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>> No.11478043 [View]
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The alternative of course is something not unlike Brave New World, 1984, Fahrenheit 451, or any of the other countless science fiction and philosophical texts produced by man over the last few millennia. It really does seem people don't take any of this seriously. We're finally here, and yet people seem less prepared for the choices and trials ahead than ever. They expect it will sort itself out. Sure it will, they'll definitely run this ship alright. Run it right into the ground.

I just wish there was some sign people were thinking at this scale. The era of movers who are not propped up and positioned, is over. Long over. It's all agendas and plans laid out as much as 200 years ago now. No one goes against the plan on their own.

>> No.11475480 [View]
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And lastly, I don't know what to make of corona virus, but it should be no surprise that a power structure of a rapidly collapsing planet would fall back on the techniques of control and depopulation developed over the last 200 years. If whatever has manipulated us for millennia is even human, they're probably psychopaths. Even now, people won't see where we really are. They don't care about you. Don't you get it yet? THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. YOU'RE NOT NECESSARY. YOU'RE A LIABILITY.

It all reminds me of Ergo Proxy, actually. It's all there. Biomimetics (the "cells" of the Gods are synthetic biology, biomimetic, which is how they shapeshift), nanotechnology, the dual nature of the creator, domed cities, a virus proliferating. Though I don't think the planet will freeze over, and the odds of man organizing any kind of space oriented temporary escape (they boomeranged around one of the outer planets) is low. Perhaps this is how it happened the last time.

Yet here we are. Still debating whether it's okay if they clamp our umbilical cords early and cut on our penises without permission. What a joke. Tell me about "the flood that cleans".

>> No.11372221 [DELETED]  [View]
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That's the goal. A genetically enslaved underclass, every aspect of their composition controlled, every step of their development managed, only created when they have a reason for being and removed in the same manner. All managed by a central AI, the executor of God's Plan. None will enter the city, none will leave.

>> No.11330130 [View]
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Refer to A Clockwork Orange.

Anyway, this goes all the way back to MKULTRA. Eventually, when all of us are dead and the "Elites" inherit the Earth and all they had us build, there probably will be artificial wombs and a genetic slave race that loves to serve, has no aggression, etc. You would create a person the same way you order a pizza. It would get made, delivered, you could torture it, use it as a sex slave, use it however.
For now, look up magneto proteins.

>> No.11326503 [View]
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>> No.10919974 [View]
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You're misunderstanding hedonism. The artists you have in mind valued their experience and sensory pleasures and comforts, often, but if that was it, why would they have produced anything at all? Why make art when you can just smoke a bowl, drink some wine, snort some lines. and melt into the couch? A true hedonists pursuits are limited to the goal of pleasure itself, not the value (and pleasure) in creating something greater than yourself for something other than yourself. Hedonism gets hazy because a value system, even an ascetic one, is ultimately based on pleasure by some metric. So we need to stick to a narrower definition.

The best artists also weren't always "drug addicts". Or even "drug users". I personally tend to like psychoactives and seizure/migraine inspired art, because it's relateable, but "the best" aren't limited to that category.

Anime isn't sex obsessed, the classics were actually well balanced. They neither stripped sexuality and eroticism, nor overexpressed it without cause. Evangelion comes to mind. Ghost in the Shell (Motoko's nudity, nipples, etc), Jin-Roh had the love interest. Texhnolyze had perversity, Lain didn't have much. Eva obviously was based around self and other. Etc.

Manchildren are not useful and never have been. Overgrown little boys are what have let this place slide into an utter shithole.

>> No.10867884 [View]
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Right back at you, fellow citizen.

>> No.10864331 [View]
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Lo and behold, no response.

What'd I tell ya.

>> No.10807883 [View]
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AI will decide the optimal time to clamp. Eventually, AI will decide the entire course of your development in artificial wombs, only creating citizens when they are needed, and how, they are needed. The clamping will be the entire course of development. Who knows the fate of the foreskin, it may be left as is. They will not vaccinate, that can be taken care of in development and the alteration can be much cleaner and more precise. Temporary immunity is just a possible side effect of vaccination of course.

>> No.10786141 [View]
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The difference is extreme centralization and elimination of locality, and the feedback loops therein which would normally be regulating human behavior, value, our sense of purpose and direction. It would necessitate massive sensor networks and the infrastructure to transmit this information. It would lead to a society which deals coldly, and cruelly, to any infractions. Pretty much, it takes the humanity out of humanity because w'll no longer be creating our own outcomes. Everything will be run through the superstructure that is the state. It will be as God for our godless world.

Could this be good? Maybe. I definitely like the idea of people being rewarded for being decent, contributing meaningfully to others and their community, or just living their life in quiet enjoyment. I like the idea of this place running itself, running right, and being left alone, I take no real joy in activism. But the potential (and inevitability) of abuse exists. At present, what would be creating this system is pure evil. So it would definitely be abused from the getgo and likely never stabilize. There needs to be an awakening in people themselves as more than just observers of this change.

I would recommend the game "Zeno Clash". Really look at their culture and how it works. There is no monetary system. They never developed written language. They are very old, but have very little actual history. Nothing has scaled beyond familial structures. The entire notion of higher law is alien to them. It was very interesting.

Also the show Ergo Proxy. They developed artificial wombs and only created people when there was a reason for them to exist. Every step of their development was carefully controlled to guarantee maximum social stability. A play on very old sci-fi ideas. And "God's plan".

>> No.10783455 [View]
File: 2.46 MB, 3381x2540, Ergo-Proxy-Key-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is highly developed emotional control and dissociative ability a bad thing? Will it ultimately destroy you from within?

What is happening physically during this process?

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