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>> No.14862410 [View]
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>has anyone who graduated in STEM had a live worth living ?
Sure. Life is good.
>IE friends,
Not many but those I have I can rely on. A friens of mine had 3000 "friends" on FB but got exactly zero help when losing the job.
Does 4ch posting count? I also like to read, tend my garden etc.
>maybe even a gf while studying ?
Yes, but I was so burned out that it didn't get far. Then I did the postdoc rounds which is impossible to combine with a social life.

>> No.12409330 [View]
File: 44 KB, 640x640, ComfyDogBlanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not comfortable with making robots entirely functional replications of humans, so servitors should remain servitors only and have the mind just to raise children or cook etc., and sexbots should do just that. I think we agree on that, though.
I agree and I note also that most humans have enough empathy to feel uncomfortable about the video showing robots that were kicked for testing their stability. I hear people even care enough for their Roombas to want them repaired rather than replaced.
>As for the second point - dogs and cats obviously aren't as 'conscious' about their surroundings, and robots would form a significantly bigger threat if aggregated. This connects to my first point, that they should have the mind to do one thing well. Of course, you have the discussion concerning the morality of doing such thing, and if it's fair for us to make robots suffer and what not, but that's an entirely different conversation.
There is a huge forest of terminology such as sentient, sapient, conscious and more, I don't really have a proper overview of this yet. And people also discuss "uplifting" dogs.
>I apologize I didn't proof-read, as I'm going to sleep now. Hopefully the thread is up for us to talk tomorrow. Good night anon
Yes, the topic is interesting, hope it will survive the night. Stay comfy.

>> No.12199818 [View]
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>My best decision in life was to finish my masters in physics and get the fuck out of there.
My experience is that to get the interesting jobs you need a PhD in Physics.
>Academia is fucked.
Sadly true.
>You'll have massive problems finding a job with a physics degree.
Strange. We have been recruiting and of 4 physicists, 3 have a PhD and one a Master's degree, and also our competitors are looking for physicists.
>Going into physics in academia is for people who want to become professors.
No. A physicist can also escape to industry where the skills are valuable. Admittedly not everyone will understand this even if the figures are there. I had a job that involved a lot of analysis and had 5x more results than my non-PhD colleagues.
>If you just want a good degree so you can have a good job later it's thw worst decision ever and I regret every single bit of my 5 years in university.
I am sorry to hear that. Where are you located?
>I can't find a job and am unemployed for 3 months now despite having a really good GPA in experimental semiconductor physics. You are worth nothing for companies, all they want are EE's. Bail out of there and learn how to code. This is your last choice.
I too struggled at first to get a job and had the sinking feeling I had done the greatest mistake in my life. Thankfully things improved a lot.
Solid state physics should be good, I did that, though not semiconductors.

So hang on in there, stay comfy.

>> No.11913065 [View]
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this is one of the times in history where I can say I'm so comfy here in africa
but jokes aside stay safe very-well-sorted-images-anon

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