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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7918140 [View]
File: 109 KB, 450x306, ipcc-models-vs-reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>False. Models are the result of that fact, not the proof.

You don't know what you're talking about. The models are designed to be predictive, they're just designed extremely poorly.

They don't include the Sun, the wind, ocean oscillations, milankovitch cycles, and more. They only include, CO2, water vapour and clouds.

That's a comically incomplete picture of the climate.

So, it should come as no surprise to you that all the predictions made using them were flat out wrong.

>> No.7524531 [View]
File: 109 KB, 450x306, ipcc-models-vs-reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this science (even though you possibly can't truly call it that because there's no control Earth) isn't settled (pic related), to use alarmist terminology, and in reality, science is never settled. That's what makes it science.

Ever since way back when Hansen and his Senator buddy turned off the air-conditioning and closed all the windows during his hearing, every prediction alarmists have made has failed to come true.

When real scientists make predictions and they fail, they reformulate their hypothesis. They don't double down on it.

>> No.7502943 [View]
File: 109 KB, 450x306, ipcc-models-vs-reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Models have been accurate for the past few decades according to climatologists.


>> No.7485471 [View]
File: 109 KB, 450x306, ipcc-models-vs-reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Climate science is an established science. You plugging your ears and not wanting certain conclusion to be true doesn't change that.

Wrong. See above. And I don't want any conclusions. A true scientist doesn't allow desires to get in the way of the search for truth. But, you'd have to be a scientist to know that. Not your fault.

>But that's wrong. Very simple models that only use solar activity cycles, volcanic action, and anthropogenic forcing predict both.

Wrong again. See pic.

>5% of the annual load, but this is a very very misleading point.

Not really. Humans increase CO2 by a small amount. Much more CO2 has been released naturally, as a result of the slight warming we've experienced over the past century. These 2 occurrences are moderately connected but:

1) You can't prove it because you have no control.

2) There's no evidence it will run away. CO2 has been much higher in the past and warming didn't run away until the Earth was burnt to a crisp.

You should really be ashamed of yourself for being so ignorant and trusting what others tell you, instead of doing research on your own like any good scientist should. But, again, it's not your fault that you don't know that.

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