides the good stuff. It's a temporary effect with special cases which actually do damage what produces the good stuff. I could have made that scientific but it's obviously a thread where people are toddling around.

>> No.10596088 [View]
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the heart is definitely not the seat of consciousness - but the process is heart and brain, if you have a heart attack it is a force pulling your consciousness down, but only at the end of a heart attack.

the shape of dimensions is as follows

1 - The Note; it is a simple dotting of screen to a circling tornado shape out of screen.
2 - The Joke; it is a kind of ripple, created at the same time as a circle but with withdrawal created by circular upwind. It pulses.
3 - The Nature, a tunnel that you're falling through who's dynamics was to screate a state perfect for your senses, showing screens, that have that nearby-dimensions effect - this view remains unseen if viewed properly. In essence you shouldn't say the secret about the shape.
4 - The Time, like when you look at map, set in that map, a sphere-complexity; or like the universe; this is the universe knwon at the right time; in fact, it is this very prompt, as one experience is a 3.
Time 5; a tesseract actually; that's where it could be rotated, a good illusion of sort, like being under the effect of prior mass effect, put to sleep by a power that's present, and having a phase by phase experince like falling through and then seeing sequeunce of your mass effect, in 4 3, 2 and 1, a friend who owns the universe is a 5, as well as an agent of a quartet for cubic intelligence to become tesseract intelligence.
Time 6. Like an outer imagination who was who you were truly thinking of and you were referring to her in mind truthfully now and then. Thinking of a map set in a map, 6 can be prior to leaving prompt stage during map so, with it comes the imagination of something different. An accurate assocation; or arrow heads coming at you/ duping, etc the map
7. A road in the sky that had a lane that was seen out of the focus because of it's length in the distance, but a visual nature of this where you could travel to road like a spirit - porting -, through the essence of focus; a skillful machine made out of map example.

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