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/sci/ - Science & Math


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>> No.7229077 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, Alcubierre drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a tic
i thought that nasa was still doing an internal experiment to verify if the casimir effect can mimic negative energy enough to be usable for an alcubierre drive thingy....and that it would be a very long experiment with a lot of potential false positive since the effect is so miniscule

what's this about laser beams causing the warping?

or is this a non-alcubierre system?

>> No.7048586 [View]
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"it depends"
nasa is currently doing some ultra small scale spacetime warping experiments at the moment. they're trying to see if the casamir effect causes any kind of localized warping of spacetime in a way similar to how negative mass would. I havent heard much about their progress, but this is some hardcore measurement shit, so itll take a while.

if it does work, one could HYPOTHETICALLY, create a metamaterial which is just a massive number of layers spaced so closely they generate the effect. the summed effect MAY generate a macro scale casamir effect, which COULD be a stand-in for the negative mass.

of course, the real problem is that if you exceed C in this thing (relative to an outside reference frame), the bubble will start radiating hawking radiation inward and vaporize the ship, because you're separating particle-antiparticle pairs as your bubble zips along.

but for sublight, zero inertia transit? cruise in style, baby

>> No.6939358 [View]
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>big fan of alcubierre drive
nasa is currently doing some small scale tests to see if the casamir effect can act as a stand in for negative energy

if it can, there's a good chance some metamaterials could be filled with nanometer gaps in order to make a macro scale negative energy effect

and that's one of the biggest hurdles to alcubierre drive out of the way

HOWEVER; that will be sublight, but extremely fast sublight travel. going FTL in an alcubierre drive generates a lot of hawking radiation inside the spactime bubble from particle-antiparticle pairs being ripped apart as you speed past them in your space bubble

>> No.6826428 [View]
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alcubierre drive
just assume that casamir forces can be induced at a macro scale using metamaterials and boom, god your needed negative energy

turning it on and off would be difficult though, it may involve dynamically collecting then scattering a bunch of tiny particles which each themselves are casamir inducing metamaterials, and only really have an effect in concentrated volumes

>> No.6495016 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, Alcubierre drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could the alcubierre drive be an "easy" way to travel at high percentages of light speed, even if it doesnt exceed it?
since its just spacetime manipulation, there's no momentum, so there's no "slowing down", colonizing the solar system could take only a few decades if you could go 90% of light speed with no acceleration or deceleration necessary. round trip to mars in 18 minutes!

>> No.5889664 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, ron paul will make anime real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my sugar i have never been more excited about an upcoming experiment

>> No.5763375 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, 800px-Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alcubierre travel for FTL speed. Or traversable wormholes
>with a force field consistind of lasers, plasma windows, and a graphene solid sphere for micrometheorites and radiation along the way from one star to another.
>Quantum supercomputers calculating orbital trajectories of every celestial body that is considered important to the crew's travel.
>nanobots in the crew's bodies, acting on every cancerous cell and taking it out of the body, same as with every disease. Also modifying the telomeres in their DNA so they're biologically immortal. No need for cryogenic stasis.
>Crew with chips in their brains that help them be super-smart, because of the technological singularity in 2050.
>Nanobots turn waste into food, tools, or basically anything, modifying waste molecule by molecule until it turns to be what the crew wants.
>Nanobots have made money obsolete, because anyone can make anything just by ordering it to them. No economical suicide on going to other star systems.
>When the singularity happens, robots have long ago passed the Turing test and are now as smart as humans or smarter, and are programmed to praise humans and invent even smarter intelligences. They do all the work on the ship and on Earth.
>FTL communication to Earth by tachions.


>> No.5624610 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, 800px-Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A spacecraft like that would need a FTL way of traveling. I would go for Alcubierre travel, altough I'm not sure if/when will we achieve something like it. That way of traveling would make it seem like you are not moving, even when you've surpassed the speed of light. That way it would be comfortable enough for "average joes" to use, and fast enough to not make it eternal.
Such spacecraft would need force fields against micro-meteorites and radiation, which could be made using a multi-layer shields consisting in plasma windows, laser curtains, carbon nano-tubes and photochromics. According to Michio Kaku, such thing could take us some decades, or even a century to achieve.
It would need a supercomputer on board to calculate and command easily all aspects of the ship, like artificial gravity, food supply, ship temperature, evading asteroid fields, and calculate a massive amount of information in real time. Quantum computing could already make this possible, maybe. And a voice speak system like today's smartphones, but a lot more advanced. A personality program should be added, so the computer could literally be your friend, preventing you to go nuts being alone on long travels.
The ship should be able to be self-sustainable, maybe it could even 3-D print food.
A complete hospital inside the ship would be needed, but if we achieve all the said technologies, it won't be a problem at all. nanobots working on our blood to detect and fight diseases, virus, too much sugar, etc. Robots always ready to operate with a precision of 1 mm, with all the latest knowledge on the human body anatomy, how to use the medic tools, how to stop internal/external bleeding, etc.
Also a fast 3-D bio-printer. we already printed 75% of a human skull and replaced it on a person, so it's not hard.
And a normal GPS tracker, it will invade our so precious privacy but if we get lost in space someone could know where we are and help us.

