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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.14854412 [View]
File: 58 KB, 1021x575, gE2Zc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The escape motor wouldn't have produced 20 seconds of 15G acceleration. SRBs never produce constant acceleration like that. Here's a thrust vs. time graph for the Titan IV SRBs. Most solids have a burn pattern that looks something like this.

That guy in the centrifuge is also sitting in a different pose from the passengers on New Shepard. His head is at the top with the acceleration pushing down towards his feet. This makes sense for that centrifuge since it's RAF hardware and needs to simulate the kinds of things fighter pilots would be expected to encounter. Crewed rockets have the acceleration vector running backwards through the chest rather than downwards along the spine which lets you tolerate higher G loads for longer.

I'm not saying it'd be a pleasant experience but thinking that the abort motor would automatically cause every old on board to stroke out and die is misunderstanding the forces at play.

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