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>> No.11905724 [View]
File: 80 KB, 970x546, LunarLanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is probably refering to Elon Musk & his SpaceX company, though Ol'Musky of course has never said anything overtly racist. But he is a white South African. Anyways, if you haven't been following the space scene, SpaceX has been plowing ahead of everyone else in rocketry - their Falcon 9 is the cheapest (per kg) way to orbit, their Falcon Heavy is the most powerful rocket currently flying, their Starlink network has more active satellites than China & Russia together, and they recently embarrassed Boeing by having their man-rated capsule being ready to launch astronauts first, despite Boeing getting a fuck-ton more money.

And then they have their Starship rocket under development, which if they get working at anywhere near their estimated prices will just shit on everything else in the market. If it works they will be able to sell NASA manned rides to the Moon for less than current price of sending an unmanned rover. If they get it working of course; there are no guarantees with this sort of thing.

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