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>> No.15438666 [View]
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urbanites all hate and fear nature

>> No.15436582 [View]
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>> No.15430620 [View]
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Lead by example, replace yourself with a tree. Mother Earth will be much better

>> No.15427972 [View]
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>How about we just make
what have you done so far?

>> No.15407510 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.15398534 [View]
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>> No.15394516 [View]
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>> No.15386408 [View]
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mental cases are attracted to urban areas because they're better able to hide from their invariably humiliating past there

>> No.15366540 [View]
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also this
and this
this too
seconded & check'd

>> No.15354647 [View]
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>> No.15347110 [View]
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trump did more for the environment by planting one tree than all of the urbanite online virtue signalers combined will do over the course of their entire lives.
why are online activists always all talk and no action? are they too addicted to internet dopamine to ever lift a finger to accomplish the environmental goals they claim are so immediately necessary?

>> No.15321710 [DELETED]  [View]
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i live in liberal city, usa, i grow lots of plants on my roof, tomatoes, lettuce, trees, raspberries, flowers, kale in winter. when i go on my roof and look around, nobody else is doing this, nobody in the whole city. everyone in the city will complain about "the planet is dying", "global warming gonna kill us all". they are all too lazy to lift a finger to do anything about the problems they complain of. they also complain that food is too expensive. mine is free, saves me money on air conditioning too.

>> No.15304440 [DELETED]  [View]
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>i am the savior of muh precious baby animals
>i am the savior of mother earth

>> No.15290232 [DELETED]  [View]
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>it just matters that people actually care about their environment.
urbanites don't, thats why they live in their disgusting trash heaps to begin with.
they lie about what matters to them just like they lie about everything else.
urbanites are the only people with large carbon footprints, people who own property outside the city all sequester more than they create, urbanites are the only ones who feel entitled to pollute and do nothing to mitigate it. then they go and lie about how they love nature on facebook for virtue signaling dopamine

>> No.15289224 [DELETED]  [View]
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sure it is, you claim to be concerned about the problem, but you're also entirely unwilling to make any sacrifices to solve the problem, which shows that your concern is false.

>> No.15287450 [DELETED]  [View]
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Its hillarious how the so-called environmentalist absolutely hate seeing good news about the environment. Almost makes you think they really hate the environment and they're just faking caring about it as a means of serving their ulterior motives.

>> No.15277660 [DELETED]  [View]
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you should kys if you're so concerned about it, be the savior of mother earth that you claim you want to be, show us all how legitimate your concern is

>> No.15277506 [View]
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>people can't just use readily available water, water needs to be saved for bugs and fish
>i am the savior of the aral sea
>i am the messiah of the birds and the fish
>i am the protector of mother nature
>i own the whole planet, everyone has to do as i say
>people shouldn't be allowed to use water
>i hate humans, i only like bugs and fish and virtue signalling on social media platforms
if you hate humans then you should kys
gtfo muh planet, you are the other humans are ruining it

>> No.15254786 [View]
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>i am the savior of muh precious lake
>i am the savior of mother nature
what all of the people who prospered by using the water? fuck them right?
>other people can go to hell
>they're not allowed to use my planet
meanwhile you're a disgusting urbanite with an massive filthy carbon footprint and your bleeding heart for mother nature is just how you try to hide your guilt and shame at your own disgusting, toxic lifestyle.

>> No.15246741 [View]
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I live in Nigger Worship City, we have the highest crime rate in North America and the air pollution here is so bad that it measurably lowers your IQ. I live in the gay buttfucking district, drug addicts shit on the sidewalk in front of my apartment building. My rent would by me a mansion somewhere like Arkansas, but my IQ is too low to figure that out.

>> No.15230541 [DELETED]  [View]
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>i destroyed the wilderness in order to greedily build "green" wind farms so i could make money selling electricity.
>why didn't conservatives stop me
destroy the planet as much as you want, nobody is stopping you, but don't blame others for your own willful actions and their consequences.
why don't you want to be held responsible for what you do? why aren't you proud of what you're doing?

>> No.15220252 [View]
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urbanites love the idea of dumping their pollution in other locations. we'd all be better off if urbanites had to deal with the full consequences of their lifestyles locally, but instead the urbanites are always allowed to get away with dumping their toxic pollution on others

>> No.15202114 [DELETED]  [View]
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>hey maaaaan, don't try and hold me accountable for my own expressed opinions, i'm only trying to commandeer everything you own to waste it on my idiotic soience fiction end of the world messiah complex scenario
>the planet is dying and its all your fault, pay up!
how about you give me all of your money and i promise i'll use it to pay mexicans to plant trees or something, i'm doing all for you, and for mother earth, you owe bigtime for this favor, you should worship me like a hero and gibes me dat money

>> No.15190078 [View]
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