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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.15432192 [View]
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>>death rate increases by like 30% in america even with lockdowns and everyone staying inside

That came the next year, how odd.

>> No.15313545 [View]
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>But don't you see nobody is taking you seriously? Not even on 4chan

Gaslighting. It's the dominant opinion on 4chan and is becoming more mainstream everyday.

You're in denial of this, because you only follow groupthink, so you're afraid of the fact that you'll be forced to change your opinion once enough people begin espousing it.

>> No.15306173 [View]
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Up is down.
Lies are truth.
Science is faith.

>> No.15265057 [View]
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You're seriously going to ignore 'pools closed' and the fact that calling other posters faggots and niggers has been the norm since 2004?

>It's become no different from Reddit and your picture proves so, it started going downhill the second election tourists started flooding the site and shitting up boards like /k/, /x/, /sci/, /g/, /v/, and /gif/. I believe it to be no better than other forums or websites, and in some cases it is far worse.

Then maybe you are mentally deficient if you believe that. Trust me, as someone who has friends that frequent Reddit but not 4chan, I have a keen perception of how much superior 4chan is.

Redditors all took the vaxx because honest discussions about the data were censored, and that applies across most of the internet.

4chan was one of the few places graphics like this could be shared without having it taken down. This is hardly the only instance of this. I've seen news stories play out where I saw the raw unedited footage on a 4chan webm, while my friends only had the carefully curated few seconds that social engineers wanted them to see.

You should really just learn to be unphased by racism. Your death threats only came after you mentioned death threats, and were still far more tame than insults I've seen thrown about for opinions.

The images I've posted are in my 'humor' folder. If you can't see the genius in that /lit/ poster making a novel that is 22% 'nigger', then you're missing the fundamentals of language. Words only have the power we give them. By making 'nigger' so taboo, people are merely empowering it. You should recognize this is an absurd game meant to control you, not help you. 'Negro' shouldn't be offensive. It's Spanish for black. 'Niger' literally means from Nigeria. The reason the media constantly tries to shuffle around the 'politically correct' term for minorities is all about controlling thought via language.

>> No.15150806 [View]
File: 207 KB, 1080x1123, Bad vaxxxxxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Effects of Vaccination
>in Children
Highest death rates from the "vaccines" are in people under 50, and especially in teens and pre-teens.

>> No.15127021 [View]
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I can taste your fear.

The people you work for are going to sacrifice you the moment its convenient and you know it.

>> No.15115202 [View]
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You can keep talking to the voices while I keep posting relevant points of data.

>> No.15115125 [View]
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It's funny that people still deny the cull is happening before their very eyes.

>> No.15105376 [View]
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This thread proves the mRna vaccines cause brain damage.

All the responses in this thread defending the vaccine demonstrate interpreting data exactly opposite to reality.

>> No.14870081 [View]
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What happens next?

>> No.14824712 [View]
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Now do all cause mortality.

>> No.14810803 [View]
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You keep dragging the focus away from the data saying people are dying.

The man with a master's in medical biology and who has written medical textbooks merely compiled numerous sources from around the world.

You are simply distracting from the data because you are intellectually dishonest. Leave /sci/.

>> No.14758473 [View]
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You posted a country with nearly the same obesity rate as the USA.

I was talking about S. Korea. Of course, you must deflect from something you cannot explain.

>> No.14749833 [View]
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Weird, haha.

>> No.14695770 [View]
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>Is it actually a dogshit vax with less than 60% effectiveness like they say?

It's actually killing more people than Covid did.

This graph really upsets the vaxxers. They cannot cope with it at all.

>> No.14690289 [DELETED]  [View]
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>He's given Ritalin, which is being administered all around the world

Like something else recently that is being lied about intensely.

>> No.14685881 [View]
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>People who disagree with us being able to dictate their personal medical decisions and dumb and therefore wrong
>Much science, very wow

Meanwhile in reality, 'pro-science' people cannot read this graph.

>> No.14683440 [View]
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>Their lies are countless anon, and they never own them.

Those who live by lies are about to die by them.

My sympathy is dead.

>> No.14670772 [View]
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I'm well aware of their marriage.

Even though those institutions are corrupt, they are still filled with a lot of people trying to do good. That's why you can still use their numbers to expose the lies.

The lemmings have no response, because their own vaunted 'experts' and 'science' are clearly telling them the same thing the 'schizos' and 'conspiracy theorists'.

The cognitive dissonance it inspires is the best tool we have.

>> No.14613347 [View]
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Fauci literally said 100% safe and effective against covid.

>> No.14610406 [View]
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Can you read what's in the image?

Would you care to explain why mass vaccination is necessary for people under 34 who have an infection survival rate over 99.99%? Isn't the motto of medicine supposed to be 'first do no harm'?

By the way, your denials are transparent. I've dealt with your ilk enough to know it's the first response. You cannot fathom a person seeing through your deceptions, because you are trapped by your ego.

You cannot stop me from consuming your pathetic mind.

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