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>> No.9934360 [View]
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>bombed and overthrew governments in half of world's

now, now. thats hyperbole. putting down a few petty dictators and solidifying control over unstable areas is completely within the purview of a Global Defense Provider™. if you don't like your current level of service, may we suggest upgrading to our Platinum package which includes a brand new squadron of F-35's fighter planes!

>> No.9929990 [View]
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so get this m8, you are going to do an internship. i don't care if they don't call it that, but you are going to do 2 years of eating shit as the bottom guy at some literally who company. probably doing HVAC or something else equally banal. very few get out of having to do this. you should have done it during college when it was only your summers. now you got to do it all year. lmao.

>> No.9819738 [View]
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>and will always be confined to a mediocre lower-middle-class existence.

not true at all. you don't have to be super smart to get rich, just really disciplined. you can totally get a job as an engineer or something and retire at 40, maybe even 30.

>> No.9782772 [View]
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You Can Always Be A Politician Edition

Talk about engineering, shitpost about salaries, and bemoan the state of the job market.

>> No.9758434 [View]
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if you are going to do anything in physics thats worth a shit, you're going to need a masters+. get the engineering undergrad and if it turns out you aren't cut out for academia or upper level sciences you can still go turn a buck and lead a comfortable life.

take some core physics classes as electives and apply for your masters stipend as soon as you ace the GRE and fax in your 4.0 GPA transcripts.

>> No.9687036 [View]
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>when you say race has no part to play in how likely people who apply for jobs/internships are to get hired.

nah, i didn't say that. i said you being white has no impact on your ability to get a job. engineering is competitive no matter what color you are. yes being black will give you some extra consideration but its about as much consideration as knowing another language, nice to have but tertiary at best.

and yes, black people are really the only people of interest to HR. its all about reaching parity and blacks are the hardest to recruit for engineering. how many black guys were in your engineering classes? because those couple of guys are who you are accusing of keeping you from gainful employment.

>> No.9453298 [View]
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>not just approximating everything with numerical methods

>> No.9252792 [View]
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first off, remember that having a legit 4 year degree of ANY KIND puts you in the top ~%30 of society in terms of class, earnings potential, and intellectual acumen. for all the memes, a college education does make you think gooder in roughly the same way working out will make you stronger. no, not everybody has the same potential, but the effect of training is still evident even in brainlets.

now imagine that you are able to make it through a curriculum that is slightly more rigorous than your standard college fare and you have recruiters sucking your cock even if you have a mediocre GPA.

thats engineering.

if you aren't easily finding internships or a job after graduation you are either a turbo shitter with a 2.5 GPA or you are legit too autistic for construction aka the mcdonalds of engineering. thats like being bronze in LoL. as long as you are only slightly better than that you will have great lifetime career earnings and be treated with a good modicum of respect in your field.

compare that to academics and lab monkeys that slave for 20$/hr and of course engineers are going to feel superior. also, because you can be CEO and Secretary of State.

>> No.9197743 [View]
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>doesn't know what he wants to do
>trying for one of the most niche industries thats competitive as fuck and requires an unquestionable love for

yeah no. do mechanical instead. it gives you a shit load of lateral mobility. aerospace internships are honestly better for getting into the aerospace industry than the degree is anyways.

at the end of 4 years, reevaluate what you want out of life.

>still want to do muh sexy jet fighter development

you are going to need a masters for that, so the fact you did mechanical doesn't matter.

>i just want to sit on ass and collect a six figure paycheck

lol just do HVAC

>oh fuck i don't want to just sit on my ass all day and this science shit is for nerds

do some kind of field engineering. you'll go on adventures and sometimes even work with your hands. sometimes.

>you know.. maybe i'll get an MBA next...

yeah, you could just do sales or project management or secretary of state like most engineers.

>> No.9148619 [View]
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Engineer here. i literally got drunk one night and spammed my resume on Indeed about 3 months away from graduation. got a 90k$ a year job in the PNW.

i wasn't even spectacular in college. whopping 3.0 GPA and 2 rinky dink internships with some local construction company. my worst offer was 60k$ a year government job taking care of the abernathy fish technology center. you shitters need to git gud.

