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>> No.16033331 [View]
File: 24 KB, 377x406, call me old fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine things in excruciating detail despite using my visual cortex for other things.
I can be playing a video game with all sorts of bing bing wahoo and explosions and elemental colors and fire and numbers popping all over the screen while alien heads burst, and I'm being shot by everything, and have some movie or StableDiffusion up on the other screen, and meanwhile in my head I'm coming up with two or three different detailed scenes of women of various appearance and proportions with beauty marks and all, their own backgrounds whether a furnished interior or just a really nice mountaintop view on a clear day, and they're like moving around doing acrobatics while their nipples perk up gradually and peeing mid-flip and stuff and in my mind each of them has either 1 or 2 "cameras" doing crazy weird/impossible maneuvers around them as they do it, and their movement makes sense and even the physics and gravity of the pee works with how it falls and splashes and runs down their legs and what part of them or the ground gets wet, even the splatter patterns on floors.

I'm not really successful in any way and don't like to manipulate or hurt other people but also don't like being around them.
So I'm not sure this actually has anything at all to do with intelligence, seems like more a matter of familiarity and mental practice, because I wasn't allowed to play video games or watch much tv as a kid so I mostly imagined things

Pic unrelated.

>try to speak at thinking pace, mumble and trip over tongue like an autistic schizo and no one wants to listen anyways
>try to speak at normal speaking pace and no one can pay attention long enough to get the actual point
>simplify it down, people mystified "how did you get to y based on x" then don't pay attention when you explain it to them
Yeah, it's fucking useless. Ooh I read books as a kid wowie I must be a god surely my diligence will be rewarded socially.
Can't be bitter though, don't value social status.

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