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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.6269112 [View]
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>Exercise training increased hippocampal volume by 2%, effectively reversing age-related loss in volume by 1 to 2 y. We also demonstrate that increased hippocampal volume is associated with greater serum levels of BDNF, a mediator of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. Hippocampal volume declined in the control group, but higher preintervention fitness partially attenuated the decline, suggesting that fitness protects against volume loss.


Depends on what you mean really...

>> No.6166906 [View]
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>pre-surgery checklists reduced patient death rate by 47% in all 8 hospitals where it was implemented

>> No.6080344 [View]
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The point of AI is that humans can't "learn it all" in 1 lifetime. Instead you need binders full of experts. Even then, you will need to train their replacements from the ground up.

If you had a truly functional general AI you could presumably keep it continuously training in ALL subjects. Thus removing the need to retrain replacements as well as avoiding the need to specialize.

>> No.6074730 [View]
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Nothing comes from the expectation of there being something, but it isn't there. Or another way, nothing is how we describe absence.

So even if you have an empty glass, you need the glass to reference the absence.

So don't worry anon, there can never be nothing, because if there truly were, then there would be nothing left to reference its non-existence against =D

>> No.6024684 [View]
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Watch the video of a golf ball getting hit in slow motion.

This is what is happening to the rod when you attempt to move it. Waves and such.

>> No.5962652 [View]
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>Why isn't there just nothingness?
Have you ever seen nothingness? How can nothingness exist except for the complete absence of everything?

The concept of 0, or nothingness is an existential statement about a perceive lack of something. This is only justifiable through the measurement of time. If something has never existed, then there is nothing to say about it; you are then only speaking semantics about imagination through combinations of things that DO exist. However, one could speculate on the creation of objects "coming into existence", however, to a degree of certainty they did not start existing until an observer classified the particular arrangement of compositional elements as such. From the conservation of matter we can agree that YOU did not come into existence until a particular arrangement of parts allows us to define them as "you". Thus, once again we are defining existence as only through a matter of timing. You exist so long as it is agreed that the parts make the whole.

The universe, thus, as a whole, only exists such to an extent that we agree that the "whole" universe is being observed.

The concept of a beginning requires that there is an absence of recognition for the whole.

If the universe is described as containing all knowable elements, then the universe simply exists without beginning or end, as there is no such time as to allow it to be any more or any less complete than in the past, present, or future.

>> No.5681102 [View]
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>Short circuit
When electricity flows through from + to - without a load it is said to be a "short" circuit (as opposed to "the long way" through all the functional circuitry)

The energy flows as fast as the source can pump it out, which usually has ill effects on the power source and the connecting wires.

Imagine turning an electronic device into the heating coil of an electric stove. This is basically what a short circuit does.

>> No.5610012 [View]
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mom - 50, me +50
dad - 50, me +50
me -97, store +97
me -1, mom +1
me -1, dad +1

mom -50 +1 = -49
dad -50 + 1 = -49
me +50 +50 -97 -1 -1 = 1
store + 97 = 97

-49 -49 = 1 + 97

>> No.5578232 [View]
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The brain is constantly receiving and processing external input. This stream of data is often how the brain overcomes the limitations of a static computer system.

Having trouble with a math problem? Read a book, ask your friend, turn the piece of paper upside down. Computers can't really do this at the moment.

The best way to think of your brain, isn't a processor, or an algorithm. Instead you have to look at as though every single neuron in your brain representing a table in an utterly massive database.

>> No.5563572 [View]
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>/sci/ in charge of basic hydraulics

Pumps create a pressure difference. Low pressure on the inlet, high pressure on the outlet (think electrical circuits).

A very easy path for a pump is in a horizontal circle.

A very hard path is up OR down.
The pump works hard PUSHING against the weight of the water.

The pump works hard PULLING the weight of the water up.

>> No.5536222 [View]
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It isn't the cells, it's the assembled structure that matters.

Take for instance, the number 12. It isn't the same as 1 + 2, and even if you wrote each part in a different type face, the number 12 would still represent the same concept.

>> No.5436032 [View]
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Thing is, k-12 schools aren't just for academic learning, but social upbringing as well. The school system is supposed to prepare you for life as an adult. Part of that preparation is the eventual choice of going to college to pursue academic interests.

Segregation would just lead to retardation of social learning and impaired ability to interact in a healthy manner with the opposite sex.

>> No.5425722 [View]
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>> No.5387358 [View]
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Growing edible mushrooms
Brewing beer
Knitting Chain Mail

3D printer on back order =(

>> No.5102427 [View]
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>Life instantly awesome

>Life reasonably as awesome as pressing the red button

>> No.5082919 [View]
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No. Anyone who says otherwise is an idealist who has renounced s simple pragmatic understanding of physics and reality.

>> No.5017541 [View]
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You would be better off using a cool wet rag on your face/neck/hands than doing anything with ice.

It sounds like "the glove" works because the combination of vacuum and cold air means the cold doesn't need to be as cold. This means your blood vessels stay open and transfer more heat.

This is opposite of if you were to jam your hands in ice, were the blood vessels would surely close up tight in an automatic response to stop you from freezing.

>> No.4927246 [View]
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If a normal person can walk, grasp moving objects, and speak a language with complex grammatical rules, then yes. It's really just a matter of building a base from which they draw intuitive understandings. The main problem is that they often resort to rote memorization of rules(which are often forgotten) because they may not have internalized the concepts during school.

With time and proper knowledge scaffolding, these people can learn math the correct way, and remember not the formula, but the purpose behind the formula.

>> No.4908814 [View]
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No drug convictions

>Students can borrow the same amount of money, at the same price...
Loans will be at the same % interest.
However, there are 2 different loan types, each at a different rate. Your household income and the income of your parents(age depending) will affect how much of your loans qualify for the lower interest rate.

>> No.4852717 [View]
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>Adding debts
By returning the $2 dollars you now OWE $98
You don't OWE yourself $1, so it shouldn't be added

>> No.4761447 [View]
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>After one minute you turn it off
>...and so forth

"exactly" 2:00
>light is off

After 2:00
>light is on

>> No.4734222 [View]
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Skew-T diagram

weather balloons

>> No.4724139 [View]
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Truth be told, any change would be 20+ years out. You may see a small willingness to re-invest in space science, but ultimately, space travel costs start at the human level. Whether or not you can get to the closest star doesn't really matter if it still costs a fuckteen billion dollars to get a few tons into orbit.

>> No.4702159 [View]
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Ideas are already moving through the standard evolutionary channels. Digital life can mutate much quicker than the biological counterpart.

Once you have the power to "skip" natural selection by replacing it with technology all you've done is replicate digital evolution with a physical manifestation.

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