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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14845301 [View]
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>numerical methods
Computers and their consequences have been a disaster for science and mathematics.

>> No.12042187 [View]
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>thinks Americans are inherently """"foreign""""

>> No.11649576 [View]
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These are correct.

pic related

>> No.11463760 [View]
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>get your stupid conspiracy theories out of here
>china has never assassinated dissenters before
>the virus isnt an engineered bioweapon released from the level 4 virology lab in wuhan
>he wasnt silenced for whistle blowing

>> No.11086387 [View]
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So I'm having a real hard time with calculus in school. Any books or guides you guys recommend for absolute brainlets like me?

>> No.10887160 [View]
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>Fixed you're post

>> No.10734292 [View]
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>everything is equally accurate

>> No.10721366 [View]
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>time doesn't exist

>> No.10714184 [View]
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>ronald melnick

>> No.10698234 [View]
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>Cutting out salt will make you lose more weight than just cutting out fatty food

>> No.10621714 [View]
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>Study in rats
>Apply it to humans
Classic brainlet tier argument

>> No.10613641 [View]
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>fries brain
>hurr durr dimensions n shit

>> No.10583558 [View]
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Atleast you didn't disprove one.
Not like you could anyway

>> No.10540520 [View]
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>>What is it?
It's already been said a million times, but it's used to find rates of change. Derivatives find the slope of a line on a graph at a particular point in time (typically) and integrals are used to calculate the area under a curve. The slope and area can be evaluated and critical information can be extracted from its value.

>>What do we use it for?
It's frequently used in physics because a lot of physics revolves around physical quantities changing over time -- OVER TIME being the key phrase here.

>>Are there any practical uses for it?
Only for scientists and engineers that work with physical substances frequently. The number of people who use calculus on a day-to-day basis is probably less than 2% of the working population.

>>Why is it so hard?
From personal experience the only hard portion of calculus is the second semester, where a lot of new material is introduced in a short time span and the students are expected to memorize a lot of very similar looking but nuanced formulas on concepts some people aren't very familiar with. This means that the middle portion of calculus demands a) discipline from the student since rote memorization becomes a necessity to progress, and b) that the student independently fix any gaps in their mathematical education since many algebraic and trigonometric concepts going to be expanded upon. Should a student interested in calculus have a solid grasp of fundamental mathematics, good discipline and an average aptitude for quantitative reasoning, nothing should impede them from obtaining an instrumental proficiency with calculus besides a lack of effort.

If you're interested in learning basic calculus on your own time, I'd recommend Professor Leonard's calculus classes offered entirely free and online via YouTube. It's retard friendly and regularly updated.

>> No.10511155 [View]
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>Optimistic nihilism

>> No.9834673 [View]
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I was reading through Serge Lang's text on Calc III and in the section where he generalizes the definition of a partial derivative as a limit, he uses a piecewise function and ||H||g(x) to define it and get around division of vectors, but the concept doesn't click with me. Does anyone have an intuitive explanation for the derivation of this?

>> No.9782004 [View]
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>comparing pseudoscientific abstraction to the biological measurable trait.
that's new low

>> No.9695048 [View]
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Prove that the antiderivative of 1/x is ln(x) + C

>> No.9681638 [View]
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>be me
>lvl 18
>doing IB programme in high school
>maths and economics HL
>wanted to study in economics related field but realized this shit is just fucking boring
>decided to focus more on my maths
>I love it
>I suck at it too
>we're heading towards the end of precalculus >just a couple of weeks of trigonometry left before we actually start diving into calculus
>want to get good before hard stuff begins
what do /sci/?
>inb4 just do exercises
I do them, and I do pay attention during the class, and I do take notes
I'm looking for something deeper, some nice sources, routines, books or online lectures that can help me grasp precalculus efficiently enough not to get scared by calculus later on
t. dumb fucking cunt

>> No.9634482 [View]
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>> No.9530012 [View]
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>> No.9526271 [View]
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>Correlation does not equal causation.

Without knowing anything about a particular scenario, does establishing correlation increase the probability of causation (i.e., would a Bayesian call it "evidence")?

>> No.9446956 [View]
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>what is aleph nul?

>> No.9409419 [DELETED]  [View]
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