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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11153585 [View]
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Why would evolution cause races to look different from each other but not affect the brain at all?

>> No.8984152 [View]
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Its easy, i tell you something that your ordinary brain doesnt know.

The glock 29 comes with a 10 round magazine of 10mm FBI rounds. It can be fitted with a compensated barrel from lone wolf products. However even with the compensation effect the recoil is still great enough to flick back your wrist and thus the compensator is practically superfluous.

There. You didnt know that did you? And it was too detailed to have guessed. Ergo, you and I atleast exist. The rest of these anons might be a dream though.

>> No.8960329 [View]
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>Who's to say that the drones are not at the top of the hierarchy?

If you think what you've just said is supported by evidence your brain is lost.

The hierarchy is quantified by level of energy measured in joules of energy. The highest consumption of energy by a single unit is the queen. The consumption of energy of any one worker bee is less.
It can also be quantified by risk.
The entire workforce of a bee hive is specialised to protect the queen even if it means sacrificing their life. The queen on the other hand has no such prerogative.

You simply try to relabel the subjects in this equation does not lead to the same degree of logic. If the drones were the top then they would not receive less resources and less safety.

>See hierarchies are abstractions realized by arbitrarily drawn boundairies
Not every label is an abstraction you idiot. Labels are generalisations, and generalisations can either be mostly right or mostly wrong. If the generalisation is mostly right a conclusion can be drawn. The use of language to transmit these ideas is an abstraction, but the idea themselves, they are proven by observations, observations are not abstract, they are empirical, that is why they are so useful.

>You are making arational conclusions from empirical evidence and are doing science wrong. Empiricuck mindlet get good.

Youve just mixed up the labels again. Just because you call it arational doesnt mean it is. See my previous paragraph.

You also disparage empricial evidence. I would like to see some of your evidence as to why empiricism is flawed. Also, dont bring black swan white swan into this because you will be falling for my trap.

>> No.8837285 [View]
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I suppose if i dont weigh in on this subject then certain things wont get said.

I approach the subject not just from a scientific angle, but also a debating angle.

The debating angle reveals this: Gays have falsified scientific research in the past. Im specifically mentioning the Xq28 paper that couldnt be repeated. But for a while, it was all sunshine and rainbows and the person who made the research even published a book on it, which sold well and was accepted. The guy who wrote this was himself gay. So, clear vested interest in fooling not just others but himself.
The important and telling thing about all this is the media repercussions and that it was immediately accepted by many gays. The problem here is that gays arnt concerned with weather their choices are scientifically based or not. After all they all started being gay before the science came out. And this is the problem, because the gay scientific explanation, much like Christian apocalypse, has been both impeding and rescheduled again and again by scientific papers. First it was genetic, then it was epigenetic (because it had to be because it wasnt genetic, right?) and it was a phenotype. Now it simply "i do it because i choose to". The problem is that gays jump from lily pad to lily pad of temporary excuse. You too are in this category because your in favour of "gay rights" but gayness has yet to be solved scientifically.

From viewing it in many debates for about 10 years i can say that the gayness is indeed an ideology. They have a flag, they have organisations, they have poleticians for gods sake, and if you say something anti gay you can be targeted to get you fired from your job. These are the hallmarks of a tyranny. 1.) Bad science 2.) Taboo of nonbelievers.

In conclusion, as gay science has not explained or solved gayness. The correct position to take is scepticism. Not taking up their side of the team.


>> No.8760890 [View]
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Ashkenazi are smart, but not smart enough it would seem to not replicate all of europes biggest mistakes with israel.

>> No.8748630 [View]
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>Why not nonexistence of time and space?
>Can nothing exist?

Time is entropy which is matter.
Space is another matter entirely.

It may infact be the case that beyond the boarders of the universe there is nothing.
Or not.

= Unproven hypothesis.

>> No.8697242 [View]
File: 62 KB, 309x305, really makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean to be "intelligent"?

>> No.8529549 [View]
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This. I do fine for myself. Top marks in my courses, read my textbooks and still have a gf with top ass and personality

Im sure you guys just project these inadequacy thoughts and feelings onto yourself, and that may account for your social problems, if any.

I find most of my professors are strong people, physically fit or at least value excercise and fitness, have great personalities, value hard work and are married. It just takes strength of character. Im sure the true social autists are a minority of the /sci/ population.

Except for computer science. I dont know whats wrong with them. Literal bronies in the comp sci dept at school, and I'm not even memeing

>> No.8527455 [View]
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I spend a fair amount of time on dedicated shitposting boards, so it is my natural instinct shitpost even on a more serious board. I will hold back next time, for the sake of the quality of this board. I apologize, I'm not quite used to anyone every taking me seriously, on the internet or in real life.

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