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>> No.12361593 [View]
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I just dl'ed all four and am combining them into a single video and put it up on Brighteon, ugetube and/or rumble when it is finished

nice post anon. I have been coming to this board since around 2015 trying to explain this to the people here while most of the wet brained donks called me wayciss and /pol/ etc etc. I am not trying to take credit for anyone's realizations of these facts I just want to make the point that this was the whole reason I have been trying to teach you all these things. I don't care about people's race to judge them or degrade them, my only goal was to show the people here how they are being played by the Jews in control of these narratives and policies in order to disenfranchise whites and asians and their power structures for their communist agenda. I made this thread on /his/ that got me a 3 day ban. It is a short thread and every anon needs to read it and see what they have been doing for the last 1000 years after destroying Eastern Europe under communism and Germany because they fought back against this.

They want to bring what is happening in South Africa to America and if you value your futures you better know what they are doing, why and how they are doing it because this serious business. There is nothing more important you have in life than learning and understanding this topic here. You and everyone you care about and all yours and their descendants will lose everything if you don't fight back against this with everything you got.

Between Heaven and Hell - The True Story of Whites in South Africa

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