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>> No.5822721 [View]
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Also, I'm not in debt.

I have a couple grand saved up, and this is in spite of living with an alcoholic, being raised by a disabled old lesbian couple and having to do all their housework, and having really needy friends.

I'm seen as a stingy asshole for doing what I'm supposed to do by those around me, but on the internet I'm some entitled liberal whiner who never did anything right.

I hate the extremes, and I hate the lack of support even more.

I'd love to actually do something with my life, but when every step is made unnecessarily hard, I start to wonder if living is even worth it.

Also, how is it my fault I'm poor when my parents couldn't even hook me up with a cell phone and a car while everyone else I knew had one at sixteen. They were all driving around getting shit done while I was still scraping up enough money for the first step.

There's no universal criteria for what's good here, so why not help people in need who don't seem to be spending it on stupid shit.

I don't even by new clothes until my old shit is completely wrecked, yet I see people who eat better than me, dress better than me, have more energy than me, have the means to communicate while outside the house, have transportation... all handed to them.

And I'm expected to get these things while juggling the sudden onset of adulthood?

I have a female friend who's homeless now because she's a stupid bitch who did too many drugs and got too many stupid jailbird boyfriends in a row. I used to respect her, and I'm worried that society sees her instead of me when I talk about my problems.

And she had a car and a cell phone handed to her

I'd get off the internet and actually do something around town if I had the means to get around town without losing money or begging or using our horrible bus system

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