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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.11200854 [View]
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>Racial IQ threads hard bumped to page 1
>Threads about ways to unironically raise your IQ / focus / cognition slide to page 10
We have failed at white supremacy. Our ancestors would be ashamed. Shockley rolling in his fucking grave.
Untermensch spending more time arguing about proof that minorities have lower IQ than actually talking about math, chemistry, and physics.
It's only a matter of time before bugpeople overtake us.

When you look at the original paper and the papers it cites you see greeks, indians, iranians, ethiopians, chinese researching neuroscience, when all I can find from americans and bongs are treatises on white superiority which is hardly worth researching even if it's true.

>> No.11120704 [View]
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It's odd isn't it? If you want video game streams, autistic speedruns, and redpilled political opinions, white guys have what you're looking for

But as soon as you need some real information like algorithms, electrical engineering, etc. all you can find is indians, chinese, and arabs

We have failed at white supremacy. Our ancestors would be ashamed

>> No.10564625 [View]
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>Scientific progress gradually slows down
Maybe you should do something about it?
Or is leaving your room just too hard?

>> No.10548815 [View]
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>get blown out by niggers
>affirmative action
>get blown out by jews
>get blown out by yourself
>race war when?

>> No.10493724 [View]
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>can solve equations and compute integrals like a trained monkey
>can't complete the mental step of applying them to models, even if the model is spoonfed to you with tons of examples
Shockley was right

>> No.10440784 [View]
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in a manner of speaking.

>> No.10432702 [View]
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the meme isn't college or STEM
the meme is that you think insights come from elite talent and not from spending day and night reading, thinking, and experimenting
in the time you spent writing that autistic drivel you could have read at least the introduction and conclusion of a paper you hadn't seen before.

>> No.10217524 [View]
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>However it is true that the majority of every race is actually incapable of science and thus retarded
precisely. the number of extreme iq humans is essentially equal across races

>> No.10131734 [View]
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Yeah, we need to move the research labs away from the university and into the suburbs and rural areas where random boomers can usher us into the next technological renaissance...

>> No.9793109 [View]
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Who are you quoting there?
It seems like you may not understand what critical thinking is. Smart people, and by extension, liberals, are more likely to be practiced at it.

No. Why would you expect something like that on /sci/ anyways? Would you like to hear about my field? I'd be glad to share.

>> No.9692632 [View]
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Just saw this in another thread


tldr: The posterior hippocampi of adult subjects who passed the difficult Knowledge exam for London taxicab drivers showed significant enlargement as opposed to before they began studying for it.

This appears to be hard evidence that the brain PHYSICALLY "rewires" itself in response to focused training. Doesn't this mean that intelligence as measured by your ability to quickly discern patterns is really just a function of training after all?

>> No.9552797 [View]
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>Looked at several CE curricula, none of them looked like a combination of the two, but rather EE that desperately tries to be employable by adding the absolute most trivial CS shit.
EE spans a lot of fields (communications, power grids, fabrication, photonics, and more), so the major has a lot of degree requirements and related prereqs.
These block up the student's schedule and make it physically impossible for them to accmulate prereqs or coursework in fields that you could argue are important for a EE to know nowadays.
For example a lot of EE students want to know about machine learning. But they don't have the prereqs and there was no way to get them without falling behind taking courses that don't even give them credit towards their degree.

>the absolute most trivial CS shit
So the main idea is to introduce a less diversified EE to open up space for tech electives. It's not about taking the trivial classes, it's about making it possible for them to take the most advanced.

>> No.9282367 [View]
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>Nope. Incentives should be result oriented, not pursuit oriented.
You liberal niggers need to kill yourselves. You can't tell the difference between (((profits))) and results.

Clinton-era "results oriented" regulations mutated NSF, DARPA, NIH into development outfits and have crippled American scientific research.

Did you know, millenial faggot, that by today's "results-oriented" standards, the Laser would never have been funded because it had no practical application at the time of its invention?

>> No.9250578 [View]
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I realized something today while trying to start an outline for a research paper assignment -- I don't know how to develop a new idea.

Any grad students / postdocs / professors here? How do you guys do it? What does the process actually look like?

I thought if I just blocked off some time every day and read papers critically, that I'd come up with some question that needs answering or some idea that needs development. But nothing's coming. Now I just know about everyone else's research in the field, I feel like everyone else is a damn genius and I still don't have shit.

>> No.9143804 [View]
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I see! Shockley had no logical reason to fear semiconductor physics, as a result he invented the transistor, and now we have to read your retarded shitposts.

>> No.9111629 [View]
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Just in case by some chance some of you actually do not have access to the journal (i.e. a minority of you, the majority of you are mindless, lazy brainlets), here is the condensed rundown

Your body has a bunch of cells just underneath the skin which are "generalized" i.e. no specific function. They wait to heal injuries to your body, and can turn into other cell types when they receive "instructions".
"Instructions" are written in the form of molecules we call "factors" that make the cell transform.
We've known for a long time that if we could get the into these cells, we could control them and turn them into neurons, blood vessels, etc. The old methods for doing this (e.g. viruses) were unreliable and dangerous.
Now, it looks like we found a good way to do it.
Scrape the dead skin off, line up "arrayed nanochannels" (think of a bunch of really tiny straws all bunched up) above the exposed raw skin (using a small patch), and then apply a small shock. The factors are sucked into your cells and activate them.

It gets better.
"Instructions" are shared between your cells using "extracellular vesicles" which are like messengers. During a wound healing, your cells send off vesicles to nearby cells, to tell them to convert and help out.
This means that...
>TNT-based tissue reprogramming has the potential to ultimately enable the use of a patient's own tissue as a prolific immunosurveilled bioreactor to produce autologous cells that can resolve conditions locally/on site or distally upon harvesting.
...after TNT is applied, those vesicles are produced, and can be extracted. Then, they can be inserted into another part of the body to stimulate regeneration there.

Incredible, miraculous stuff is about to be possible, but of course /sci/ has no clue about it. Too busy worrying about whether their tiny white brains are the smartest or not. Sad!

>> No.9031226 [View]
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By now, you surely understand that resilience in the face of adversity and maintaining a cycle of continuous self-improvement are of paramount importance, and that the pursuit of base, fake desires is an unsustainable fantasy.

Please, no need to thank me, just go out, and make the rest of your life the best of your life. Saged.

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