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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.10387574 [View]
File: 128 KB, 560x560, JPEG_20181227_232159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engineer has lowest respect and some in certain groups

physicist has some respect and a lot in certain groups, can end up in textbooks from doing important things

doctor has most respect overall by random people, can also end up in textbooks but not as wide reaching as something fundamental like physics or math

at 40

engineer will be 12 years into career, senior position with paid masters degree, probably manager or r&d if very lucky, hopefully significant savings of around $200,000, probably uninteresting work and very few people will ever care about what you do

physicist will be 8 years into career, probably junior faculty, past postdoc and has plenty of citations, would have savings but probably closer to $100,000, work is at least somewhat interesting and stimulating, potentially very much and some people will care about what you're doing

physician will be possibly just starting career or a few years in, no savings unless he had a rare scholarship, work is probably not as interesting as it is fulfilling taking care of people and being appreciated, if your patients actually appreciate you, probably generally fulfilling but possibly grinding and maybe even miserable (I think half of doctors say they would choose a different specialty or potentially entire career if they could choose again according to doctor surveys)

>> No.10313406 [View]
File: 128 KB, 560x560, JPEG_20181224_234650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're ignoring what he said. There is no difference across all races. The top Kenyan runners have European admixture.
If you are going to say those things make them a subspecies, then yes it is a social construction, because we decide what a race is. There would be about 350 different subspecies of human, and about 200 solely in Africa. You don't understand what a social construction is. We decide what a race is, therefore it is a social construction. All tall people to me are now a separate race. They're bigger, larger hands and feet, different diseases specific to them. It is genetic and makes you look different, so therefore I'm right and you must agree. Nobody takes that seriously.

>What I claim is that the difference in IQ between various races is much more easily explaineable by some genetic factors rather than enviromental factors.
Your claim is bogus and many studies that you can Google are heavily cited and accepted by the scientific community. If you cranks cared so much, you wouldn't ignore them so openly.
Some people who can't argue will fall into that. but I haven't seen anyone ITT say it can't be discussed because it's not defined. we have defined parameters for races, because we constructed the parameters. race realist(dumbest term ever) are more Occam's razor types, some in this thread and that i just replied to appealing to it.

>> No.10282345 [View]
File: 128 KB, 560x560, JPEG_20181227_232159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are encompassed in soft sciences. we are getting things accomplished in those areas but it's very hard to come up with something that the entire community agrees with because it is so complex. the radical feminist stuff isn't what women's studies actually is and I feel bad for anyone who has ever gone into it with a genuine desire to study females in a soft science. Soft sciences are complex and being soft, they are mostly subjective and it is hard to predict anything, so you can have a whole lot of cooks and radicals who actually have an audience because it isn't a hard science that has defined parameters etc...
hardcore sci related, I would probably be physics or math if you want to be general. engineering has had a LOT on their plate to digest and innovate with for the last 100 years. I feel like the pendulum may finally start to move into the opposite direction again soon as Moore's law is definitely coming to an end and we need some serious breakthroughs to tackle certain problems if we want to keep moving.

this is like a race. engineers are the runners and scientists are the people on the sidelines cheering them on and giving the cups of water if they run out of energy/overheat. scientists need to give engineers some new tools to innovate more, so the engineers have new tools to discover more

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