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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5823829 [View]
File: 134 KB, 500x584, Cosmonaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so the major difference in the mathematical methods created and used during the scientific revolution and those used after in the "Age of Reflection" was that while the later mathematicians learned to appreciate logical subtleties and very minor distinctions in what you can and can't do, the mathematicians of the revolution would literally just force their way through solutions.

Not even kidding here you guys. If they wanted to figure something out back then, they'd just fucking do it. Want to know the pressure at a certain point? Integrate it. Want to know how big a circle is? Measure it. What's that? You need to know exactly? No problem, just cut that bitch into infinity pieces and measure all of them and add that shit up.

Seriously math was fucking brutal back then.

>> No.5736357 [View]
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So let me get this straight... Things can be algebraically equal without being the same thing? That is, (-2)^2=4, but they are actually different concepts?

>> No.4255530 [View]
File: 134 KB, 500x584, Astronautgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asteroid mining
>Space based solar power
>Orion nuclear pulse drive
>intertial confinement fusion
>laser propulsion/ a space elevator to orbit
>Improved automation
These things are all things once proposed by NASA.

These things could, if all implemented in the right ways, lead the US economy to tower above all others and say there in an unassailable position of might. This isn't even to mention what they'd do for our military power.
They could even lead to the beginnings of a post-scarcity economy.

the research isn't worthless. Just because it doesn't turn an immediate profit doesn't make it worthless. It's very useful stuff, but it's also out-there.

Were it not for some geeks at Bell Labs looking into the electrical properties of silicone, the US wouldn't have been the home of the digital revolution. This kind of far-sighted investment in R&D is NOT something the free market does well. It can do it, but examples are exceedingly rare in the modern era of science and technology.

This is why we all (as taxpayers) "take the hit" on things like NASA, the CDC, NSF, NOAA, etc. in order to provide for our future.

Advanced industrial economies don't really experience true growth these days without advances in technology. Not investing in R&D on a massive scale is to ignore the future of our economy and it's what (could) ultimately lead to the downfall of the USA as the dominant power on this planet.

We could use lunar regolith to construct makeshift pusher plates for Trojan orbit asteroids. Once we fine suitable candidates, we could propel them into Earth orbit to be refined/mined using solar foundries.

From there, automated factories in Earth orbit process the raw materials using night unlimited solar power.

The scale of projects we could do would be almost limitless, given that power and raw materials are (practically) unlimited and ultra-cheap.

>> No.3449364 [View]
File: 134 KB, 500x584, 1310794101820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /sci/,

I'm a first year engineering physics student from Sweden and I'm 21 years old. I want to be an astronaut and I'm asking you how.

Two ways that I figure might be possible:

1. Graduate and go into research. I'm very interested in particle physics and would love to do some research in proton decay, perhaps there will be experimental needs in space for a such expertise in the future.

2. Graduate and go into the military as a pilot, then apply to the ESA astronaut programme. Many astronauts have had backgrounds in military flying and my physique would definitely allow for it.

What's your thoughts and tips for me and other people dreaming of going into space?

Also, mission control would be tremendously awesome as well - how to get there?

>> No.3399494 [View]
File: 134 KB, 500x584, 1309273325287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Georgia Tech guy, my skype is "Zedak.mcgee".

>> No.3299485 [View]
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>> No.3262677 [View]
File: 134 KB, 500x584, 1302694504693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat-in-a-vat, lab-grown meat that tastes like the real thing, because it is the real thing. Grown in a lab. Movement to ban "real meat" grows in popularity.

Ubiquitous surveillance. Everything you see or do will be recorded by something.

National superpowers and megacorporations are racing to build the first recursively self-improving AI, in enormous data centers and supercomputer clusters

Designer babies, you pay the money, you get the baby you want. Silver hair? Purple eyes? Extremely intelligent? Beautiful? It will all be possible, or at least, claimed to be possible.

First undersea nuclear reactors nearing completion

Large-scale hydroponic and aeroponic farming, increasing crop yields

The first manned mission to a nearby asteroid

Plans by private corporations to begin asteroid mining and exploitation of resources in space

Several small "space hotels" exist. Private corporations and the government begin to plan a "space city".

Robotic rovers on the moon, exploring potential landing sites for the upcoming moon colony

The first "solarsat" is operational, the US Military buys most of the power-time available, many many more solarsats on the way.

I wonder how many will actually come true...

>> No.2967902 [View]
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>> No.2957460 [View]
File: 134 KB, 500x584, 1302694504693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw russian science board


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