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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.5803845 [View]
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I can't see a face.


>> No.5773653 [View]
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The bill is shared between three people. One of us is conservative, one of us (me) is practically Amish, and one of us practically eats electricity like a fucking Pokemon.

>> No.5589237 [View]
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Soooo I just had a thought.

That thought was that I'd like a monster truck made of chocolate cake.

...Neurons firing does this? I guess it's because I'm a bit hungry and I'm playing on a TF2 Mario Kart server at the moment...?

Considering the brain is like 90% water, it does some pretty weird shit.

>> No.5578643 [View]
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Because science has only been a prominent part of our civilization for a short time. One could argue that it STILL struggles to be such: Our society, on a global scale, did not arise from an intellectual crux. It evolved from an instinctual one.

Instinctively, we sought the food and water needed to stay alive. And so civilization first arose from the bountiful Fertile Crescent, India, and China.

Instinctively, assertion of dominance and the drive to reproduce won out over egalitarianism. And so the female gender as well as anyone from outside of the most advanced group(s) were viewed as inferior to the most advanced (Caucasian) male(s).

And instinctively, the drive to not die won out over the idea of prolonging life. Death is accepted as an inevitability, so to maintain dominance the old dying alphas claimed their actions to be mandated by entities beyond themselves that could NOT die.

Put it all together and you get several millennia of humanity being driven by fear and the blind leading the blind. Dissent is a threat to survival and thus is destroyed as soon as it appears.

The modern result of this is a society where science struggles because the lack of change allows most of us to maintain a life that we might not like but are unable to change because change means anything between ostracizing or imprisonment or even death.

That's not to say we're a lost cause, of course. Science is advancing. Technology is advancing. Ideas and practices once met with hostility are now becoming common or even encouraged. But again, instinct is hard to fight. Control won't be easily given up. And control comes in two powerful forms: religion and money.

So we're working with what we've got, basically. We're slowly making progress. If there's a word for this beyond a blanket term like 'chaos theory,' I don't know it. But that's how I figure it to be.

>> No.5570898 [View]
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I... have no idea what you just said, honestly. I remember when I was a kid. I didn't care about 'fitting in.' I was one of those kids in the corner at recess that played with his GameBoy (or Oregon Trail in the later grades when we actually had computers, what a fucking novel idea) or drew at recess instead of mingling.

...Unless I'm in the minority. In which case, that would explain a LOT.

>> No.5558920 [View]
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>"we need to keep up with other modern fighters!"

Why? We have missile defense systems, a fuckton of satellites, and remote control airplanes. The Department of DEFENSE is a bit too eager to make new weapons to break the other guy's shit as opposed to new safeguards for our own shit.

I wonder if anybody in the government ever gets letters like this...

>> No.5530904 [View]
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...Is this the wrong thread to ask about where I can get a good view of 2012 DA14 when I wake up? I'm on the East Coast and was hoping I'd see something cool... Instead I show up here and it sounds like the thing's already hit us.

>> No.5412918 [View]
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I never said the asteroid was that big. Just that it'd make a fuckhuge crater. Chicxulub crater is over 100 miles across and the rock that did that could've been as small as 6 miles wide. My understanding of astrophysics notwithstanding, I'm sure that this thing would be way smaller than even our Moon. But I cannot into astronomical weight/mass, so I can't specify much beyond that. Sorry.

Also if the supernova means we're totally fucked then replace it with something smaller-scale. Like the Sun breaking. Through magic. I don't know, I'm really just trying to get some ballpark idea of the logistics of a ship built for an entire planet.

>> No.5388052 [View]
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2science4me too, actually. I don't even know if fire is still classified as energy like it was in grade school or not; for all I know it could be some weird state of matter now. I remember in grade school there were 5 senses; now Wikipedia (hurrdurr wikipedia) has like 30 of them listed. I can't keep up with it all.

>> No.4980487 [View]
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If we've discovered everything then why the fuck aren't we using it? Why are we still doing the same shit we've been doing for millennia instead of going out with our knowledge of everything and applying it to the world and the Universe around us?

Oh wait, it's because you're full of shit and we don't even know what's in the ocean yet? Carry on then.

>> No.3359627 [View]
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>your atoms live forever
>you live forever minus the consciousness

>> No.3141702 [View]
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/sci/ it's summer and all the butthurt teachers want to ruin our grades in the last moment.
Especially the economics teacher is the biggest source of suffering and wants a paper on economic equilibrium in only 1 week.
Any sites that offer for free assignment papers at this kind of subject, wikipedia dissapointed.

>> No.3102369 [View]
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>aether evades his permanent ban after several months
>reposts the same troll that got him banned

>> No.2433376 [View]
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Or just ignore my question. Thats cool.

>> No.2268636 [View]
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The only reason /sci/ is below /lit/ is because transhumanists can't read anything other than sci-fi dime novel garbage. I wish somebody would just make another board for all speculative and pseudo-scientist sorts.

>> No.1970444 [View]
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IDC, but should we raid /r9k/ back by posting intelligent things on their board?

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