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>> No.8586261 [View]
File: 178 KB, 1920x1526, Jupiter_family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, you are also completely wrong about the Galileo Affair. Educate yourself:
>The Galileo affair was a sequence of events, beginning around 1610, culminating with the trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei by the Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1633 for his support of heliocentrism

The evidence opposing Heliocentrism that Galileo presented were the moons of Jupiter, they themselves were not the focus of his disagreement with the Church. He was using the moons of Jupiter to argue FOR Heliocentrism based on his observations of the moons and the phases of Venus. Just because Copernicus developed the model for Heliocentrism doesn't mean that Galileo wasn't arguing for its acceptance vs. Geocentrism. He was using the moons of Jupiter and their orbit as an example of how Earth, Venus and the other planets orbited the Sun in a Heliocentric model.

>Galileo's initial discoveries were met with opposition within the Catholic Church, and in 1616 the Inquisition declared heliocentrism to be formally heretical. Heliocentric books were banned and Galileo was ordered to refrain from holding, teaching or defending heliocentric ideas.

How retarded are you that you can't even do the simplest of research before you make an argument, even when what you're addressing wasn't argued in the first place?

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