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>> No.2392151 [View]
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wait...don't you eventually get shot out of the other end as a stream of xrays or something?

what is all this talk of, "NOTHING ESCAPES DERP"?

>> No.2368229 [View]
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first off, get your facts in order.
He worked on over 1,500 sets of imprisoned twins, of which fewer than 200 individuals survived the studies.

now then...the nitty gritty

Anyone who man's a submarine has this horrid beast of a man to thank for their continued safety...
He acted as a foundation in the modern research of genetics and blood transfusion...
did i say it sat well with me? No i didn't, but i can not deny that it was a benefit.
Knowledge of the ability for humans to resist or treat hypothermia or freezing is another example of great value...though the method of harvesting the data was detestable, we still use it routinely.

I can go on...but why bother?
I don't like it, but he did contribute to the benefit of mankind. I can not deny it.

>> No.2362788 [View]
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some of us don't even really understand what all those fancy upper crust words mean anyways.

far as we can tell, there is sometimes peeps that like screaming at the wind for knocking down their house and stealing their pickup truck even though they live smack dab in the middle of tornado alley. They act outraged and surprised like it's none of their fault at all.

not much left to do than laugh at them really...

>> No.2350724 [View]
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>> No.2346654 [View]
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when are the first steaks up for sale?

till then i give two shits, and a greasy fart besides...

>> No.2333867 [View]
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that's your opinion.

>> No.2294918 [View]
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>14 3 foot x 8 foot windows = mediocre lighting to one room even with one extra sun pipe installed.

there just is no pleasing some people

>> No.2251371 [View]
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if the conversion is will controlled, ashes.
if not, antimatter. Then i touch the ground.

>> No.2180225 [View]
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That's absurd.
the calculation for return on investment and, therefore the definition, can be modified to suit the situation -it all depends on what you include as returns and costs. The definition of the term in the broadest sense just attempts to measure the profitability of an investment and, as such, there is no one "right" calculation.
Your mountain in colorado has no doubt been massively surveyed for example...of course you would have an excellent idea of ROI

as for the second part, you say 'we' like the whole world shares evenly. Have you looked outside recently?

and of course we won't run out of common metals anytime soon....fucktards like you won't let reasonable folks build the god damn spacecraft we need

>> No.2159712 [View]
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be sure to ask the next Proctologist when they are riding your bumper on the drive to work and let us know, okay?

>> No.2134181 [View]
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I don't hate engineers any more than I hate court jesters.

They provide many a merry chuckle and are convenient scape goats when I fuck up something trivial

>> No.2115729 [View]
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I blame Nebuchadnezzar.

>> No.2069671 [View]
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i have pop-tarts and marijuana

why would i give a fuck about all that other shit?

>> No.2015176 [View]
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you can't tell it's how they moved all those blocks for the pyramids?

i mean sure, all that wood would have required chopping down all the date tree they needed for food unless it got imported in and that....well...never mind

...point being this method is very wasteful on energy.

>> No.1987180 [View]
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i fail to see how this would prevent charged cap on a board in your hand from killing you when you accidentally discharge it

>> No.1887691 [View]
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cause you all have to fuck with shit that doesn't help any of us WHEN WE NEED YOU TO FIGURE THIS OTHER SHIT OUT that's why.

Engineers need to learn how to be team players

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