>> No.9083883 [View]
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the only one who's getting fucked is you buddy. i'm milking your company for 100k a year for doing maybe an hours worth of work a week because you don't have any idea what it is i do. enjoy taking client calls on the weekend and being wholly responsible if i fuck up. you do take all the credit, for better or worse. nobody remembers the engineer who worked on a multimillion dollar project that cratered, but they sure as shit remember the business guy at the front of it all.

>> No.9074276 [View]
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>I'm trying to study calculus on my own so I'm prepared for my first year of uni.

study your algebra, trig, and geometry. Calculus is literally one new concept wrapped up in fancy algebra and trig. if you REALLY want to get into "muh pure meaning" then take a discrete mathematics course which usually doesn't require calc to begin with.

>> No.9057494 [View]
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no, the field isn't over saturated. kids are being given a lot of disinformation about engineering in terms of what the actual requirements for employment are. having an engineering degree alone doesn't make you qualified for the position and thats the key, there are tons of positions for QUALIFIED people but most of the kids coming out of school are far from being qualified.

if you want a legit engineering job then:

1. Don't go to a BK randy school. School name actually matters and you wouldn't believe how many shitters are going to bumfuck state and think their degree is relevant.

2. you need to do internships. as a matter of fact, you need an internship to get the internship nowadays. start small and start local. there is always some mom n' pop machine shop/construction company who could use a cheap office bitch.

3. do shit other than coursework. clubs, competition teams, personal projects. if you aren't using the equipment YOU pay tuition to have access to, you are shorting yourself. build a portfolio.

4. network

>b-but i'm an autist with no social skills and don't know what that means.

it means you skip buying that catgirl figurine this month and get a student membership to ASME or w/e your relevant professional society is. they invite you to things. go to them.

>inb4 "lol i didn't do any of that and got a 100k a year job fresh out of college"

good for you. thats not the norm. if you think you can get away with not doing any of this stuff and still land a decent gig out of college, go for it, but there are other guys applying for your position that are doing all that stuff and more.

>> No.9049387 [View]
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name one (1) industrial or technical application of creationist theory... oh wait there isn't any.

whether evolution is """""true""""" or not is irrelevant, its good enough to be useful outside of philosophical circle jerking which makes it the status quo for the scientific community. you know, the guys who are majority funded by private industry. there's a reason why Exxon and BHP Billiton aren't giving grants to creationist research.

>> No.9010571 [View]
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>implying engineers aren't the ones getting the management positions

>> No.8955704 [View]
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>...and get paid like 1/10th of your worth
well maybe you should've done something a bit more marketable HMMM

>> No.8927533 [View]
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>the STEM guy will be a code monkey for most of his career.

yeah man, those STEM guys just end up being code monkeys.

>> No.8856520 [View]
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shut up boy

>> No.8852187 [View]
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>implying engineers don't do that and more

>> No.8719101 [View]
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>Have I fallen for a meme degree?
yeah. you should have just done ME and taken some aerodynamics electives.

aerospace is like every other niche engineering field. limited number of companies, sensitive to market fluctuations, highly competitive, etc.

if its something that really interests you, you are going to need a masters anyways so its not even worth it to potentially hamstring yourself until you get past undergrad. you better have a really good fuckin' reason to be doing anything other than ChemE, EE, ME, or CivE for your bachelors.

>> No.8708835 [View]
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>implying his company is going to spring for MATLAB
>implying he wont be writing numerical algorithms in VBA or something equally atrocious.

>> No.8663829 [View]
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prove to me that investing my tax dollars in stricter regulation or more research will have a measurable effect on climate change.

particularly when there are more pressing environmental issues in the US that the EPA and academia could be spending its finite resources on.

>> No.8565251 [View]
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>Agree with the money, but not so sure about the prestige thing.

>> No.8564612 [View]
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>ITT: a bunch of freshman arguing about engineers in academia

top kek son. engineers belong in industry. you are a beta faggot who cant handle competition if you just hide in college your whole career.

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