>> No.5613473 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, Alcubierre drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldn't this work? there are lots of people saying that any information traveling beyond C violates causality, no matter what,if any reference frame sees something exceed C you're done.

but what about the expansion of the universe? and our light horizon?

Of course we're probably centuries from this kind of technology, mostly because it uses exotic matter, but there are no principle barriers to entry are there?

>> No.5569843 [View]
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moving faster than light results in causality violations within your reference frame, even if you're just moving spare around you at ftl rates (alcubierre drive), as long as information is traveling faster than light by any reference frame, you're toast

question though
shouldn't the universe have a built-in way to account for this?
surely, somewhere sometime, a pocket of warped spacetime has transported a particle or something at a speed beyond light speed in some external reference frame, why did this not end the universe? perhaps ftl travel is possible, but only under strange circumstances, so what's the catch?

>> No.5199384 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so if we were able to invent some kind of warp drive could we use it on a singularity to get it out of the event horizon and have a look at it?

>> No.4596424 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, ftldrive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4171523 [View]
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The only reason we can't have this is because we still don't have a fucking theory for quantum gravity. Why?

>> No.4108281 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, 800px-Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to get there /sci/

>> No.3614719 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, 800px-Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcubierre drive.

>> No.3484512 [View]
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To explain OP: Nothing can go faster than light in local space ,but general relativity does not forbid objects from going faster than the speed of light globally. To explain what I mean. In this picture a ship inside the bubble could not go faster than light C within the bubble. However outside the bubble the ship would be going faster than the speed of light. This is called an alcubierre drive and is mathematically sound,but not feasible.For one it would require exotic matter with negative energy density and two: it is now believed anything inside the bubble would be incinerated due to Hawking radiation.

>> No.3281081 [View]
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I'm from the past. Ask me any question and I'll answer truthfully.

>> No.3065968 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcubierre Drive.

Contracting the space in front of you, expanding the space behind. Locally, the device doesn't move faster than c, but the metric expansion of space isn't bound by such laws.

>> No.2333131 [View]
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alcubierre drive

it could probably actually work but we need some radical shit to power it up?

>> No.2019063 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, 800px-Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /sci/,

I'd like to entertain you with a thought experiment of sorts that I came up with not too long ago. Imagine two concentric rings lying in the same plane, the smaller of which is much more dense than the outside ring. Now, imagine that the inner ring is allowed to rotate while staying in the same plane. Rotating close to the speed of light, the mass of the smaller ring will begin to dilate, becoming much more massive as energy is applied to keep it moving closer towards the speed of light. At some point, this dilated mass begins to warp spacetime under general relativity, compressing it.

I've imagined these twin rings as a device to compress space-time, much like is needed for the front of an alcubierre drive bubble. Now ignoring the fact that we will not have the technology to build this device within our lifetimes (if at all in the next few hundred years), I come to you asking your thoughts.

Pic related, it's an Alcubierre Drive.

>> No.1928050 [View]
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I have a thought experiment/design of sorts. I just came up with this a few minutes ago, so, be kind. Basically, an Alcubierre Drive requires a warping of space time to condense in front of, and expand behind a ship to travel FTL outside of the bubble.

Now, imagine a circular gate of sorts in front of a craft with a really dense mass that is able to rotate within the gate. Furthermore, suppose you can rotate this mass at relativistic velocities. When the mass dilates enough while rotating, you could, theoretically warp space time locally (in front of the craft) under general relativity with this rather large rotating mass. Thoughts?

Pic is of the required warping of space time to allow for an Alcubierre Drive.

>> No.1798008 [View]
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Hello /sci/,

I am about to construct an Alcubierre drive but am facing slight problems in my design. Would like to use the bottleneck warping form for space-time continuum, but according to Mr. Hawking I cannot because traveling at speeds greater than of the light will cause my ship to evaporize because of the Hawking Radiation. Anybody has solved this yet?



>> No.1505901 [View]
File: 130 KB, 800x371, 800px-Alcubierre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I know of that is even remotely plausible is the alcubierre drive

Basically, you form a bubble of space around your spacecraft. Space itself has no restrictions on how fast it can travel, [as far as we know] and the spacecraft within your space bubble, while subject to all normal laws, does not itself actually move anywhere within its local space faster than the speed of light.

Picture related. It's a simplified view of spacetime caused by an alcubierre drive.

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