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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.9584718 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.8815970 [View]
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Why can't all math be as fun as four color theorem?

>> No.8752367 [View]
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>Paul Erdős will never write your recommendation letter

>> No.8598713 [View]
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>have two textbooks for maths for engineering and physics
>one has easy calculation exercises
>the other has numerous "Show that..." questions that I find hard almost every single time and involve steps I never would've guessed

Wtf I hate being a brainlet now!

>> No.8583697 [View]
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Is the general AM - GM inequality supposed to be doable on a whim for someone with not much more than secondary school maths? I could do it with 2 variables but couldn't for n variables. And when I looked at the proofs online I realised that I probably never would've done it

>> No.8568079 [View]
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How do you cope with having gone to a lower status university than you could've handled and doing a subject you didn't like and not being able to change due to being in the UK and being aged 24 knowing you have never done anything intellectual in your life? And having practically given up on your degree with over a year to go, handing in the absolute minimum to get a 2.1 (acceptable in the UK)?

Feels awful man. When I go through stuff in my own time, whether it's academic or not, I feel awful. Learning PHP is trivial. Learning maths for physical sciences (my uni missed out tonnes of stuff) is trivial. The exercises in SICP are trivial. I don't mean that I am finding everything easy- I mean that if I do this stuff it is not an achievement in any way like a MMath from Cambridge or a research paper in a scientific journal or creating a programming language or framework would be.

I'm implementing stuff in Lisp from SICP when Turing was literally inventing the theory behind computer science. Learning PHP is easy but I haven't done anything near as smart as the guy who created PHP (and the guy who created JavaScript did it in about a week!).

>> No.8546136 [View]
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>mfw living in Dominican Republic
>not surprised by our contry test's performance

Fucking hate this country sometimes

>> No.8438057 [View]
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>tfw you realise the entirety of human society seeks to reward and idolize survivorship bias

>> No.8367993 [View]
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How to solve complicated equations with absolute values, like
|a| - |b|c||e+f| >= |d+|e||

It's easy when there's just one layer of absolute values: eg: | a * b| >= |c+d|, you just have to consider when it's negative and when it's positive, and solve for both cases.
But what to do when there are several "layers"? Someone, please help.

>> No.8183103 [View]
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>tfw living in the equator
>tfw it's the most boring shit for looking at the sky

>> No.8076472 [View]
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>get excited about UFOs
>find out its bullshit
>get excited about anti gravity
>find out its pseudoscience
>get excited about FTL travel
>find out its impossible
>get excited about CERN's top secret time machine
>find out its conspiracy theory
>get excited about telekinesis and telepathy
>find out its impossible under some inverse law

Why is reality so hopelessly low energy /sci/?

>> No.8043398 [View]
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Please explain the notion of recursive types in type theory to a retard.

>> No.8015209 [View]
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the low IQ swarm has arrive, what a pleasure

>> No.7942291 [DELETED]  [View]
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>tfw you can't stand low IQ people around you once you have ascended to solving God tier Math

Anyone else feel this way that the more knowledge we acquire the more out of touch we get from ordinary plebs beneath us?

>> No.7915068 [View]
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>If you don't score above 80% in your STEM subjects, you shouldn't be studying/pursuing a career in STEM

Is this true /sci/? Every bio I've read about phd students, post docs, lecturers, TA and professors, all have immaculate academic records or atleast well above a 80% average overall

>tfw 65% average in my bachelors in Math so far

>> No.7722134 [View]
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Please explain beta reduction in Lambda calculus in very simple terms. I read many definitions and still don't get it because I'm a retard.

>> No.7516232 [View]
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in the beginning the prime numbers are easily recognizable, the problem is that i need time to calculate the formulas even if it's simple..

>i'll never be as good as him

>> No.7471885 [View]
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All of my answers to an IQ subtest were correct according to my neuropsy, except for one where I hesitated (but still gave a correct answer). Yet, I only scored only 2 standard deviations above the mean on that subtest (an equivalent of ~130 IQ).

How come?

>> No.7382981 [View]
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is calculus heavier on trig or geometry?

>> No.7329280 [View]
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>“I was told by a senior that Tim had to resign immediately or be sacked – though I was told it would be treated as a low-key affair. Tim duly emailed his resignation when he got home. The university promptly announced his resignation on its website and started tweeting that they had got rid of him. Essentially, they had hung both of us out to dry. They certainly did not treat it as a low-key affair. I got no warning about the announcement and no offer of help, even though I have worked there for nearly 20 years. It has done me lasting damage. What they did was unacceptable.”

>The European Research Council (ERC) – Hunt served on its science committee – decided to force him to stand down in view of his resignation from UCL. “That really hurt. I had spent years helping to set it up. I gave up working in the lab to help promote European science for the ERC.”

>In addition, bodies such as the Royal Society – of which Hunt is a fellow – were pressing for him to make a fuller apology for his remarks in Korea. Within two days, the pressure had become desperate for both scientists. “Tim sat on the sofa and started crying,” says Collins. “Then I started crying. We just held on to each other.”


And to top things off, he's giving this interview to the Guardian, a newspaper that was leading the mob ffs.

Is it a pre-requisite of science that you need to have no balls or backbone? The guy can't even stand up for himself ffs, not to his employer or the media. And bare keks at having your employment security at the whims of university administrators.

>> No.7315639 [View]
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But, my degree...

>> No.5343601 [View]
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I wonder when I'll finally appreciate math. I have a feeling it will hit me out of nowhere someday.

>> No.5272850 [View]
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How do I participate in a social situation?

>> No.4732307 [View]
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Oh shit, i meant to say that unless you can explain the material to somebody else you can't claim to fully understand it.

See, this is why i keep getting B's, guys.

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