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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15331416 [View]
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How would you know whether I'm a doctor?

I didn't give you a diagnosis, and certainly not a whole list of differentials. Don't confuse criticism/insults with 'diagnosis'

In all seriousness, it isn't so much that I think 'everything you said was all wrong' - but moreso that it is a gross oversimplification of reality.

Everything is relative, and we all have our homeostatic 'set points' when it comes to things - whether it is temperature tolerances, pain tolerances, definitions of 'stress' and what 'stresses us', etc.

But even if you experience third world problems or if you have gone through/worked in an area with routine high levels of what you are calling 'real stress' - that doesn't make you 'forever immune' against falling into the pattern of feeling unwarranted/irrational stress as a consequence of living a modern, mundane life + a unhealthy/physically inactive existence along with it.

The way you phrased it as kind of a blanket/cure-all made it seem like 'if you experience real stress ever/for a period in your life' or 'if you see and understand what real problems are' then you will be 'fixed' and never fall into this pit of dysfunctional irrational stress/anxiety. If you want those exposures to benefit your outlook on things, then they need to be recurring/kinda routine.

Though it should also be noted that those exposures/experiences still wont sufficiently help literally everyone - some will be unaffected; some may even notice their stresses/problems get worse because of it.

I've spent many years working, among other areas, in ER & ICU. From my own experience & years with colleagues of all different backgrounds - nobody is 100% immune to dysfunctional/maladaptive stress - regardless of the intensity of their occupations/their life experiences. It isn't a cure-all, that is my main point.

Also, if you think I am OP, I am not, couldn't tell if you were intending to address OP or me in some of the posts.

>> No.15305674 [View]
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, icu IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you continue to demonstrate your lack of understanding of basic facts - but this time using visual aids. You get a gold star for effort. You know, statistics can be hard for people to understand - math can be confusing. But basic biology and pathophysiology principles are something that all non-retards should be able to understand.

Do you wash your hands after you wipe your ass & accidentally get shit on your fingers? Or do you just grab a pickle out of the jar and start munchin with shit-covered fingers?

Do you eat food off of the floor of public restrooms?

Do you want people cooking your food at restaurants to wash their hands? Do you want them to keep raw chicken away from your breadsticks? Maybe you even go extra extreme and expect said chicken to be cooked at a high enough temp for a long enough time... to kill any of the non-existent pathogenic bacteria that might be present?

Or do you just constantly have diarrhea from eating raw chicken off of the floor?

I'm genuinely concerned for your health and safety here. Things can be better, you don't have to live this way my friend. There are already plenty of starving, parasite/disease addled kids in Africa shitting themselves to death - we don't need your help adding to the numbers.

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