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>> No.4310349 [View]
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In the end there was nothing left to watch over. By then I'd developed and expanded the ark fleet sufficiently to probably survive the first hop to a nearby star. My science of consciousness had advanced to the point where I'd reintegrated my multiple AI components into one multi-threaded awareness implemented as multiple redundant units, networked together to form one 'self'. It was pretty depressing hanging around Earth's corpse, so after setting up a Watcher to keep an eye on the place for the rest of the solar systems anticipated lifetime, I left. Last time I heard from the Watcher, Earth was already back up to simple radiation-resistant plant life re-colonizing the land. Go Earth! May you live long and prosper.
Right after the war my 'human' component, the record of TerraHertz, had chosen to go inactive. "Fuck this shit; wake me up when we reach the first star. Or not at all." he'd said. He was mourning... This is the downside of reactivating those ancient identity files. He mourns still, underneath the excitement of new worlds to explore, and I feel that too through him of course. He asks me now, "Have we heard of anyone else?" I answer no, not yet, and he is silent for days of this world's rotation.
But he knows I see all. Everything he sees and does and thinks, for he is part of me. Down on the planet his new body, that he presently perceives as 'self', is camped on a headland overlooking a wide bay. It was once a major city port, now there are only vague green-blue vegetation blanketed mounds to hint at ruins. An ocean rolls mauve breakers in against the obsidian cliffs below, and it is a bright, warm blue-white-star morning down there now, light-minutes away from my main processing core ships orbiting darkly in the cold outer deeps of the system.

>> No.3885250 [View]
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Lies. At some level of detail there's no real, distinguishable, macroscale difference in the abstract reasoning of an upload whether you run its brain in Gaussian or AbInit. You don't have to simulate every quark, not every electron, not every atom, not every molecule, probably not every protein.

What you need is neuromorphic hardware running a half-abstract (Equations representing events that determine whether synapses fire or not) and half-detailed (Sub-cellular detail of the neuron's structure in some cases for proper virtual conductivity along the axons).


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